News for UCLA Computer Science 111, Winter 2016
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- 2016-03-02
- Lab 4 is now available. It is
quite a bit different from its draft.
- 2016-02-12
- Here are some topics for your two- to three-page report.
Each topic is illustrated by a single article or web page,
but please don't limit your reading to just this source: you
should be coming up with a summary of the topic, not the
article. Some of the topics are fairly large;
the intent is that
you focus on the operating system aspects of each topic, and not
other technical components, management, economics, or politics. Please
submit a two- to three-page report in PDF form for the topic you chose.
- Al-Fares M, Loukissas A, Vahdat A. A scalable, commodity data center network architecture. SIGCOMM'08. 2008;63–74. doi:10.1145/1402958.1402967.
- Beaver D, Kumar S, Li HC, Sobel J, Vajgel P. Finding a needle in Haystack: Facebook's photo storage. OSDI'10. 2010.
- Burrows M. The Chubby lock service for loosely-coupled distributed systems. OSDI'06. 2006;335–50.
- Calder B, Wang J, Ogus A et al. Windows Azure Storage: a highly available cloud storage service with strong consistency. SOSP'11. 2011;143–57. doi:10.1145/2043556.2043571.
- Clark C, Fraser K, Hand S et al. Live migration of virtual machines. NSDI'05. 2005;273–86.
- Dean J, Ghemawat S. MapReduce: simplified data processing on large clusters. CACM 2008;51(1):107–13. doi:10.1145/1327452.1327492.
- Ghemawat S, Gobioff H, Leung S-T. The Google file system. SOSP'03. 2003;29–43. doi:10.1145/1165389.945450.
- Mudigonda J, Yalagandula P, Mogul J, Stiekes B, Pouffary Y. NetLord: a scalable multi-tenant network architecture for virtualized datacenters. SIGCOMM'11. 2011;62–73. doi:10.1145/2043164.2018444.
- Palkar S, Han S, Panda A et al. E2: A Framework for NFV Applications. SOSP'15. 2015;121–36. doi:10.1145/2815400.2815423.
- Zhang F, Chen J, Chen H, Zang B. CloudVisor: retrofitting protection of virtual machines in multi-tenant cloud with nested virtualization. SOSP'11. 2011;203–16. doi:10.1145/2043556.2043576.
- 2016-01-15
- The deadlines for Labs 1b and 1c have been extended by three days.
- Lab 1b has been changed by adding a --close
- Lab 1a has been disambiguated by saying that --command
operands cannot begin with --.
Zhaoxing's office hours are Tuesdays 09:30–11:30.
Tuan's are Mondays 14:30–16:30.
Taqi's are Mondays 16:00–18:00.
All hours are in Boelter 2432.
- 2016-01-05
- Lab 1 has been corrected by replacing "A subprocess with standard, standard, and error" with "A subprocess with standard input, output, and error".
- 2016-01-03
- Check that your
account works right away, as there are occasionally delays before
your account is activated.
Here are some suggestions if you're
interested in the course but are neither enrolled nor on the waiting list.
Read Enrollment in
Undergraduate Computer Science Classes and follow its advice.
Any PTEs are not typically given out until the end of the second week,
to make sure that enough resources are available.
You can try coming to classes before then.
Sign up on any attendance sheet that is being passed around.
© 2016 Paul Eggert.
See copying rules.
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