Course Title: | Introduction to Computer Science I |
Instructor: | Joseph R. Shinnerl ("shin-AIR-ull"), Lecturer |
Mail: | Postal mailbox in BH 4732N. |
Office and Phone #: | BH 4731A, (310) 794-4752 |
Regular Office Hours: | TuTh 2:30--3:30PM in BH 4731A; subject to change. |
Virtual Office Hours: | Please send e-mail directly to a TA or to Professor Shinnerl as appropriate. Questions by e-mail are encouraged and will be answered promptly. |
Electronic Resources: |
Important electronic handouts are posted on the course home page: |
Lecture: | TuTh 10:00--11:50 AM, BH 5419 |
Teaching Assistant: |
Discussion Section: |
1A: F 8:00--9:50 AM, BH 5249. |
SEASnet Labs: | BH 3436, BH 4405, BH 4442; open M 10am--11pm, Tu-Th 8am--11pm, F 8am-6pm, Sat 9am-9pm; Sun 1pm-11pm; hours subject to change on holidays. The SEASnet Help Desk is in BH 2684. The official software platform for this course is Microsoft Visual Studio .NET on Microsoft Windows XP. If you wish to install the course software on your own computer, you may pick up your free copies of the installation CD's from Julie Austin at BH 2567, Mon--Fri 9am--4:30PM except 12--1PM lunch. |
Required Text: | Absolute C++ by W. Savitch. |
Recommended References:
(placed on reserve at Powell) |
C++: An Introduction to Computing,
3rd Edition, by J. Adams and L. Nyhoff.
The C++ Programming Language, 3rd Edition, by Bjarne Stroustrup. |
Exam Dates: |
Midterm: Tuesday, February 15th, during lecture. Final: Thursday, March 24th, 2005, 11:30am-2:30pm. site to be announced Do not take the course if you cannot take the final exam as scheduled. |
Grading Policy: |
30% Programming Homework 10% Written Homework 20% Midterm Exam 40% Final Exam To pass the course with grade C or better, you must
Prerequisites: | Mathematical tools and concepts will be used in this course. Although no mathematics beyond typical high-school algebra is required, a willingness to learn and use mathematical ideas is important. |
Wait-List Policy: | At present, overenrollment is not expected to be a problem this quarter. Detailed enrollment information is available from the UCLA Registrar's Web Pages. Please see Prof. Shinnerl if you encounter any difficulty. |
Cutoffs for letter grades at the end of the quarter
will be close to the scale of 85% or above
for an A-, 70% or above for a B-, etc. The cutoffs may be lowered
somewhat but will not be raised. Of students who receive grades,
usually about 25% receive A's, 35% receive B's, and 35%
receive C's. Exceptions are sometimes made for classes perceived
to be significantly stronger or weaker than the norm.
All scores and grades are posted online at
as soon as they are known. Please check your scores frequently
and let the TA know at once if you believe any score to be in error.
Exam questions will be based on principles and examples
covered in lecture, discussion section, and the homework
assignments. Exams are written and may
include multiple-choice, short-answer, and coding
questions. Limited partial credit on short-answer questions will
be given only to answers that are substantially correct in some
aspect of the problem. Attendance at all exams is mandatory.
Bring an ID card with your photo on it to every exam. Arrive
early; seating at exams is assigned. You are allowed to bring
one two-sided 8.5" by 11.5" page of notes on white
paper to each exam, provided you prepare the notes yourself.
Remember that both the midterm and final exams are usually held
at locations different from the regular lecture location. Exam
locations are announced in lecture and posted online.
There will be no makeup exams. For students who are ill or have
other genuine, documented reasons for missing the midterm, the
final will count for 60%. If you believe you will not be able
to attend the midterm, inform Professor Shinnerl by e-mail
of the reason for your absence before the exam. You must attend
the final exam at the officially scheduled time. If you
can't, please take the course a different quarter.
You should carefully look over
your graded exams to make sure that no error has been made in evaluating
your work or in adding up your score. However, you must do this
in the presence of your TA or professor.
Once you leave your instructor's presence with your exam, no regrade
request can be accepted. Submit any formal regrade request by e-mail
to whoever gives your graded exam back to you.
This summary is not the course syllabus.
Please read the unabridged course syllabus online for policies
regarding formatting, completion, and submission of homework assignments.