Computer Science 111
Lecture 9 -
Synchronization Primitives and Deadlock

Written by Sergio Davila, Brandon Ly, and Kiran Sivakumar for a lecture by Professor Paul Eggert

I. How to Implement Critical Sections
1. First Look: Critical Sections in a Simple Environment
2. Second Look: Critical Sections with Interrupts
3. Third Look: Critical Sections with Interrupts in a Multiprocessor Environment
II. Atomicity in Loads and Stores
III. Synchronization
IV. Synchronization Mechanisms

I. How to Implement Critical Sections

Critical sections can be implemented using spinlocks. To interface with them, the following API is used:

void lock(lock_t * l);
void unlock(lock_t* l);
typedef ___ lock_t;

1. First Look: Critical Sections in a Simple Environment

How would one implement critical sections given the following assumptions?

  1. There is only one, unique processor.
  2. The application will run in a system with no interrupts (e.g. there is no preemptive multitasking, etc...).

Note: This is about as simple as it gets when dealing with synchronization.

This is essentially a trick question. Given this scenario, locking and unlocking sections of the code is unnecessary because if there is only one CPU and there are no interrupts, a running process cannot have its control over the CPU taken away from it by another process. Therefore, a process can safely run critical section code.

So at a low level, lock() and unlock() would be implemented by no-ops.

2. Second Look: Critical Sections with Interrupts

Without the second assumption from the previous section, it is still fairly easy to implement lock() and unlock(). Suppose Machine A is about to do the following operation: (1+2). Meanwhile Machine B is about to do the following operation: (1-3). Also, assume that there is a way to make interrupts go into a pending state.

Given this new set of assumptions:

At a low level, lock() would be implemented by the instruction:

splx(6); // SPL stands for Set Priority Level

The above code sets the process level register to 6, which means that the process won't get an interrupt unless the interrupt is priority level 6 or greater. This makes the process less interruptible.

At a low level, unlock() would be implemented by the instruction:


The above code sets the process level register to 4, which means that interrupts of level 4 or greater will be recognized by the process. This makes the process more interruptible.

This works well for a single processor environment, but most modern CPUs have multiple processors.

3. Third Look: Critical Sections with Interrupts in a Multiprocessor Environment

Given that the earlier assumptions are removed, consider Machine C, a multiprocessor machine running in an environment where interrupts are possible.

Consider this first attempt at an implementation of lock() and unlock() under this new paradigm:

typedef int lock_t;
void lock(lock_t *lock)
while (*lock)
*lock = 1;

There are a few problems with this implementation:

  1. The while loop and the assignment in the code above are not guaranteed to be atomic. A different process can claim the lock as the current process goes into the assignment instruction.
  2. When reading in the value stored at *lock while running the while (*lock) instruction, the process could read a value that was never actually stored at lock. For example, suppose you have a 16-bit bus on a machine with 32-bit integer representation. Half of the integer will get read in and transferred through the bus, but before the next half of the integer gets read in, another process may change the value of the lock. This will load a different upper-half of the integer. As a result, *lock does not evaluate to 0 or 1, but some garbage integer (this is even more likely with larger number representations such as long long types). This implementation also assumes that loads and stores are atomic on modern machines.

How would one solve these issues (in particular, the second issue)?

II. Atomicity in Loads and Stores

On an x86 machine, watch out for:

To summarize, when dealing with multiple CPUs accessing the same memory, always assume the worst:

It is not going to work!

What will work, then?

. . .

Atomicity and x86 Machines

Consider this! In most modern multicore machines, such as the x86, one CPU, say CPU0, can snoop data going across the bus to another CPU, say CPU1, to see and compare data in CPU0's cache. CPU0 might snoop data going to CPU1, find matches in its own cache and realize that the matched data are incorrect because they belong to CPU1, and go and re-correct them. The figure below lends a visual perspective to the CPU/bus configuration described in this paragraph.

Our artist forgot to label the CPUs as CPU0 and CPU1. Dammit Kiran
Figure 2 - Two CPUs connected to RAM through a bus.

All this information guarantees that x86 aligned loads and stores of int (32-bit quantities) are atomic. With this information, how do we implement lock() and unlock()?

unlock() could be done in the following way:

void unlock(lock_t * lock)
*lock = 0;

lock() will be a bit more difficult. On a first attempt, it seems that something like this would work:

void lock(lock_t * lock)
while (*lock++ != 0)

But it actually would not work. *load++ involves the load, add, and store instructions, so it is not really atomic. Even when reduced to an instruction that appears atomic, such as incl(), it is still not atomic. It gets broken down in the microcode as the load, add, and store instructions individually, making it not atomic relative to all the other microcode. Are there ways of making a locking mechanism even without atomic loads and stores for writing and reading from memory?

There actually are. There exist algorithms that work even when loads and stores are not atomic. In fact, Leslie Lamport, Turing award winner, came up with a way to do this. Unfortunately, the algorithm is so complicated and slow that it took a Turing award winner to figure it out.

. . .

x86 and its Special Atomic Instructions

This problem is so difficult that software makers have had to work with hardware makers to solve this. ("So how do you solve this problem? You call the hardware guys!" - Eggert 2015)

This resulted in the creation of special atomic instructions on the x86 (Intel has developed quite a menagerie of atomic instructions because they serviced so many requests). Here are two of them:

  1. lock incl x is guaranteed to increment variable x atomically, provided that it is aligned. It does this by telling the CPUs that there is a locked instruction going through. All the other CPUs stay away from the word that is locked. Then, when the command is finished, all other CPUs are notified. They can then access the locked memory again. All of this takes about 100-200 cycles, which is a lot slower than a regular incl. The prototype for the C function is: void lock_incl(int *). The function can be incorporated into an implementation for spinlocks:

    void lock(lock_t *lock)
    while (true)
    int x = *lock;
    if (x == 0)

    Unfortunately, the code does not work because a different process could change x in between the read and the lock incl instruction.

  2. xchgl() atomically exchanges data between memory and registers. At a high level, xchgl() does the following work, represented below in C code.

    int xchgl(int *p, int new)
    int old = *p;
    *p = new;
    return old;

    This is all done in one instruction, just like lock_incl(). It is atomic. Given this new instruction, lock() and unlock() could be implemented in the following way:

    void lock(lock_t * lock)
    while (xchgl(lock,1))

    void unlock(lock_t *lock)
    while (xchgl(lock,0))

    However, there must be preconditions met for these implementations to work correctly.

    • The caller must not own the lock prior to calling the lock(), or else the caller will deadlock.
    • It is also the caller's responsibility to own the lock prior to calling unlock(). Otherwise, the caller could potentially unlock a critical section currently being executed by another process, possibly resulting in processes having access to that critical section at the same time. Thus, race conditions would be rampant.

    However, with these preconditions, it must be the case that whenever unlock() is called, the calling process owns the lock. Therefore, the code for unlock() can be reduced in the following way:

    void unlock(lock_t *lock)
    *lock = 0;

III. Synchronization

The goal of implementing locks is to build atomic actions by locking parts of the code. These critical sections, sections where only one process should be manipulating the global state at a time, need to be of approximately the right size. This way processes can synchronize and avoid overwriting the work that they do. Going back to the example involving banks and accounts, locks can be used in the implementation of the deposit() and withdraw() functions.

Back to the Bank

Here is withdraw() without locking:

int balance;
bool withdraw(int w)
if (balance < w || w < 0)
return false;
balance -= w;

This non-thread-safe code can be made thread-safe by adding locks:

int balance;
lock_t ballock;
bool withdraw(int w)
bool ok = (0 <= w && w <= balance);
if (ok)
balance -= w;
return ok;

There is a dilemma with this implementation. High performance is desired and shrinking down the critical section as much as possible would improve performance (because a larger critical section means a larger amount of resources get put on hold). However, the critical section in the above code involves the computation of the balance. How can performance be improved while preserving atomicity?

This problem occurs often enough that Intel had to make another instruction at the request of software developers.

If the instruction were to be represented by C code, it would look like:

bool compare_and_swap(int *p, int old, int new)
if (*p == old) // Check to see if the old value is what the caller thinks it was
*p = new; // Set to new
return 1;
return 0; // Otherwise return false and don't do the swap

Now, assuming that this is an atomic operation, withdraw() can be improved as follows:

int balance;
lock_t ballock;
bool withdraw(int w)
while ( !compare_and_swap(&balance, balance, balance - w) )
return 1;

With even more improvements, withdraw() is better as:

bool withdraw(int w)
while (true)
int b = balance;
if (w < 0 || b < w)
return false;
if ( compare_and_swap(&balance, b, b - w) )
return 1;

This way the critical section gets broken down to one line without lock() and unlock(). It has nicer performance (fewer bottle necks), but if there is contention the computational part can chew up the CPU. Another downside is that this assumes that the entire state that the programmer cares about fits into a four byte space, because only four bytes can be updated at a time using compare_and_swap.

. . .

Synchronization, Locks, and Pipes

These locking primitives can be used to implement piping mechanisms. How would this look?


struct pipe
char buf[1024];
size_t r,w;
lock_t lock;

char readpipe(struct pipe *p)
while (true)
lock(&p->lock); // Grab the lock and make sure that there is something in the pipe
if (p->r != p->w)
char p = p->buf[p->r++%1024];
return c;
420 Blaze It
Figure 3 - A pipe.

While this works, the performance leaves much to be desired. By locking and unlocking so much, the CPU will burn up. It would be better to do without this problem. A better tool would be a different kind of locking primitive that will work well even when the reader/writer is slow.

IV. Synchronization Mechanisms

There is a real need for a way for processes to tell the OS not to schedule them until there is data to be written/read ("We need a way to tell the OS, 'Please don't run me until there is data in the pipe'!" - Eggert 2015). One proposed method is using a blocking mutex (mutual exclusion), for which the spinlock is the easiest to use, to create. A blocking mutex is like a spinlock except that the thread goes to sleep until the resource it wants to access becomes available, rather than just spinning. A blocking mutex is essentially a spinlock without the spinning, because the process gives up the CPU when the resource isn't available.

Blocking Mutexes

Here is a way of implementing blocking mutexes: by creating the functions acquire() and release(). acquire() obtains a lock and creates mutual exclusion in a certain area of the program for the calling process. The code can look like the following:

typedef struct bmutex
lock_t lock;
bool locked;
struct proc *blocked; // Linked list of blocked and waiting processes
} bmutex_t;

void acquire(struct bmutex_t *b)
while (true)
if (!b->locked) // If it is locked we want to go to sleep and try again
cp->next = b->blocked;
b->blocked = cp; // cp points to the current process table entry
// If you are yielding, make sure that you do not have the spinlock

Here is what release() might look like:

void release(struct bmutex * b)
*b->locked = 0;
struct proc *p = b->blocked;
b->blocked = p->next;
p->status = RUNNABLE;

However, there is a race condition. If one process tries to release the lock at the same time that a different process tries to acquire the mutex, the "acquirer" and the "releaser" will both be writing into the mutex structure at the same time, overwriting any state changes that they intended to apply.

To fix this, release() must be rewritten in the following way:

void release(struct bmutex *b)
*b->locked = 0;
struct proc *p = b->blocked;
b->blocked = p->next;
p->status = RUNNABLE;

A Small Detour - Semaphores

A semaphore is similar to a blocking mutex but with an int avail variable. avail is the number of simultaneous locks allowed. Semaphores make sure that a quota is placed on how many things can use a particular resource. Semaphores use these primitives: p and v (acquire and release respectively). p and v are short for "prolaag" and "verboog" (Dutch for "try" and "increase", respectively, because these concepts were invented by computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra).

Pipes can be implemented using the struct bmutex rather than with unlock():

struct pipe
char buf[1024];
size_t r,w;
bmutex_t b;

char readpipe(struct pipe *p)
while (true)
acquire(&p->lock); // Grab the lock and make sure that there is something in the pipe
if (p->r != p->w)
char p = p->buf[p->r++%1024];
return c;

There is a bug in the code! Being able to acquire the blocking mutex is not related to being able to read data from the pipe. For efficiency, a process should not be awoken just because the blocking mutex is available. It should be awoken when the pipe is not empty.

"The metaphorical 'alarm clock' is going to be ringing too often, and the process will once again be chewing up the CPU. The performance problem is still not solved..." - Eggert 2015

Here is a fix:

bool are_we_there_yet(void)
return p->r != p->w);

char readpipe(struct pipe * p)
while (true)
if (p->r != p->w)
char p = p->buf[p->r++%1024];
return c;

However, there is a bug. This will not work because are_we_there_yet uses p from readpipe which is not in scope.

The following is a small fix so that p carries from readpipe to are_we_there_yet:

bool are_we_there_yet(void *p)
return (p->r != p->w);

char readpipe(struct pipe *p)
while (true)
wait_for(are_we_there_yet, p);
if (p->r != p->w)
char p = p->buf[p->r++%1024];
return c;

The code still does not meet the set goal, since it still chews up CPU time.

What is needed is a conditional variable to work in conjunction with the blocking mutex. The condition is known to the programmer, but the OS won't care what it is. It is the responsibility of the user to know what that condition is and to use that variable property properly with respect to that condition.

Here is the condition variable API:

wait(condvar_t *c, bmutex_t *b);
// This will be used instead of wait_for()
// PRECONDITION: The blocking mutex in question must have already been acquired
// ACTION: release the blocking mutex b, and then block until some other thread notifies the current thread that that condition may be true. Then, let the current process reacquire the blocking mutex and then return.

notify(condvar_t *c);
// Notifies the OS that the condition has become true
// OS will awaken one of the processes that is waiting/blocking on the condition

broadcast(condvar_t *c);
// Acts like notify, but wakes up all waiting processes instead
// Ex: if 12 processes waiting, all will be awoken

Here is readpipe() once again, but this time it has been modified to use a condition variable (condvar_t).

struct pipe
char buf[1024];
size_t r,w;
bmutex_t b;
condvar_t nonempty;
condvar_t nonfull;

char readpipe(struct pipe *p)
if(p->r != p->w)
char p = p->buf[p->r++%1024];
return c;

Often times, synchronization is difficult to achieve because most of the processes are writing to the same memory. There are usually two types of things that processes do on memory: read-only or read-and-write. Even reading from a pipe, in the above example, is a writing operation, because it updates the pipe to reflect how many bytes have been read.

Many applications today, however, have readers with read-only accesses. This calls for creating another type of lock: a read-write lock which allows many readers but at most one writer (i.e. if there is a writer, then there are no readers).