This document answers some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Teaching Assistants (TAs) in the UCLA Computer Science Department.
Feel free to add, correct, or organize the information in this document, and share YOUR experience. If you are a TA, you should have write permission to this file: /u/class/ta/faq.html
On the Web this document is
UCLA general catalog - computer science
If you are taking TA training this Fall (this includes everyone who has not taken this course yet), Sign up for CS 495 (Course# 587-770-200). This class is 2 units. If you are TA'ing a course this Fall, Sign up for CS 375 (Course# 587-620-200). This is a variable unit course, 1-4 units. Usually, people choose 4 units. Thus we have 3 options: 1) Old TA who has taken CS 495 before, teaching in Fall 1996: 4 units 375 2) New or Old TA who has not taken CS 495, teaching in Fall 1996: 4 units 375, 2 units 495 3) New or Old TA who has not taken CS495, not teaching in Fall 1996: 2 units 495 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Excerpt from the Fall 96 schedule of classes: 375 TCHNG APRNTC PRCTCM 587-620-200 TUT 1 UNSCHED MUNTZ, R.R. 1.0-4.0 units (SU) 5 enrolled (max 25) 0 on wait list (max 5) Exam code: 30 (CONSULT INSTRUCTOR FOR METHOD OF EVALUATION) Restriction: COMPUTER SCI,EL ENGR GRADS 495 TA TRAINING SEMINAR 587-770-200 SEM 1 UNSCHED RENNELS, D.A. 2.0 units (SU) 2 enrolled (max 25) 0 on wait list (max 5) Exam code: 30 (CONSULT INSTRUCTOR FOR METHOD OF EVALUATION) Restriction: COMPUTER SCI,EL ENGR GRADS
You can check your study list on-line, but you still have to add classes using URSA Telephone.
tsai@cs, 09/19/96, 09/23/96
You should receive all TA notices by e-mail. Try "ypmatch dist-ta aliases". If your login name is not on this list, send mail to tsai@cs.
All TA notices are also posted to the "ta" newsgroup. (In case you can't access your mail because of a computer crash.) Old "ta" newsgroup messages are archived.
tsai@cs, 09/18/96, 09/23/96
Fall 1996 class materials are stored in /u/class/fall96/csXXX. The web address is
If you can't create your files, check to see if you are in the "ta" group with "ypmatch ta group." If your login name is not on this list, send mail to tsai@cs.
tsai@cs, 09/23/96
Each TA is allowed a copycard for making class-related photocopies. To get a copy card, talk to Ann Goodwin. A $10 deposit is required.
mustafa@cs, 09/23/96, tsai@cs, 09/23/96
A TA should not pay for any supplies necesary for teaching a class. Things like paper, folders, staplers, transparencies, etc. may be obtained by talking to any of the departmental secretaries. The best secretary to approach is the secretary of the professor for whom you are TA'ing.
mustafa@cs, 09/23/96
The TA Office is 3563 Boelter Hall, the northwest corner. The phone number is 206-4102. It is only a campus phone.
tsai@cs, 09/18/96
Office hours and student meetings are held in the Learning Lounge (3256-S Boelter Hall), just North (left) of the CS GSWSR. The phone number is 825-2440. So that TAs can study in a quiet office, do NOT meet with students in the TA Office.
tsai@cs, 09/18/96
To enter you need a "swipe card". If you don't have a swipe card or you need to add TA access, contact Natalie Rosentzwieg (natalie@cs) in BH4732. Ask for access to the TA Office (3563) and the Learning Lounge (3256-S).
_ a green light: ok, welcome ! _ a red light : card read but your database entry says "access not allowed" _ both lights : couldn't read, try again
tsai@cs, 09/18/96
1. Edit /s/class/ta/faq.html. Please add your name/e-mail address to the end of your comments. 2. Add your name to the document history at the end of faq.html. 3. Save a copy of faq.html in /s/class/ta/old; i.e. "faq-15.html". Please "chgrp ta yourfile" and "chmod 664 yourfile", so that other TAs can read your file.
tsai@cs, 09/18/96, 09/23/96