James Altmann scribe notes
Wednesday, February 1st
monster control program, which manages devices, RAM, network, CPU.
Event-Driven Programming
In event-driven programming, apps divided into small chunks.
Callbots, are each triggered by an event.
OS = for(;;){
wait for next event e; invoke callback for e; c(e, ..);
Callbacks must work quickly, (cannot wait for input or other programs, cannot wait for output anything)
Callbacks can schedule a “deferred action” or schedule requests = e.g. “on input induce callback d”
Can also evoke events. e.g. pretend a key was pressed.
Pros and Cons
Assumtion – callbacks are cooperative
Simple, good performance on one CPU, simple calculations
THREADS = process – file descriptors – memory – owner
Share all of these things inside the process it resides in
Threads do have: IP, regs, stack (own instruction pointer).
![]() |
Threads can overwrite other threads stack, not much protection. Must be cooperative in same process.
- Each thread does a yield, every now and then. (voluntarily offers control of CPU)
- Yield between each instruction is slow
- Yields on every system call, is free since it already goes into the system
How to implement yield.
syscal à INT à trap à trap handler inside kernel à save registers of current thread into thread descriptors à look for another thread that needs to run à restore T2’s registors à Etc.
Works for cooperative threads
- need preempt these
- timer interrupt, motherboard sends signal every 10 miliseconds to CPU along a wire.
- When CPU gets signal, CPU traps. Acts like INT. Kernel takes control. Does everything yield syscall does.
- If it checks too fast, switching time dominates
- If it takes too long programs can’t switch fast enough
Policy vs Mechanism
When > 1 priority, it is a thread that want to run
long-term: which jobs are admitted to system in first place?
medium-term: which processes reside in RAM and which can we temporarily swap to disk
short-term: which thread get a CPU
Scheduling Metrics run-time
arrival of order start 1st output finish
Other segments of time
wait time – time waiting for “arrival of order”
response time – time it takes to start working on order
turnaround time/latency – time it takes to get ready to send/receive an order
context switching - time it takes to change jobs, overhead.
Get Averages - expected time
Worst case time – longest expected time for a job
utitilization (fraction of time the CPU is doing work, e.g making cards) 0<u<1
Throughput, rate at which useful work is being done
fairness – each thread get the CPU within a given interval
totally unfair – a thread never runs, starvation
Sceduling Policy Examples
A arrives on first cycle, B arrives second cycle, C third, and D fourth.
First come-First Served: FCFS
Job A a:0 r:5 , B a:1 r:2 , C a:2 r:9, D a:3 r:4, specify arrival times, runtime (time it needs the cpu)
Utilization: 20/20+ 3e where e is the context switching time
Average wait time:
A: e
B: 4+2e
C: 5 + 3e
D: 13+4e
Total = (22 + 10e)/ 4 = 4.5 + 2.5e is average
Avg turnaround time: 10.5 + 2.5 (average wait time + average run time)
FCFS favors long jobs
+Very good about throughput
-Convoy effect, long jobs make short jobs wait a long time.
Shortest Job First SJF
utilization: 20/(20+4e)
avg wait: e + 4+2e + 9+ 4e + 4 + 3e = 17 + 10e / 4 = 4.25 + 2.5e ß minimal wait time
avg turnaround: 9.25 + 2.5e
-Starvation is possible
Round Robin Scheduling
Pick a quantum (10 ms), then run FCFS within that.
A: e
B: 2e
C: 3e
D: 4e
Avg wait time : 2.5e
A: 15 + 15e
B: 5 + 6e
C: 19 + 18e
D: 11 + 14e
Avg turnaround time: 50 + 53e / 4 = 12.5 + 13.25e
Throughput = Utilization: 20/(20+16e)
Starvation possible if you put new processes at the front of the line. Must put new processes at end of the line
Priority Scheduling
Let user assign priorities to jobs
External priorities
Let system assign priority (internal priority) FCFS, SJF
priority = arrival time + job length
niceness = -priority (can be easier to understand)