News for UCLA Computer Science 111, Winter 2012
- 2012-03-17
- The syllabus now has pointers to all
scribe notes submitted.
- 2012-03-01
- Here are some topics for your two- to three-page report.
Each topic is illustrated by a single article or web page,
but please don't limit your reading to just this web page: you
should be coming up with a summary of the topic, not the
article. For example, some of these articles refer to recently
published scholarly papers, and you should read the original
papers, not just the article. Some of the topics are fairly large;
the intent is that
you focus on the operating system aspects of each topic, and not
other technical components, management, economics, or politics. Please
submit a two- to three-page report in PDF form for the topic you chose.
- Deadlines for design problems have been clarified in
the syllabus.
- 2012-02-16
- The due date for the 2- to 3-page report has been corrected, from
December 3 (!) to March 16.
- 2012-02-12
- The instructions for scribe notes have been changed to require
UTF-8 encoding.
If you submitted scribe notes before today at 20:00, don't worry;
they've been converted for you. For an example of a web page
specifying UTF-8 encoding, see the source code to the web page
that you're looking at right now, and how it encodes the strings
"±" (encoded in ASCII as an HTML character entity
reference) and "±" (encoded in UTF-8).
- Scribe notes submitted through today at 20:00 have been posted.
- 2012-02-10
- Scribe notes submitted through today at 22:30 have been posted.
- 2012-01-18
- PTEs have been given to all graduate students who attended
all three of the first three lectures. This exhausts our currently
available enrollment slots, unfortunately. More PTEs will be available
if and when students drop the course.
- The syllabus has scribe notes for
the first lecture. One of the sets of scribe notes has
HTML validation errors; please try to avoid this when you submit
scribe notes.
- 2012-01-12
- If you are not enrolled in the class or on the waiting list,
and are in the School of Engineering or are a UCLA student who is
required to take this course for your major or minor, please fill
out the Winter
2012 Enrollment Survey of the Office of Academic and
Student Affairs (OASA), 6426 Boelter.
- Damian's office hours are Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:30–12:30.
- David's office hours are Tuesdays and Wednesdays 15:30–16:30.
- Hojat's office hours are Tuesdays 13:00–15:00.
- The location of the T.A. office hours has been corrected, to Boelter 2432.
- To change your shell to Bash (recommended),
log in to
and run the command "passwd -s".
- 2012-01-09
- A piazza has been created for the course. To join it, visit
Piazza, click on "Find your
existing classes on Piazza", search schools and type "UCLA",
search classes and type "CS 111", and join as a student.
- 2012-01-06
- Check that your
account works right away, as there are occasionally delays before
your account is activated.
© 2012 Paul Eggert.
See copying rules.
$Id: news.html,v 1.99 2012/03/17 09:06:59 eggert Exp $