UCLA Computer Science TA FAQ

This document answers some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Teaching Assistants (TAs) in the UCLA Computer Science Department.

Feel free to add, correct, or organize the information in this document, and share YOUR experience. If you are a TA, you should have write permission to this file: /u/class/ta/faq.html

On the Web this document is http://www.cs.ucla.edu/classes/ta/faq.html.


Getting Started

What courses do I put on my study list?

How do I receive TA notices?
What is there to know about paychecks and paperwork?
Where can I find out what old TA's did

Accessing TA Materials

Where do I store on-line class materials?

Where do I get copycards?
Where do I get supplies?
Where and How do I make APS's for my class?
How can I set up a newsgroup for my class?
How can I get text books?


Where is the TA Office?

Where do I meet students?
How can I get in these rooms?
My swipe key doesn't work.

Useful Web Sites

UCLA general catalog - computer science

Fall 1996 Schedule of Classes - computer science Check the enrollment in your section(s).
Fall 1996 Academic Calendar
Fall 1996 Schedule of Classes - What's new?
Fall 1996 Schedule of Classes - browse using frames
URSA On-line You can look at your study list, but you still have to add classes by phone.
URSA telephone instructions How to add classes to your study list.
UCLA electronic directory Look up students.
UCLA libraries - computer science
UCLA computing and communications: Help

CS 495 Syllabus
CS Fall 1996 TAs
CS Spring 1996 TAs (with links to older lists)
CS "ucla.classes.cs.ta" newsgroup

CS reminder - latest list of CS201 seminars
CS /r/share1 repository
CS user-run FAQ (answers to common questions)
CS newsgroups archive, including "ta" announcements
CS "ta" newsgroup archive - September 1996, including lots of junk postings
CS Archives

Contributing to this FAQ

How can I contribute to this FAQ?


Getting Started

What courses do I put on my study list?

If you are taking TA training this Fall (this includes everyone who has
not taken this course yet),

  Sign up for CS 495 (Course# 587-770-200).
  This class is 2 units.

If you are TA'ing a course this Fall,

  Sign up for CS 375 (Course# 587-620-200).
  This is a variable unit course, 1-4 units.  Usually, people choose 4 units.

Thus we have 3 options:

  1) Old TA who has taken CS 495 before, teaching in Fall 1996:  
       4 units 375
  2) New or Old TA who has not taken CS 495, teaching in Fall 1996:
       4 units 375, 2 units 495
  3) New or Old TA who has not taken CS495, not teaching in Fall 1996:
       2 units 495


Excerpt from the Fall 96 schedule of classes:

   375 TCHNG APRNTC PRCTCM    587-620-200  TUT 1   UNSCHED              
                              MUNTZ, R.R.          1.0-4.0 units  (SU)
       5 enrolled (max 25)    0 on wait list (max 5)
       Restriction: COMPUTER SCI,EL ENGR GRADS

   495 TA TRAINING SEMINAR    587-770-200  SEM 1   UNSCHED              
                              RENNELS, D.A.        2.0 units  (SU)
       2 enrolled (max 25)    0 on wait list (max 5)
       Restriction: COMPUTER SCI,EL ENGR GRADS

You can check your study list on-line, but you still have to add classes using URSA Telephone.

tsai@cs, 09/19/96, 09/23/96

How do I receive TA notices?

You should receive all TA notices by e-mail. Try "ypmatch dist-ta aliases". If your login name is not on this list, send mail to tsai@cs.

All TA notices are also posted to the "ta" newsgroup. (In case you can't access your mail because of a computer crash.) Old "ta" newsgroup messages are archived.

tsai@cs, 09/18/96, 09/23/96

What is there to know about paperwork and paychecks

As far as filling out paperwork, picking-up paychecks or arranging for your paychecks to be direct deposited into a checking acct. You will want to talk to Roberta Nelson (roberta@cs). She handles all payroll matters for TA's. It is not a bad idea to check in with her occasionally to make sure everything is in order.

mustafa@cs, 09/26/96

Where can I find out what old TAs did?

To see what old TAs did or had access to; first try looking online. In the TA list for the current quarter, there are links to previous quarter lists and materials, and you will be able to find out who the old ta was and what his/her e-mail address is. Second, try looking in the TA archive, for which you will need to contact the TAC and make an appt to get access to this material. The TA archive was started Spring '96, in an effort to give new TAs the experience of old TAs.

mustafa@cs, 09/26/96

Accessing TA Materials

Where do I store on-line class materials?

Fall 1996 class materials are stored in /u/class/fall96/csXXX. The web address is http://www.cs.ucla.edu/classes/fall96/.

If you can't create your files, check to see if you are in the "ta" group with "ypmatch ta group." If your login name is not on this list, send mail to tsai@cs.

tsai@cs, 09/23/96

Where do I get copycards?

Each TA is allowed a copycard for making class-related photocopies. To get a copy card, talk to Ann Goodwin. A $10 deposit is required.

mustafa@cs, 09/23/96, tsai@cs, 09/23/96

Where do I get supplies?

A TA should not pay for any supplies necesary for teaching a class. Things like paper, folders, staplers, transparencies, etc. may be obtained by talking to any of the departmental secretaries. The best secretary to approach is the secretary of the professor for whom you are TA'ing.

mustafa@cs, 09/23/96

Where and How do I make APS for my class?

APS stands for Academic Publishing Service, which is the on campus service for a professor or TA to produce some type of manual, or supplemental for their class. APS is located in the ASUCLA Copy store on the 3rd floor of Ackerman union. However, APS takes 3-4 weeks to produce anything. On the otherhand, you can go to Copymat located in Westwood on Westwood Blvd, Across from the Bankof America, next to the Mrs. Fields. They will create your APS, and sell them to your students, and give you a free copy. The best part, is they will do this within 3-4 days, usually faster. So if you have a choice, go to Copymat and make your APS manuals there.

mustafa@cs, 09/25/96

How can I set up newsgroups for my class

Class newsgroups are setup by SEASNET, the SEASNET office is located on the 2nd floor of Boelter Hall. You will need to go down to the SEASNET office in person and request a newsgroup for your class.

mustafa@cs, 09/26/96

How can I get textbooks?

In theory your professor should have ordered an extra text book for you. If this has not happened, you should talk to the professor and ask the professor's secretary to order the book. It is best to make sure a book has been order before the quarter begins, as publishers take 3-4 weeks to mail textbooks.

mustafa@cs, 09/26/96


Where is the TA Office?

The TA Office is 3563 Boelter Hall, the northwest corner. The phone number is 206-4102. It is only a campus phone.

tsai@cs, 09/18/96

Where do I meet students?

Office hours and student meetings are held in the Learning Lounge (3256-S Boelter Hall), just North (left) of the CS GSWSR. The phone number is 825-2440. So that TAs can study in a quiet office, do NOT meet with students in the TA Office.

tsai@cs, 09/18/96

How can I get in these rooms?

To enter you need a "swipe card". If you don't have a swipe card or you need to add TA access, contact Natalie Rosentzwieg (natalie@cs) in BH4732. Ask for access to the TA Office (3563) and the Learning Lounge (3256-S).

 _ a green light: ok, welcome ! 
 _ a red light  : card read but your database entry says "access not allowed"
 _ both lights  : couldn't read, try again

tsai@cs, 09/18/96

My swipe key doesn't work

If your swipe key doesn't work for some reason, you will need to talk to Naralie Rosentzwieg (natalie@cs) in BH4732. She will be able to assist you.

mustafa@cs, 09/26/96

Contributing to this FAQ

How can I contribute to this FAQ?

1.  Edit /s/class/ta/faq.html.
    Please add your name/e-mail address to the end of your comments.
2.  Add your name to the document history at the end of faq.html.
3.  Save a copy of faq.html in /s/class/ta/old_faqs; i.e. "faq-15.html".
    Please "chmod 664 yourfile", so that other TAs can read your file.

tsai@cs, 9/8/97