CS111: Operating Systems
Scribes: Joon Lee and John Lee
Let's suppose that you are designing a word count program for paranoid users who don't trust their computer's word count program, the shell, and even the kernel to manage processing their secret data. But they trust you, so you must design a secure word count program based on the customer's configuration.
Customer Configuration:
When the user presses the power button the computer should:
The UI consists of just the power button and the screen.
So how does the booting process work?
To answer this question we take a look at the next section, Bootstrapping
#/bin/sh foo=bar exec sed "s/foo/$foo/g"Within the shell that's running this bash script, there will be a subshell running the
and outb()
//MBR Code for (int i = 0; i < 80; i++) //40 KiB = 80 sectors read_ide_sector(i + 100,0x20000 + i * 512); //(sector number, memory address) goto *0x20000; void read_ide_sector(int s, int a) { //read disk sector to the RAM wait_for_ready(); outb(0x1f2, 1); //0x1f2 - number of sectors for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) //0x1f3 to 0x1f6 - sector offsets outb(0x1f3 + i, (s >> (8 * i)) & 0xff); outb(0x1f7, 0x20); //read sectors wait_for_ready(); /* When the disk is ready to be read, the results which are stored in the disk controller's cache goes to the CPU first then gets loaded into the RAM. insl() copies 128 words (512 bytes) into RAM. */ insl(0x1f0, a, 128); } void wait_for_ready(void) { //wait until it's ready while ((inb(0x1f7) & 0xc0) != 0x40) //0x1f7 - status register continue; /* Our disk speed is: 7200 RPM ==> 120 Hz ==> 8.333 ms/rotation. The average time for the read head of the disk to move to the correct track is 10 ms. The average rotational latency is 4.166 ms. Then our average delay is around ~15 ms. */ }
//WC Program void main(void) { long long int nwords = 0; int s = 50000; bool inword = false; int len; do { char buf[513]; buf[512] = 0; //end of the buffer read_ide_sector(s++, (int)buf); len = strlen(buf); nwords += cws(buf, len, &inword); } while (len == 512); display_cws(nwords); } int cws(char *buf, int bufsize, bool *inword) { //cws - count words in sector int w = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bufsize; i++) { bool alpha = isalpha((unsigned char)buf[i]); w += alpha & !*inword; *inword = alpha; } }
void display_cws(int nwords) { //displaying on the screen char *screen = 0xB8000 + 200; do { screen[0] = (nwords % 10) + '0'; screen[1] = 7; //grey on black screen -= 2; } while (nwords /= 10 != 0); }