Project 4A
Edison Bring-Up


The venerable Arduino, while fun and useful, is an old and weak system:

The Edison is a much more powerful platform. It runs a full-blown Linux system:

Other than size and power, the biggest differences between an Edison and a desktop computer are:

These things make it a very reasonable platform for both Embedded System, and Internet of Things projects.


None. All of this work is preliminary to embedded system software development.


This should be a simple matter of following simple steps. But if you do not have communication with a working Edison development environment, you be unable to complete the remaining embedded systems projects.


A single compressed tarball (.tar.gz) containing:


  1. (if you have not already done so) Read the Intel tutorials on setting up your Edison..
  2. Follow the instructions to assemble it, power it up and connect it (via USB) to your personal notebook or desktop.
  3. Follow the instructions to establish a USB terminal login session from your notebook/desktop to your Edison.
  4. use the configure_edison --setup command to: Then run the ifconfig command to display the IP and MAC addresses, and take a screen shot.
  5. Log in to your Edison (over WIFI) via ssh (or putty or other equivalent tool).
  6. On your notebook/laptop, write a trivial C "Hello World" program. Follow the instructions to use scp(1) to copy that program from your notebook/desktop to your Edison (note: this is a pull from your notebook/desktop to the Edison).
    Take a screen shot (on your desktop/laptop) of the successful copy command.
  7. Use ssh(1) to connect (via WIFI) to your Edison, and compile and run a simple C "Hello world." program. Take a screen shot of the compilation, and execution.
  8. Follow the instructions to use the opkg package manager to install git and then use git to clone a local copy of a repository (e.g. your own github repo). Take a screen shot of the clone command and directory listing.

Note that you will probably find it much easier to log in and copy files to your Edison if you set up ssh keys.


Your tarball should have a name of the form lab4a-studentID.tar.gz.

Your README file must include lines of the form:


Points for this project will be awarded:

Value Feature
5% untars expected contents
5% obtain and assemble your own Edison
10% successfully establish USB terminal session
20% successfully establish ssh session
20% successfully copy a file via scp/sftp protocol
20% successful compilation and execution
20% successful git install and clone