Programming language resources for UCLA Computer Science 131
Jason Hickey,
Introduction to Objective Caml
Jens Olsson,
Standard ML and Objective Caml, Side by Side
Xavier Leroy
et al.
The OCaml system documentation and user's manual
David Matuszek,
A Concise Introduction to Objective Caml
Objective CAML Tutorial
OCaml home page
Sam Steingold,
OCaml Language Sucks
Java Technology Reference
Java Platform Standard Edition 7 Documentation
Java Platform, Standard Edition 7 API Specification
Los Angeles Java Users' Group
usually meets the first Tuesday of each month at 19:00.
J. R. Fisher,
prolog :- tutorial
Paul Brna,
Prolog programming: a first course
Daniel Diaz,
GNU Prolog manual
R. Kent Dybvig,
The Scheme Programming Language, 4th edition
Report on the Algorithmic Language Scheme
Paul Wilson,
An Introduction to Scheme and its Implementation
Matthias Felleisen, Robert Bruce Findler, Matthew Flatt, and Shriram Krishnamurthi,
How to Design Programs
Python Programming Language
Python Documentation Online
My favorite printed Python reference work is: David Beazley,
Python essential reference
, 4th ed. Addison-Wesley (2009). ISBN 978-0672329784.
Python in a Nutshell, 2nd edition
(available free to UCLA IP addresses; if you're off-campus, use
BOL's VPN service
MongoDB and Python
(available free to UCLA IP addresses)
Twisted Network Programming Essentials
(available free to UCLA IP addresses)
Twisted project documentation
ACM Special Interest Group on Programming Languages
David Madore,
Unlambda: Your Functional Programing Language Nightmares Come True
© 2003–2011
Paul Eggert
. See
copying rules
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