Lecture 13: File System Robustness

Notes prepared by: Bryan Chaidez and Magdaleno Nunez

File System Goals

Performance - High throughput (ability to handle lots of requests per second) and low latency

Atomicity - When you make a change to the file system, changes are either done or not done, never partially done.

Durability - Data survives failure of the underlying system (only limited failure)

What could go wrong with durability?

What failures are we worried about?

We want limited failure, within reason

Errors that are most likely and/or most damaging

Models of Underlying Systems

We need a model for failures

An example with a simple model

Suppose during write_sector, we lose power

To model this, we can assume this is how write works:

Golden Rule: Never overwrite your only copy

Using 4 writes:

Using 3 writes:

Using timestamps

Classic Solution

Lampson-Sturgis Assumptions

e.g. rename("a","b")

  1. read inode 357 into memory
  2. read data block 952736 into RAM
  3. change "A" to "B" in RAM
  4. write data block out to disk
  5. update inode timestamp
  6. write inode to disk

What can go wrong?

Crashes after steps 4 and 5 may cause problems

CS111 Assumptions

Single data block writes are atomic (all or nothing)

e.g. rename("a","bb")

This can copy an entry and move to a bigger entry in data blocks (only works if block is not full)

e.g. rename("d/a","e/a")

read 357, 362, 952736, 1012 into RAM, and assume there is enough room in 1012 for a new entry

  1. write 1012
  2. write 952736
  3. write 362
  4. write 357

We do 1 first so we don't lose track of the file. If we crash between 1 and 2, then remove 362 or 357, we lose 921, which results in a dangling pointer.

To fix this, after step 1, write "921 link count to 2".

After step 2, change the count back to 1

The problem here is, if we crash between 3 and 4, we will have memory leaks because the link count will be too high

If we crash between 1 and 2, we'll have this problem as well

To fix this, change order to:

  1. change 921 link count to 2
  2. write 1012
  3. write 952736
  4. change 921 link count to 1
  5. write 362
  6. write 357


These are conditions that should always be true for your system

e.g. for BSD-style file system

  1. Every block in the file system is used for exactly one purpose
  2. All reference blocks are properly initialized wiht data appropriate for their type
  3. All reference data blocks are marked as used in bitmap
  4. All unreferenced data blocks are marked as free in bitmap

Consequences for violating the corresponding invariant:

  1. Disaster
  2. Disaster
  3. Disaster
  4. Memory Leak

If we needed to modify an invariant, we should choose 4, since it has the least serious consequence.

Building Robust File Systems

Commit Record

Keep a separate record used to mark whether an atomic action is done or not done

Code for doing commits:

	     pre-commit phase (invisible to upper level)
	     post-commit phase (invisible to upper level)

From the user's point of view, the whole commit process is atomic


Recovery must be idempotent (because recovery can crash too!)

Recover must handle aborts as well

Write-ahead log:

Write-behind log:

Both methods work, but with different performance