UCLA Computer Science 111, Winter 2015.
Operating Systems Principles
Instructor: Paul Eggert, Boelter 4532J.
Office hours are Mondays 10:00–11:00 and Thursdays 13:30–14:30.
Teaching assistants:
Lecture, 4 hours; laboratory, 2 hours; outside study, 9 hours.
Prerequisites: Computer Science 32, 33, and 35L.
Introduction to operating systems design and evaluation. Computer
software systems performance, robustness, and functionality. Kernel
structure, bootstrapping, input/output (I/O) devices and
interrupts. Processes and threads; address spaces, memory management,
and virtual memory. Scheduling, synchronization. File systems: layout,
performance, robustness. Distributed systems: networking, remote
procedure call (RPC), asynchronous RPC, distributed file systems,
transactions. Protection and security. Exercises involving
applications using, and internals of, real-world operating
systems. Letter grading.
Related Computer
Science Curricula 2013 knowledge areas:
- OS/Overview of Operating Systems
- OS/Operating System Principles
- OS/Concurrency
- OS/Scheduling and Dispatch
- OS/Memory Management
- OS/Security and Protection
- OS/Virtual Machines
- OS/Device Management
- OS/File Systems
- OS/System Performance Evaluation
- PD/Communication and Coordination
- PD/Distributed Systems
- IAS/Foundational Concepts in Security
- IAS/Threats and Attacks
- NC/Networked Applications
- SF/Cross-Layer Communications
- SF/Resource Allocation and Scheduling
- SF/Virtualization and Isolation
- SF/Reliability through Redundancy
Related IEEE/ACM Software Engineering
2004 (SE2004) bodies of knowledge:
- CMP.cf.4. Abstraction – use and support for (encapsulation, hierarchy, etc.)
- CMP.cf.10. Operating system basics
- CMP.cf.12. Network communication basics
- CMP.ct.1. API design and use
- CMP.ct.2. Code reuse and libraries
- CMP.ct.10. Concurrency primitives (e.g., semaphores, monitors, etc.)
- CMP.ct.14. Performance analysis and tuning
- CMP.ct.15. Platform standards (POSIX etc.)
- FND.ef.4. Systems development (e.g., security, safety, performance, effects of scaling, feature interaction, etc.)
© 2004–2015 Paul Eggert.
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