News for UCLA Computer Science 131, winter 2021
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Here are news items that affect the core assignments and
class material.
- 2021-03-03
Homework 6 is available.
It is due March 12, with no late submissions allowed.
It was simplified shortly just after release, so
make sure you have version 1.76 2021/03/04 00:26:40
or later (see the bottom of the homework for the
version number).
- 2021-02-25
The project's due date has been
delayed until March 8.
A typo in Homework 5 has been
fixed by changing (define test-expr-x '(+ 3 ((lambda (a b) (list a b)) 1 2))) to (define test-expr-x '(apply + 3 ((lambda (a b) (list a b)) 1 2))), and similarly for test-expr-y.
Also, the assignment has been clarified to say that
should not worry about exceptions in expressions, and
that test-expr-compare can assume that
neither argument raises an exception when evaluated.
(Thanks to Sara Liang for pointing out these problems
in the assignment.)
- 2021-02-24
- 2021-02-17
Homework 5 is available.
It is due on 02-26 instead of the tentative 02-23.
Use Racket 8.0 (installed on lnxsrv11,
lnxsrv13, and lnxsrv15)
to test your solution.
- 2021-02-10
Homework 4 is available.
It is due on 02-19 instead of the tentative 02-16.
- 2020-01-27
- The midterm has been rescheduled from 02-04 to 02-09.
Homework 3 is available.
It is due on 02-05 instead of the tentative 02-02.
- 2020-01-19
- 2020-01-10
Homework 1's bogus test cases for
set_diff have been removed.
- 2020-01-07
Homework 1's test cases for
set_symdiff have been added, and some
bogus test cases removed.
- 2020-01-04
Here are suggestions if you're
interested in the course but are neither enrolled nor on the waiting list.
Read Enrollment in
Undergraduate Computer Science Classes and follow its advice.
Any PTEs are not typically given out until the end of the second week,
to make sure that enough resources are available.
You can try coming to classes before then.
Sign up on any attendance sheet that is being passed around.