Restructuring Tractable Probabilistic Circuits (bibtex)

by Honghua Zhang, Benjie Wang, Marcelo Arenas and Guy Van den Broeck
Honghua Zhang, Benjie Wang, Marcelo Arenas and Guy Van den Broeck. Restructuring Tractable Probabilistic Circuits, In AAAI'25 workshop on CoLoRAI - Connecting Low-Rank Representations in AI, 2025.
Bibtex Entry:
  author    = {Zhang, Honghua and Wang, Benjie and Arenas, Marcelo and Van den Broeck, Guy},
  title     = {Restructuring Tractable Probabilistic Circuits},
  booktitle = {AAAI'25 workshop on CoLoRAI - Connecting Low-Rank Representations in AI},
  month     = {feb},
  year      = {2025},
  url       = "",
  keywords  = {workshop}
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