Assignment 9. SSH setup and use in applications


When you initially set up your host in the lab, you will be running an operating system, and will be able to connect to the outside world, but you won't be able to connect to the hosts of the other students in the class except in trivial ways. What you'd like to do is to be able to run processes on the other students' hosts. For example, you'd like to be able to log into a neighbor's host, and run a program there that displays on your host.

To do that, you need to set up an account on your neighbor's host, and vice versa so that your neighbor can log into your host and do the same. Unfortunately, the obvious ways to do that involve an initial step that exchanges passwords over the Internet in the clear. We'd like to avoid that.

In this laboratory, the class will divide into teams. Your team will assume that the other teams have all tapped the network connection and can observe the contents of all the packets going back and forth among all your team's computers. Your job is to set up your computers so that you can log into each other's hosts, without letting the other teams into your hosts.

Do not try to actually break into the other team's hosts; this is an exercise in defense, not offense!

Use OpenSSH to establish trusted connections among your teams' hosts. You want to make your logins convenient, so you should use ssh-agent on your host to manage authentication. That is, you should be able to log out of your host (dropping all your connections to the outside world), then log back in, type your passphrase once to ssh-agent, and then be able to use ssh to connect to any of your colleagues' hosts, without typing any passwords or passphrases.

You should also use port forwarding so that you can run a command on a remote host that displays on your host. For example, you should be able to log into a remote host, type the command xterm, and get a shell window on your host.

Keep a log of every step you personally took during the laboratory to configure your or your team members' hosts, and what the results of the step were. The idea behind recording your steps is that you should be able to reproduce your work later, if need be.


Briefly answer the following questions.

  1. Suppose the other teams really had been observing all the bytes going across the network. Is your resulting network still secure? If so, explain why, and explain whether your answer would change if you assumed the other teams had also tapped your keyboards and had observed all of your team's keystrokes. If not, explain any weaknesses of your team's setups, focusing on possible attacks by such outside observers.
  2. Suppose you wanted to implement a multiplayer video game over an untrusted wide-area network, using SSH to protect your players from outside eyes. You want your application to be easy to use with minimal setup. What do you anticipate will be your biggest technical challenges in implementation?
  3. Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of Telnet, SSH, and (take your pick) either Kerberos or IPsec in developing distributed applications intended to run over an untrusted network. This will most likely require some research on your part, to learn more about Kerberos and/or IPsec.


Submit two files. First, a copy of your lab log, as a file log9.txt. Second, the answers to the homework, as a file hw9.txt. Both files should be ASCII text files, with with no more than 200 columns per line. The shell command:

awk '200 < length' log9.txt hw9.txt

should output nothing.

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