Project 2A
Races and Synchronization


In this project, you will engage (at a low level) with a range of synchronization problems. Part A of the project (this part!) deals with conflicting read-modify-write operations on single variables and complex data structures (an ordered linked list). It is broken up into multiple steps:

Viewed from a skills (rather than problem domain) perspective, this project focuses less on programming, and more on performance measurement and analysis.


The basic shared counter problem was introduced in section 28.1.
Mutexes, test-and-set, spin-locks, and compare-and-swap were described in (many sections of) chapter 28.
Synchronization of partitioned lists was introduced in section 29.2.



A single tarball (.tar.gz) containing:



To perform this assignment, you may need to study a few things:

PART 1: adds to a shared variable

Start with a basic add routine:

        void add(long long *pointer, long long value) {
                long long sum = *pointer + value;
                *pointer = sum;

Write a test driver program (called lab2_add) that:

The supported command line options and expected output are illustrated below:

	% ./lab2_add --iterations=10000 --threads=10

This project calls for you to produce and graph a great deal of data. If you install gnuplot(1) and append all of your test output to a single file (lab2_add.csv in part 1, lab2_list.csv in part 2), you can use our sample data reduction scripts ( and to produce all of the required data plots.

Note that each of these scripts produce all of the required graphs. Early in the process, you will not have yet generated all of the data required for all of the graphs, and gnuplot will report errors because (for some of the graphs) it found no data to plot.

Run your program for ranges of iterations (100, 1000, 10000, 100000) values, capture the output, and note how many threads and iterations it takes to (fairly consistently) result in a failure (non-zero sum). Review the results and (in your README file) answer the following question:

There are ways to cause a thread to immediately yield (rather than waiting for a time slice end to preempt it). Posix includes a sched_yield operation. Extend the basic add routine to more easily cause the failures:

	int opt_yield;
        void add(long long *pointer, long long value) {
                long long sum = *pointer + value;
                if (opt_yield)
                *pointer = sum;

Add a new --yield to your driver program that sets opt_yield to 1. If ths hoption has been specified, each line of statistics output should begin with add-yield, and tests without synchronization should be tagged add-yield-none. Re-run your tests, with yields, for ranges of threads (2,4,8,12) and iterations (10, 20, 40, 80, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000), capture the output, and plot (using the supplied data reduction script) the (existence of) successful runs vs the number of threads and iterations. Submit this plot as lab2_add-1.png. Note how many iterations and threads it takes to (fairly consistently) result in a failure with the yield option. It should now be much easier to cause the failures.

Compare the average execution time of the yield and non-yield versions a range threads (2, 8) and of iterations (100, 1000, 10000, 100000). Capture the results and plot (using the supplied data reduction script) the time per operation vs the number of iterations, for yield and non-yield executions. Submit this plot as lab2_add-2.png. You should note that the --yield runs are much slower than the non-yield runs. Review the results and (in your README file) answer the following questions:

Plot (using the supplied data reduction script), for a single thread, the average cost per operation (non-yield) as a function of the number of iterations. Submit this plot as lab2_add-3.png. You should note that the average cost per operation goes down as the number of iterations goes up. Review the results and (in your README file) answer the following questions:

Note: if you change your implementation to get around this problem, put that enhancement under the control of an optional command line switch (that you can specify in your makefile when you run subsequent tests). But I want to be able to run your program and see that you were able to observe this problem before you fixed it.

Implement three new versions of your add function:

Summary of expected tag fields

Use your --yield options to confirm that, even for large numbers of threads (2, 4, 8, 12) and iterations (10,000 for mutexes and CAS, only 1,000 for spin locks) that reliably failed in the unprotected scenarios, all three of these serialization mechanisms eliminate the race conditions in the add critical section. [Note that we suggest a smaller number of threads/iterations when you test spin-lock synchronization]

Capture the output output, and plot (using the supplied data reduction script) the (existence of) successful runs vs the number of threads and iterations for each synchronization option (none, mutex, spin, compare-and-swap). Submit this plot as lab2_add-4.png.

Using a large enough number of iterations (e.g. 10,000) to overcome the issues raised in the question 2.1.3, test all four (no yield) versions (unprotected, mutex, spin-lock, compare-and-swap) for a range of number of threads (1,2,4,8,12), capture the output, and plot (using the supplied data reduction script) the average time per operation (non-yield), vs the number of threads. Submit this plot as lab2_add-5.png. Review the results and (in your README file) answer the following questions:

PART 2: sorted, doubly-linked, list

Review the interface specifications for a sorted doubly linked list package described in the header file SortedList.h, and implement all four methods in a new module named SortedList.c. Note that the interface includes three software-conterolled yield options. Identify the critical section in each of your four methods and add calls to pthread_yield or sched_yield, controlled by the yield options:

to force a switch to another thread at the critical point in each method.

Write a test driver program called lab2_list that:

In part one, a synchronization error merely resulted in the subtracts and adds not balancing out. In this part, a synchronization error is likely to result in a corrupted list. If, at any time, you find evidence of a corrupted list (e.g. you cannot find a key that you know you inserted, or the list length is not zero at the end of the test), you should log an error message (to stderr) and exit immediately without producing the above results record. Note that in some cases your program may not detect an error, but may simply experience a segmentation fault. Catch these, and log and return an error. When you look at your test results, you should consider any test that did not produce output to have failed.

The supported command line options and expected output are illustrated below:

	% ./lab2-list --threads=10 --iterations=1000 --yield=id

Run your program with a single thread, and increasing numbers of iterations (10, 100, 1000, 10000, 20000), capture the output, and plot (using the supplied data reduction script) the mean cost per operation vs the number of iterations. Submit this plot as lab2_list-1.png. These results should be quite different from what you observed when testing your add function with increasing numbers of iterations.

The time per iteration may initially go down with the number of iterations (as it did in part 1), but it eventually becomes linear with the number of iterations! This is because the time to insert into or search a sorted list is proportional to the list length. This is to be expected ... but we are primarily interested in the cost of serialization, and so we would like to separate the per operation costs from the per-element costs. The easiest way to do this is to divide the cost per iteration (total / (threads * iterations)) by the average search distance (iterations/4). Why iterations/4?

After making this correction to your reported times, the times per operation should (modulo start-up time) show more stable per operation costs. Do not change your program to make this correction!. The provided data reduction script graphs both the raw time per operation and the time corrected for the list length.

Run your program and see how many parallel threads (2,4,8,12) and iterations (1, 10,100,1000) it takes to fairly consistently demonstrate a problem. Then run it again using various combinations of yield options and see how many threads (2,4,8,12) and iterations (1, 2,4,8,16,32) it takes to fairly consistently demonstrate the problem. Make sure that you can demonstrate:

Capture the output, and plot (using the supplied data reduction script) the (existence of) successful runs vs the number of threads and iterations for non-yield and each of the above four yield combinations. Submit this plot as lab2_list-2.png.

Add two new options to your program to call two new versions of these methods: one set of operations protected by pthread_mutexes (--sync=m), and another protected by test-and-set spin locks (--sync=s). Using your --yield options, demonstrate that either of these protections seems to eliminate all of the problems, even for moderate numbers of threads (12) and iterations (32). [Note we limit the number of iterations because of how very slow the spin-lock version becomes with larger numbers of threads and iterations ... which we will get to next].

Capture the output, and plot (using the supplied data reduction script) the (existence of) successful runs vs the number of iterations for mutex and spin-lock protection with each of the above four yield combinations. Submit this plot as lab2_list-3.png.

Choose an appropriate number of iterations (e.g. 1000) to overcome start-up costs and rerun your program without the yields for a range of # threads (1, 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 24). Capture the output, and plot (using the supplied data reduction script) the (corrected for list length) per operation times (for each of the synchronization options: mutex, spin) vs the number of threads. Submit this plot as lab2_list-4.png. Review the results, compare them with the analogous add timings (add-5.png) and (in your README file) answer the following questions:



Your README file must include lines of the form:

Your name, student ID, and email address should also appear as comments at the top of your Makefile and each source file.

Your tarball should have a name of the form lab2a-studentID.tar.gz.
You can sanity check your submission with this test script.
Projects that do not pass the test script will not be accepted!

We will test it on a departmental Linux server. You would be well advised to test your submission on that platform before submitting it.


Points for this project will be awarded:

value feature
Packaging and build (10% total)
2% un-tars expected contents
3% clean build of correct programs w/default action (no warnings)
3% Makefile has working clean, dist, test and graphs targets
2% reasonableness of README contents
Analysis (20% total)
4% General clarity of thought and understanding
2% (each) 2.1.1-2.1.4
4% (each) 2.2.1-2
Code Review (20%)
4% overall readability and reasonableness
2% add: yields correct and in appropriate places
4% list: yields correct and in appropriate places
2% mutex correctly used for add
2% mutex correctly used for list
2% spin-lock correctly implemented and used for add
2% spin-lock correctly implemented and used for list
2% compare-and-swap correctly implemented and used for add
Add results (20% total)
2% add: threads and iterations
2% add: correct output format
2% add: reasonable time reporting
1% add: correct yield
3% add: correct mutex
3% add: correct spin
3% add: correct CAS
4% add: graphs (showed expected results)
List results (30% total)
2% list: threads and iterations
2% list: correct output format
2% list: reasonable time reporting
6% list: correct yield
6% list: correct mutex
6% list: correct spin
6% list: graphs (showed expected results)

Note: if your program does not accept the correct options or produce the correct output, you are likely to receive a zero for the results portion of your grade. Look carefully at the sample commands and output. If you have questions, ask.