All we want is the ability to add instructions. For example:
Call Unlink(Our instruction) :
pushl filename
call unlink
addl $4 , sp
What we want is to use the unlink instruction. We can do this by using an invalid instruction. We will do this in the example below.
pushl filename
int 0x80
addl 0x4
-The Processor has a privileged bit. When a trap occurs, this bit is turned on as seen in the picture above.
-The invalid instruction int 0x80 causes a trap, which causes the protected transfer of control that we want.
-Interrupt Service Routine: Pushes the stack segment, $esp(stack pointer), code segment, flags, $eip(instruction pointer), and error code
-It then executes the code in the kernel, and uses reti(return from interrupt). Reti restores the stack to how it was before the interrupt.
-Safe Instructions: Instructions the computer can regularly run. Example: addl, mull, call, ret
-Privileged Instructions: if you try to run these instructions, it causes invalid instructions and a trap. Excamples are insl, outb, inb, and int
-We can use movl to write into the interrupt table or into the code that will be ran. Therefore the interrupt table and the code to ber an are read-only in safe mode.
-Suppose the kernel can trap? This will cause an infinite loop. We will not allow this.
-One of the components of a virtualizable processor is one where some instructions don't work or are reserved to the OS.
-Another component is memory locations are reserved. The reason for this is we don't want to be able to stomp on the kernel
Layered System
Ring Structured OS
Everytime a layer is passed, we need a trap.
We want to make a system call to read stuff off a disk. Below is an example of how we could do this.
char buf[]1024;
insl(192m buf, 256);
Here is the assembly
movl $192, %ebx
movl $39, $eax
leal buf, $eix
movl $28, $edx
int 0x80
There are different approaches to reading memory. Let us consider a readline function that simply reads one line from a specified file. This simple example will illustrate some of the issues between the kernel and application, as well as some details we may encounter.
A readline function in machine code:
char *readline(FILE *f);
Machine Level:
movl $119, $eax
movl f %ebx
int 0x80
In this sample, $119 represents output of readline. Some definitions follow,
File: A high level concept represented via low level machine words.
Line: A sequence of bytes terminated by a '\n' character.
File handle/descriptor: A low level representation of a high level object.
From File's definition above, we want a way to designate which file to read in machine code. We can choose either of the two implementations listed below.
However, our current implementation of readline might be too high level, and there are numerous obstacles that we have to deal with in our implementation.
This is solved if we maintain a pointer.
Unsolved. Let the user worry about this.
Return 0 and set errno to E2BIG.
Return 0 and set errno to EEOFI.
For this reason, let us consider another approach for reading memory. To satisfy this requirement, let the new approach be lower level.
read_sector(FILE f, char *buf, int num_of_sectors);
/*We use FILE over devno because device numbers are not very portable.*/
read(int file_handle, char *buf, int nbytes);
/*In this case, the operating system needs to buffer and slow down, but the tradeoff is more generality.*/
pread(int file_handle, int offset, char *buf, int nbytes);
/*Similar to read, but reads from a specified position without modifying the file pointer.*/
We also have other options at our disposal. For instance, an lseek followed by read is functionally equivalent to pread.
lseek(int file_handle, int offset, int flag);
/*This function repositions the virtual file pointer, and an lseek followed by read is equivalent to pread.*/
*0 = SEEK_SET: relative to start
*1 = SEEK_CUR: relative to current location
*2 = SEEK_END: relative to end
We can read 51 bits of useful info, 251 bytes, but double still can't reach 263 - 1 of info.
On an x64 system, a long is sufficient. This is not the case with others.
off_t is defined in sys/types.h.
/*Usage of off_t.*/
off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int flag);
off_t whereami = lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_CUR);
/*Inside sys/types.h on*/
/*gcc -E types.h | grep off_t
*typedef long int __off_t;
*//*gcc -E types.h | grep size_t
*typedef long unsigned int size_t;
size_t read(fd, buf, nbytes);
/*Incorrect usage because size_t is unsigned and read can return -1.*/
ssize_t read(int fd, char *buf, size_t size);
/*Correct usage.*/
In principle, the operating system serializes the requests, and then executes them in order.
Read returns -1, errno set to EINVAL.
Give the file handler ability to read
-File on disk
-Network connection
Question to answer:
If there is network connection, but there is no data to read yet, should the system just hang? What should it do?
This approach is called synchronous I/O (or blocking I/O). This system sits idly until the network receives the requested data. In contrast, another method is to utilize asynchronous IO, where other processes can run while the transmission is continuing. This multi-tasking idea involves blocking the dependent processes like with synchronous I/O, but unrelated processes are permitted to run.