UCLA Computer Science Department | Search | Text Only |
Class | Section | Room | TA | Office | Office Hours | Phone | |
CS31 | Section 1 | Gautam Bhatia | gautam@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | MW 1-3 | ||
CS32 | Section 1 | Frank Meng | fmeng@cs.ucla.edu | BH4837 | T 2-4, W 12-2 | ||
CS32 | Section 2 | Joe Albowicz | joe@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | W 8-10, R 2-4 | ||
CS32 | Section 3 | Donald Wise | wise@seas.ucla.edu | BH4428 | TR 10-12 | ||
CS32 | Section 4 | Kirk Bulis | kbulis@seas.ucla.edu | BH4286 | MW 10-12 | ||
CS32 | Section 5 | Jelena Mirkovic | jelena@seas.ucla.edu | BH4428 | MT 12-2 | ||
CS33 | Section 1 | ||||||
CS33 | Section 2 | ||||||
CS M51A | Section 1 | BH5249 | Anand Panangadan | anand@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | W 3-4 R 11-12 | |
CS M51A | Section 2 | BH5440 | Yutao He | yutao@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | WR 1:30-2:30 | |
CS M51A | Section 3 | BH5249 | Jinkyu Kim | jinkyu@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | WR 1:30-2:30 | |
CS111 | Section 1 | MS 6229 | Kostas Nikoloudakis | nikolud@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | TBA | |
CS112 | Section 1 | BH5429 | Suhas Joshi | suhas@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | TR 02:30PM - 03:30PM | |
CS118 | Sections 1&2 | BH3563 | Sasa Slijepcevic | sascha@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | M 2-3
W 12:30-1:30 |
CS130 | Section 1 | BH5249 | Thomas Phan | phantom@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | MW 2:30-3:30 | |
CS131 | Section 1 | BH 2760 | Shu-Yao Chien | csy@cs.ucla.edu | BH 4663 | W 12 - 1:30 | |
CS131 | Section 2 | BH 2760 | Shu-Yao Chien | csy@cs.ucla.edu | BH 4463 | W 1 - 2:30 | |
CS132 | Section 1 | BH5440 | Damon Liu | damon@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | MW 2:30-3:30 | |
CS133 | Section 1 | BH2444 | Richard Meyer | meyerr@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | M 1:30-2:30
R 3:30-4:30 |
5-4885 |
CSM151B | Section 1A | BH5273 | Malena Mesarina | malena@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | W 4-6 | |
CSM151B | Section 1B | BH5436 | Malena Mesarina | malena@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | W 4-6 | |
CSM151B | Section 2A | LS2142 | John Stafsudd | stafsudd@grad.seas.ucla.edu | BH4428 | Th 10-12 | |
CSM151B | Section 2B | BH9436 | John Stafsudd | stafsudd@grad.seas.ucla.edu | BH4428 | Th 10-12 | |
CS152A | Section 1 | George Mustafa | mustafa@cs.ucla.edu | ||||
CS152A | Section 2 | Bob McIlhenny | rmcilhen@cs.ucla.edu | ||||
CS152A | Section 3 | Ming Li | mli@cs.ucla.edu | ||||
CS152B | Section 1 | BH3815 | Darko Kirovski | darko@cs.ucla.edu | |||
CS152B | Section 2 | BH3815 | Edward MT Young | emtyoung@cs.ucla.edu | By appt. | ||
CS152B | Section 3 | BH3815 | John Pipan | jmpipan@cs.ucla.edu | CS152B | Section 4 | BH3815 | Guangyu Pei | pei@cs.ucla.edu | BH3803 | By appt. | 5-1888 |
CS161 | Section 1 | John Perry | cs161ta@seas.ucla.edu | BH 4428 | M 10-12 Tu8-10 | ||
CS163 | Section 1 | MS 3915H | Gerald Chao | gerald@cs.ucla.edu | BH 4428 | MW 12-1 | |
CS171L |
BH3704 | John Pipan | jmpipan@cs.ucla.edu | BH4817
BH3704 BH3704 |
M 12-1
T 10-11:30 T 1:30-2 |
5-8658 |
CS174 | Section 1 | BH5436 | Ray Golish | sgolish@ucla.edu | By email appt. | ||
CS180 | Section 1 | BH2444 | Akash Nanavati | akash@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | TR 3-4pm | 6-8589 |
CS181 | Section 1 | BH5249 | J.D. Park | jd@cs.ucla.edu | BH4428 | TBD | |
CS196AB | Section 1 | 3760 BH | James Skrinska | skrinska@ucla.edu | T 9-11pm, Th 2-4pm, or by appt. | none |
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