Lecture 7: Scheduling AlgorithmsCOMSCI 111, UCLA

Adarsh Sinha & Jason Zhang

Quick Recap on Threads

Threads: like processes but share memory, field descriptors, ..etc.
  • Apps get more complicated
  • Synchronization becomes a big deal

Scheduling Threads

Problem of scheduling (threads) is like any scheduling problem - nobody notices schedulers until they mess up. So when writing an application, you either don't know the schedulers at all or you notice them when they mess up.
Let's take an example case: Suppose the number of CPUs is equal to the number of threads. There's nothing really wrong here because we now have one thread for every CPU.
But, what do we do when we have more threads than CPUs? Which threads get to work?

So, we need two things:
  1. Policies

    The higher-level abstract rules that decide who's "stronger" between 2 classes/threads.
    e.g. like deciding which classes get the bigger rooms - you must arm wrestle for that room (policies).
  2. Mechanisms

    These are the low-level operations that a scheduler needs to do its work.
If done correctly, the policies and mechanisms are ORTHOGONAL (independent).


Application developers are always complaining why the schedulers are so bad, so we must think about "metrics" for scheduler quality. People who write our schedulers will listen to the metrics.
  1. Metrics

    • Fast Scheduler: We want good performance, so we want a fast scheduler
    • Good Schedule: We want a good schedule; whatever threads get assigned to the CPU - we want them to be the right threads
      • High Performance Application: Having a good schedule while ensuring high performance.
      • Fairness: Making sure that everyone gets a turn and finishes. If lots of apps want to run, we want them to all get a fair share of the resources. More on this later.
  2. Scale for CPU scheduling

    • Long-Term Schedule: Determines which threads are admitted into the system
      We are worried about having our CPU overloaded (too many threads in the system) - how do we know which threads/processes are admitted to the system in the first place?
      We address this by not letting bad threads into the system in the first place.
      In Linux, the fork() system call helps us manage this.
      e.g. fork() returns -1 to control longterm scheduling
    • Medium-Term Schedule: Determines which threads/processes fit into RAM(main memory) comfortably
      What if we don't have enough memory? eg. We can run 10 processes, but we can't run 20 processes.
      So here, we look at which threads/processes fit into RAM(main memory) comfortably while trying to avoid thrashing, i.e. constantly copying data from secondary memory to main memory.
      If we're thrashing, we don't have enough time to really do anything.
    • Short-Term Schedule: Determines which thread, out of lots of easily runnable threads, will be running right now
      Bunch of easily runnable threads/processes and enough memory; however, we don't have enough CPU's. So, which ones will actually run?
The mechanisms for these issues are quite different, but what about the policies?


Policies can be complicated and processes can fall into different categories with different policies for each one.
For example, there are three types of processes on seasnet servers:

Real-Time Scheduling

Scheduling processes and threads involving real world interaction.
  1. Hard real-time scheduling: (eg. controllers in Nuclear Power Plants, Automobile Brake Controllers)
    • You cannot miss the deadline.
      When you hit the big red button in a nuclear power plant, things must halt within a few milliseconds.
    • Predictability is key, performance is secondary.
      We don't care if its less efficient, we just want it to work.

    Some implementations disable caches because they are not predictable enough since they can miss.
  2. Soft real-time scheduling: (more popular, typical real-time scheduling)
    Deadlines exist, but are not essential
    • e.g. a real-time scheduler in a video game to arrange an explosion.
    • e.g. streaming video online.

    Some possible algorithms

    • Earliest Makable Deadline First: Finds the task with the earliest deadline that you can make, and does that task, and moves all other tasks to the side.
      But what if we skip/lose an important task (like a key stroke in emacs)? Then we can use a soft realtime system with priorities!
    • Priorities: We designate tasks/applications with priority levels.
      What if there's still too much work to do?
    • Smallest Tasks First: Does smallest tasks first.
      Problem with the above two algorithms is that we may still miss important events.
      eg. In a game animation loop, a character triggers the "scared" state due to a bomb going off, but no bomb explosion images are seen because we processed the "scared" state and missed the explosions.
    • Rate-Monotonic Scheduling: If you have ten things needed to be done, but each is important, then slow everything down to fit.
      Everybody loses a little bit (this is more fair than completely throwing something out).
      eg. You see 80% of the explosions, 80% of the characters running around, so you get most of the feeling of the game, as opposed to missing out on either entirely.


Let's assume we have: So in a graph against time, this is how the processes are executed:
Fig 1: Is this entirely accurate?
As we can see, this isn't entirely accurate because there is a third entity involved. In our Mechanism, who is in-charge of these transitions between Process A and Process B? There has to be some part of the CPU that actually does this - and the answer is the Scheduler.
Fig 2: The Scheduler decides who switches to who and handles this transition- producing (a little) overhead as a result.
Figure 2 is closer to the real world case, except that there is that each transition can take some time as the scheduler makes a decision, and so there is more of a gap between each cycle of Process 1 and Process 2.

So how does the Scheduler handle the transition?

  1. For up transitions (from scheduler to process)
    Scheduler can just resume the process (Linux on x86 can use the RTI, Return from Interrupt, instruction)
  2. For down transitions (from process to scheduler)
    This is harder than the up-transition, and so there are 2 types:
    1. Voluntary Transition: Each process volunteers by calling the scheduler every now and then, and when it does call the scheduler it's prepared to give control away. It's prepared to deal with giving up the CPU.

      So how do we do a voluntary transition?

      We use: void yield(void) or void schedule(void) (the latter being preferred due to a more semantic name).
      What these functions do (both do the same thing) is essentially give up control of the CPU for the current process. i.e. "This is a good time to give up CPU."
      So you'll look at your 10 million line C++ program and sprinkle the above function call at different, carefully chosen points. That's not nice!
      So, instead of having to modify the original source code, we take advantage of the system calls (open, close, read, write) and have them call yield() since they drop into the kernel anyway.
      There's a catch: what happens if we have a loop in the program that is buggy? The system will then hang because the processor won't give up the CPU.
      The solution of putting the yields inside the system calls is not enough. We need something better. We need something a little bit more involuntary.
    2. Involuntary Transition: Even when the process doesn't want to give up the CPU, it has no choice. Therefore, in some sense, the kernel is always in charge. The process can lose the CPU at any time (well, if the process is in the middle of a particular instruction, it keeps the CPU until the end of that instruction).

Cooperative Scheduling/Multitasking

  1. Busy Waiting holds onto the CPU/tie it up until we're not busy.
    This approach isn't all that friendly in a cooperative multitasking system.
  2. Polling gives up control everytime the device is busy. Once it's not busy, we can read it.
    This is a friendlier approach.
         while (isbusy(dev))
    Problem: There are dozens/hundreds of processes, each waiting for its own device, each yielding and waiting. The CPU will step through each one of these processes to check. This will take up a lot of time and resources as well.
    What we want is an approach where we don't run the process until it's done being busy.
  3. Blocking doesn't bother yielding/scheduling until the device is actually available.
         read(dev, ...); 
    For this to work, we need information about the device. One of the pieces of information is a list of processes that is 'blocked' (in the process table) or in the middle of a wait-for-ready call. So, when the scheduler needs to think about what processes to run, it can ignore those in the blocked list.
    An easy way to implement this is to have a column in the process table that holds the blocked processes. By blocking, we save the scheduler some time.

Uncooperative Scheduling (AKA Preemptive Multitasking)

These processes are not nice, and don't always call yield.
Some techniques involved:
  1. Timer Interrupt
    • The motherboard sends a signal to the CPU periodically.
    • This causes the CPU to trap - resulting in a switch to kernel mode, wherein the operating system performs some action before returning control back to the originating process.
    It's like the program generated an INT 10, except it's the hardware doing the trapping via the interrupt service vector. The hardware periodically calls yield for us. Therefore, we don't have to modify our program now since the hardware does it for us (typically) every 10ms (a value like 100ms would be too long for interactive stuff, while 10ms is too quick for anyone to notice the lag that arises from this interrupt.
    In fact, there is NO yield() system call in Linux.
    We didn't solve the "halting problem" because we only suspended the process. It can still run forever.
  2. SIGXCPU: We can put a limit on how much CPU time a process can get
    If this process chews up more than the stated CPU time, then the SIGXCPU signal is sent to the process. This signal is typically sent when you could almost run out of time.
    eg. A process has 10 minutes of allotted CPU time but it's been running for 9 minutes and 55 seconds so the signal is sent.
    If we wanted to avoid this behavior: We could use the function : signal(SIGXCPU, SIG_IGN), which ignores the limit and keeps going.. but eventually the kernel will eventually stop anyway.
    What if the application is in the middle of doing something important?
    Suppose 'gzip' is preempted! The files it was working on will then be left in an inconsistent state. This is a problem for synchronization, which becomes very tricky here! But that's a topic for another day..

Scheduling Metrics

The metrics we're going to be using for scheduling.
Fig. 3: Using a factory analogy to understand what metrics we can use
These metrics are:
  1. Latency: from time order arrives to time order is done (aka turn around time)
  2. Wait time: time between order arrival and starting to build it.
    Between a previous order and the start of building of the next order, there is some Wait Time to “retool the factory”.
  3. Response time: time between order arrival and 1st model produced
  4. Run time: time between the start of the building and the end/done
We can use these kinds of metrics in our system. We want to minimize all these times as much as possible.
We will, however, want fancier and more meaningful metrics, such as:
  1. Average Times
    • Average Wait Time
    • Average Turn Around Time/Latency
    • ..etc
  2. Worst Case Times
  3. Statistics
    • Variances and/or Standard Deviations of times such as Wait Time
    • Utilization: Percent of CPU doing useful work
    • Throughput: Number of jobs per second completed
So using these metrics, let's compare some scheduling algorithms to see which ones work better.

Comparing Scheduling Algorithms Using Scheduling Metrics

Let's say that we have the following processes to complete:
Process/JobArrival TimeRun Time