Resources for oral presentations and written reports
Oral presentations
Written reports
- Simon Peyton Jones's Research skills (2011)
contains a brief and pleasant
section about how to write a good research paper; it is a companion to the
"How to give a good research talk" section cited above.
- Roy Levin and David D. Redell's
Evaluation of the Ninth SOSP Submissions –or– How (and
How Not) to Write a Good Systems Paper (1983) points out common
problems in technical papers, and gives suggestions for how to fix
- The UNC Writing Center's Scientific
Reports (2011) describes how to write and organize a scientific research
- David A. McMurrey's Online Technical
Writing (2006) contains many examples and much
discussion of technical writing. For example, it has a chapter on
recommendation and feasibility reports that contains several
sample reports.
- Barbara Gross Davis's Helping
Students Write Better in All Courses (1993) gives succinct
advice about how to teach writing. Invert the advice, and you can
learn a lot about how to write.
- William Strunk, Jr.'s The Elements of
Style (1918) is the classic style guide for American English
writing. It excels at showing how to omit needless
- Proper citations are a hallmark of any solidly written report.
and Style Guides (2008) refers to several style guides; pick a
style suitable for your report and use it consistently. Especially
see its section "How to cite sources."
- For your citations to scholarly sources, please
submit a working link to a URL based on Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs), as
in How
to find a DOI and create permanent links to online
articles. Here is an example:
- Ko AJ, Abraham R, Beckwith L et al. The state of the art
in end-user software engineering. ACM Comput Surv.
2011;43(3):21:1–21:44. doi:10.1145/1922649.1922658.
The DOI reference in the above citation hyperlinks
to <>.
For non-scholarly sources, use a URL that is as stable as possible.
- The Requirements for USENIX ATC '12 Authors provides templates for
computer science research papers. The USENIX
templates use a two-column format with 10-point font for most of
the text, on an 8½"×11" page. LaTeX
typically generates higher-quality output for technical papers,
but there are also templates for FrameMaker, groff, and Microsoft Word. An example of
the output format and an example
student paper are available.
- The Cabrillo Tidepool Study's Scientific
Report Rubric (1997) is the sort of thing we use when
evaluating your report.
© 2006–2011 Paul Eggert.
See copying rules.
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