CS 111, Winter 2012 – Lecture 9 Scribe Notes

Synchronization Primitives and Deadlock



Scribe: Daniel Lee

Lecturer: Paul Eggert


Synchronization using lock/unlock


Synchronization is not guaranteed through the use of critical sections. It requires the use of low level primitives in coordination with lock and unlock.


Basic Implementation of lock and unlock


typedef bool lock_t;

void lock (lock_t *l){

    while (*l)

        continue;       //This code creates a race condition

    *l = true;



void unlock(lock_t *l){

    *l = false;



***There is a function in the x86 instruction set that seems like it would be helpful: lock incl x

This function grabs the bus, allowing no other processes to access it, increments x by 1, then releases the bus. In actuality though, this function is useless for what we are trying to do here.


For a practical example of using lock and unlock, here is the function int xchgl (x, r), which exchanges the contents of x and r as long as x and r are aligned in memory.


int xchgl (int *p, int new){

    int old = *p;             //The assembly code of this is

    *p = new;                 //asm (xchgl %....)

    return old;


=>This particular implementation creates a race condition when running multiple threads. To avoid this, we should implement a lock on the code while the exchange is occurring.


typedef int lock_t;

void lock (lock_t *l){

    while (xchgl (l, 1) != 0)



The lock makes it so that no other thread can intercept while the function is running and change the data in r or x as long as it owns the lock.


***What if we want to increment a value by 2 when the function is called? This can be done with the introduction of two atomics:



lock_t vl;

int v;


lock (&vl);

v += 2;

unlock (&vl);



For another example of how lock works, let’s look at the function cmpxchgl (), which will compare two values then swap them.


bool cmpxchgl (int *p, int old, int new) {

    if (*p == old) {

        *p = new;

        return true;



        return false;



If the function were to be called in this manner: while (!cmpxchgl (&v, v, v + 2), it would result in undefined behavior because while the comparison is occurring, another thread may come and change the value of v. This is a common problem with shared resources among multiple threads.


To fix this, we only need modify the code like this:

do {

    int old = v;                  //lw and sw are atomic in an x86 machine

} while (!cmpxchgl (&v, old, old + 2);        //we can assume this holds true in    //general


Read and write locks


The size of the lock has limits, so how do we lock large objects?


struct rwlock_t {

    lock_t l;

    int readers;               //Number of readers accessing the  object

    bool writers;              //Is anyone trying to write to the object



void lock_for_read (struct rwlock *l) {

    lock (&l->l);


    unlock (&l->l);



void unlock_for_read (struct rwlock *l) {

    lock (&l->l);


    unlock (&l->l);



So far it seems like the code will prevent race conditions. Now to implement the write lock.


void lock_for_write (struct rwlock *l) {

    lock (&l->l);

    l->writers = true;

    unlock (&l->l);


There is a problem with this implementation in that we need to check if any readers are locking out writers.


void unlock_for_read (struct rwlock *l) {

    while (l->readers)


    for (;;) {                 //When in doubt, make an infinite loop

        lock (&l->l);

        if (!l->readers)






void unlock_for_write (struct rwlock *l) {

    unlock (&l->l);



Readcare and writecare


struct pipe {

    lock_t l;

    char buf [N];

    size_t r, w;



void writec (struct pipe *p, char c) {

    for (;;) {

        lock (&p->l);

        if (p->w – p->r < N)


        unlock (&p->l);


    p->buf[p->w++%N] = c;

    unlock (&p->l);



char readc (struct pipe *p) {

    for (;;) {

        lock (&p->b);

        if (p->w != p->r)


        unlock (&p->b);


    char c = p->buf[p->r++];

    unlock (&p->b);

    return c;


The problem with this implementation is that it chews up a lot of CPU just waiting for a lock. We need a more efficient implementation that doesn’t waste so much CPU time.


Blocking Mutexes (mutices?)


The idea behind a blocking mutex is to “grab a lock if it is available, otherwise, release the CPU to another process”. This improves efficiency as we no longer have threads idly waiting to grab a lock.


typedef struct {


    bool blocked;




struct b_mutex {

    lock_t l;

    bool locked;

    proc_t *blocked_list;      //Linked list of processes that are blocked



void acquire (struct b_mutex *p) {

    for (;;) {

        lock (&p->l);

        add (&p->blocked_list, self);

        self->blocked = true;

        if (!p->locked);


        unlock (&p->l);

        schedule ();           //Gives up the CPU


    lock (&p->l);

    self->locked = false;

    b->locked = true;

    remove (&p->blocked_list, self);

    unlock (&p->l);



void release (struct b_mutex *p) {

    lock (&p->l);

    //set the first process in p->blocked_list to RUNNABLE

    if (p->blocked_list)

        p->blocked_list->locked = false;

    p->locked = false;

    unlock (&p->l);



Condition Variables


The basic idea is to have a pseudo-event driven code where if certain conditions are met, then the system will alert whatever function is waiting on those conditions. This saves CPU time and resources on things like waiting and polling.

The desired API for this is in the form of:


wait_for(condvar_t *c, bmutex_t *b) {

    (b must be acquired already)

    [releases b, blocks until some other thread notifies

    [reacquires b

    notify (condvar_t *c) notifies on waiting thread

    notify All                                            


The three things required for a code driven by condition variables are:

1.    Condition variable

--stand-in for arbitrary boolean expression

2.    Blocking mutex

3.    Storage for the variable itself


struct pipe {

    lock_t l;

    char buf [N];

    size_t r, w;

    condvar_t nonempty;               //The new condition variables added

    condvar_t nonfull;                //to the struct pipe



With the new condition variables, the complete implementation of readc() and writec() are now:


void writec (struct pipe *p, char c) {

    acquire (&p->l);

    while (p->w – p->r == N)

        wait_for (&p->nonfull, &p->l);

    p->buf [p->w++%N] = c;

    notify (&p->nonempty);

    release (&p->b);



char readc (struct pipe *p) {

    acquire (&p->b);

    while (p->w == p->r)

        wait_for (*p->nonempty, &p->b);

    char c = p->buf[p->r++];

    notify (&p->nonfull);

    release (&p->b);





While the implementation of synchronization primitives certainly clears up a lot of problems with synchronization, there still exists the problem of deadlock. Deadlock can occur when there is too much synchronization, or over-synchronization. Here is an example of deadlock.


for (;;) {

    n = read (fd, buf, sizeof buf);

    write (fd, buf, n);



//Thread 1

n = copy (ifd, ofd, n);               //copy () acquires a lock on ifd, then acquires a lock on ofd. Then it copies the data and releases both locks.

//Thread 2

copy (ofd, ifd, n);


In the above example, Thread 1 would acquire a lock on ifd while Thread 2 acquires a lock on ofd, which results in both of them waiting for the other thread to release the lock, which it never will.


This shows that deadlock is a kind of race condition, where if one thread does not acquire all the required locks before some other thread, both threads end up waiting for each other forever and deadlocking.


Conditions for deadlock


For the possibility of deadlock to occur, four conditions must be met:

1.    Circular wait for multiple threads

2.    Mutual exclusion

3.    No preemption of locks. Threads cannot just take a lock from another thread when needed.

4.    Hold and wait. Threads will hold onto resources while waiting for other resources.


Avoiding deadlock


There are several ways to make it so that deadlock will not occur. Two possible methods are:

1.    Have the system maintain a dependency graph. If the acquisition of a lock would create an endless cycle in the graph, then deny the lock.

2.    Lock ordering. Always acquire locks in an agreed order, and if any of the locks are already owned by another thread, then release all owned locks and try again.