Winter 2005 UCLA CS 31 (Shinnerl)

Programming Project 4: Bus Schedule Generator

DUE: Wed. 2/9/2005

FINAL Specification 9:50PM, 1/27

Implement a C++ program to generate a table of arrival times for buses at a sequence of bus stops along a bus route. The general layout of the schedule should follow that of the schedules posted around campus. Bus stop names are displayed along the top row of the table. Each subsequent row lists the arrival times of a single bus traveling along the route.

At start up, the program requests and reads in the following data from the user.

  1. The names of the bus stops (character strings) in the order in which the bus visits them. For this assignment, you may assume each route lists times for exactly 5 stops along the route.

  2. The time of arrival of the first bus at the first stop. Times are listed in the format HH:MM [ap]m, where HH is the hour (1 <= HH <= 12), MM is the minutes (00 <= MM <= 59), and the correct suffix am or pm appears after the minutes.

  3. The amounts of time it takes a bus to get from each stop listed to the next one listed --- that's 4 different transit times (see below), not 5. Assume that these times include the time needed to stop and allow passengers to climb in or out. Assume that once a bus reaches the last stop, it then drives back the same route, in the reverse direction, to return to the first stop. You are not asked to print any times for the return trip, but you will need the assumption that the return trip from Stop 5 to Stop 1 takes the same amount of time as the forward trip from Stop 1 to Stop 5 (see below). (The driver may need to wait a few minutes after arriving at Stop 5 so as not to arrive too early at Stop 1.)

  4. The time between arrivals of consecutive buses at the same stop on the route.

  5. A final arrival time at Stop 1 for the last bus traveling the given route on the current shift.
In addition to printing out the table, your program specifies how many buses are needed to service the route, and how long each driver should wait at Stop 5 before departing for the return trip.

Submit a file which produces two files when decompressed: and p4.cpp.

Project 4 Home Page