UCLA CS111 Lecture Notes
Instructor: Mark Kampe
These are the slides used in the scheduled lectures.
Each set of slides is in pdf format, six slides per page.
Slides whose titles are in parenthese are meant to supplement
information in figures (for your study), and will be discussed
but not presented in class. Slides that appear after the
"suplemenatry slides" title are supplementary information that may
be touched on in in-class discussions.
- Introduction to course and Operating Systems
- Resources, services, and APIs
- Processes, execution and state
- Scheduling: algorithms, mechanisms, and performance
- Memory management: allocation and relocation
- Virtual memory and paging
- Threads, races, critical sections, and IPC
- Mutual exclusion and asynchronous completion
- Higher level synchronization
- Deadlocks, prevention and avoidance
- Performance
- Device I/O
- File Systems: semantics and structure
- File Systems: performance and robustness
- Security: protection authentication and authorization
- Distributed Systems: goals, challenges, approaches
- Distributed File Systems: performance and robustness
- Advanced Architectures
Review slides for troublesome topics
Last updated: March 20, 2016