Winter16 CS111 Lecture 1

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What is a system?

OED original (1928)

Operating System

American Heritage
software designed to control the hardware of a data proccessing system in order to allow users and applications programs to make use of if.
Encarta (2007)
master control program in a computer
Wikipedia 698216816 (2016-01-04)
collection of smaller programs and softwares that is used to control and operate the computer system

Major Missing Issues of the Definitions above


Circa 2000 hardware
$ ls -l big
-rw-rw-r-- 1 eggert faculty 9223372036854775000 Oct 6 11:31 big
$ grep x big
$ time grep x big
real 0m0.009s

This gives us a speed of approximately 1022b/s. According to the bandwidth of the Internet is 1011b/s, and if we hire all the freight trucks in the US to transport hardrives, the speed will be approximately 0.5Zb/s. The explanation behind this amazingly high speed is because that in ZFS(zeta File System), big is an intensional file, which only stores a description or program of the file on the desk. This type of file can be used in anti-virus softwares to allievate the workload of the program.

Problem Areas in OS Design

Incommensurate Scaling
not everything scales at the same rate
economies of scale
can cause waste
Example: O(logN) algorithm and Adam Smith's Pin Factory
diseconomies of scale
can cause breakage
Example:O(logN2) algorithm
Emergent Properties
larger systems have properties that smaller prototypes didn't
Propagation of Effects
Propagation of effects also exist in other systems, but in computer systems, pathways for propagations are more effective.
 Internationalization: Shift-JIS encoding used in Windows system
Waterbed Effect