Winter 2005 UCLA CS 31 (Shinnerl)

Programming Project 5: Calculating Binomial Coefficients

DUE: 10pm Wed. 2/23

FINAL specification 4pm, Tues., 2/15 (same as the beta spec).


Implement a C++ program to calculate the number of distinct subsets of size k of a given set of n (distinguishable) elements, also known as "n choose k". These numbers are also called binomial coefficients, from the identity
      (a + b)^n   ==     a^n  
                      + (n choose 1) a^(n-1)*b  
                      + (n choose 2) a^(n-2)*b^2  
                      + (n choose 3) a^(n-3)*b^3  
                      +  ...
                      + (n choose 1) a*b^(n-1)
                      + b^n.
As discussed in class, use two arrays to construct rows of Pascal's triangle one at a time, following the recursion
           (n choose k)  =  (n-1 choose k) + (n-1 choose k-1).
Watch out for overflow! Because these numbers are extremely large, even when n is of only modest size, store all values as type double. Before adding two numbers together, check that the sum is not greater than DBL_MAX. You may set 1500 as an upper limit of accepted user-specified values for n. Determine the smallest value of n for which floating point overflow occurs for some choice of k, and explain in your report the strategy you used to find these values of n and k.


On input, your program requests nonnegative integers n and k from the user, with k <= n <= 1500. It then prints the value of n choose k, if that value is not larger than DBL_MAX. Otherwise, it displays an appropriate error message. After displaying either the correct answer or an overflow-error message, the program terminates.

Be careful that your program does not print more digits than it can accurately compute. The IEEE double precision format supports about 16 decimal digits of precision. Hence, do not print more than 16 decimal digits to the screen. Format large numbers in scientific notation with at most 15 digits in the mantissa.

Finally, make sure your program reports an overflow error only if the user's requested value of n choose k is too large to represent with type double. If overflow occurs in the computation of some element of the triangle, say m choose j, that isn't needed to compute the user's requested value of n choose k, then that occurrence can be safely ignored, and calculations can proceed. One way to proceed is simply to set the overflowed value to -1.0 and make sure that it is not used to calculate subsequent values of m+1 choose j etc. For example, although 1500 choose 300 is too large to store as type double, 1500 choose 100 is not; see the sample input/output below.

III. Sample I/O (10 runs on a UNIX system)

n-choose-k calculator.
Enter n and k such that (1500 >= n >= k >= 0): 5 3
5 choose 3 = 10. 

n-choose-k calculator.
Enter n and k such that (1500 >= n >= k >= 0): 10 5
10 choose 5 = 252. 

n-choose-k calculator.
Enter n and k such that (1500 >= n >= k >= 0): 20  5
20 choose 5 = 15504. 

n-choose-k calculator.
Enter n and k such that (1500 >= n >= k >= 0): 20  10
20 choose 10 = 184756. 

n-choose-k calculator.
Enter n and k such that (1500 >= n >= k >= 0): 50  25
50 choose 25 = 126410606437752. 

n-choose-k calculator.
Enter n and k such that (1500 >= n >= k >= 0): 100 50
100 choose 50 = 1.00891344545564e+29. 

n-choose-k calculator.
Enter n and k such that (1500 >= n >= k >= 0): 500  200
500 choose 200 = 5.05494984993553e+144. 

n-choose-k calculator.
Enter n and k such that (1500 >= n >= k >= 0): 1500 100
1500 choose 100 = 1.48993278712698e+158. 

n-choose-k calculator.
Enter n and k such that (1500 >= n >= k >= 0): 2000 100
nChooseK.cpp:67: failed assertion `NMAX >= n && n >= k && k >= 0'

n-choose-k calculator.
Enter n and k such that (1500 >= n >= k >= 0): 1500 300
Error in function nChooseK(): 
maximum representable floating point value 1.79769e+308 exceeded! 


Submit a file which produces two files when decompressed: and p5.cpp.

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