Language, Compiler, and Runtime System Support for Efficient, Scalable, and Adaptive Big Data Processing



Modern computing has entered the era of Big Data. Developing systems that can scale to massive amounts of data with relatively small amounts of resources is a key challenge faced by both researchers and practitioners. Conventional wisdom about scalability is that the performance of a system should increase proportionally with the increase of any kind of resource (e.g., CPU, memory, or network bandwidth). However, we believe this is not sufficient. An important yet ignored aspect of scalability is that if the amount of resource of some kind decreases, the performance of the system should not be reduced proportionally. In other words, the system should be designed in a way so that resources of other kinds can be exploited to remedy the performance reduction resulting from the lost resource. Driven by this insight, our group has made a number of attempts towards building highly-adaptive Big Data systems that can automatically adapt their behaviors to the amount of available resources.


(1) Facade: A compiler and runtime system for (almost) object-bounded Big Data applications

A managed Big Data application often suffers from large space overhead and GC cost due to extremely large numbers of objects and references in the heap. A key observation is that, in a scalable system, the number of heap objects representing data items cannot grow proportionally with the dataset cardinality. We develop Facade, a Java-based compiler and runtime, that can statically bound the number of heap objects that represent data items. Facade advocates to store data items in native memory and create objects as facades to represent data items. It uses a new execution model that dynamically establishes a many-to-one mapping between an unbounded set of data items in native memory and a statically bounded set of objects in the heap, thereby reducing significantly the number of objects, their associated space overhead (i.e., pointers and headers), as well as the GC cost. Please read our ASPLOS'15 paper for details.


(2) Interruptible Task: Treating memory pressure as interrupts for highly scalable data parallel programs

Real-world data-parallel programs commonly suffer from great memory pressure, especially when they are executed to process large datasets. Memory problems lead to excessive GC effort and out-of-memory errors, significantly hurting system performance and scalability. This paper proposes a systematic approach that can help data-parallel tasks survive memory pressure, improving their performance and scalability without needing any manual effort to tune system parameters. Our approach advocates interruptible task (ITask), a new type of data-parallel tasks that can be interrupted upon memory pressure---with part or all of their used memory reclaimed---and resumed when the pressure goes away. To support ITasks, we propose a novel programming model and a runtime system, and have instantiated them on two state-of-the-art platforms Hadoop and Hyracks. A thorough evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of ITask: it has helped real-world Hadoop programs survive 13 out-of-memory problems reported on StackOverflow; a second set of experiments with 5 already well-tuned programs in Hyracks on datasets of different sizes shows that the ITask-based versions are 1.5--3x faster and scale to 3--24x larger datasets than their regular counterparts. Please read our SOSP'15 paper for details.


(3) Semantics-aware graph simplification

Real-world graphs (such as the Yahoo webgraph and the twitter graph) are extremely large and often need a cluster of machines to process. To support efficient test and debugging, it is important to generate, from real-world graphs, a small subset of vertices and edges that retain interesting properties in the original graphs. Existing techniques focused primarily on graph sampling that uses statistical methods to sample a large graph so that the generated graph follows the same distribution. However, all of these techniques are semantics-agnostic, meaning that they prune graph without considering what each application is interested in. For example, page rank is interested in edge density while maximal clique cares more about the sizes of the cliques in the graph. We are in the process of developing novel algorithms that intelligently prune a graph based on the user's specifications of interesting properties. More details will be reported here.


(4) Speculative region-based memory management

Most real-world Big Data systems are written in managed languages. These systems suffer from severe memory problems due to the massive volumes of objects created to process input data. Allocating and deallocating a sea of objects puts a severe strain on the garbage collector, leading to excessive GC efforts and/or out-of-memory crashes. Region-based memory management has been recently shown to be effective to reduce GC costs for Big Data systems. However, all existing region-based techniques require significant user annotations, resulting in limited usefulness and practicality. This paper reports an ongoing project, aiming to design and implement a novel speculative region-based technique that requires only minimum user involvement. In our system, objects are allocated speculatively into their respective regions and promoted into the heap if needed. We develop an object promotion algorithm that scans regions for only a small number of times, which will hopefully lead to significantly improved memory management efficiency. We are currently in the process of implementing this idea in OpenJDK. Details can be found in our PLOS'15 paper.


(5) I/O Efficient disk-based graph processing

Disk-based graph processing systems often need to load a large amount of data repeatedly (in each computational iteration) although much of the (edge) data may not be necessary for vertex computation. To improve graph processing efficiency, our group has been working on two related projects: GraphQ and DynaGraph.


GraphQ is a scalable querying framework for very large graphs, built upon a key insight that many interesting graph properties -- such as finding cliques of a certain size, or finding vertices with a certain page rank -- can be effectively computed by exploring only a small fraction of the graph, and traversing the complete graph is an overkill. The centerpiece of our framework is the novel idea of abstraction refinement, where the very large graph is represented as multiple levels of abstractions, and a query is processed through iterative refinement across graph abstraction levels. As a result, GraphQ enjoys several distinctive traits unseen in existing graph processing systems: query processing is naturally budget-aware, friendly for out-ofcore processing when ``Big Graphs`` cannot entirely fit into memory, and endowed with strong correctness properties on query answers. With GraphQ, a wide range of complex analytical queries over very large graphs can be answered with resources affordable to a single PC, which complies with the recent trend advocating single machine-based Big Data processing. Experiments show GraphQ can answer queries in graphs 4-6 times bigger than the memory capacity, only in several seconds to minutes. In contrast, GraphChi, a state-of-the-art graph processing system, takes hours to days to compute a whole-graph solution. An additional comparison with a modified version of GraphChi that terminates immediately when a query is answered shows that GraphQ is on average 1.6-13.4x faster due to its ability to process partial graphs. For details, please read our USENIX ATC'15 paper.


DynaGraph is another attempt that tries to reduce I/O costs by using dynamic partitions. Existing disk-based graph systems use static partitions that are created before processing starts. These partitions have static layouts and are loaded entirely into memory in every single iteration despite that much of the edge data is not changed in many iterations and these unchanged edges have zero new impact on the computation of vertex values. We propose an optimization that targets this I/O inefficiency for a general class of disk-based graph algorithms whose computation functions are distributive over aggregation. Our optimization advocates dynamic partitions whose layouts are dynamically adjustable. A dynamic partition only contains edges that will make new contributions and is thus much smaller than its static counterpart. Loading dynamic partitions is much faster and has much lower I/O costs. To support dynamic partitions, we propose a novel accumulation-based programming/execution model that expresses computation in terms of contributions flowing through edges. As a proof of concept, we have implemented this optimization in GraphChi, a popular disk-based graph processing system. Our experiments show that dynamic partitions yield speedups of up to 2.8x (on average 1.8x) over static partitions on five large graphs. Please read our USENIX ATC'16 paper for details.


(6) Yak: A High-Performance Big-Data-Friendly Garbage Collector

Most ``Big Data`` systems are written in managed languages, such as Java, C#, or Scala. These systems suffer from severe memory problems due to the massive volume of objects created to process input data. Allocating and deallocating a sea of data objects puts a severe strain on existing garbage collectors (GC), leading to high memory management overheads and reduced performance. This paper describes the design and implementation of Yak, a ``Big Data`` friendly garbage collector that provides high throughput and low latency for all JVM-based languages. Yak divides the managed heap into a control space (CS) and a data space (DS), based on the observation that a typical data-intensive system has a clear distinction between a control path and a data path. Objects created in the control path are allocated in the CS and subject to regular tracing GC. The lifetimes of objects in the data path often align with epochs creating them. They are thus allocated in the DS and subject to region-based memory management. Our evaluation with three large systems shows very positive results. Please read our OSDI'16 paper for details.


(7) Correct, Efficient, and Scalable Processing of Very Large Evolving and Streaming Graphs

Real-world graphs constantly change. Evolving graph processing involves repeating analyses, which are often iterative, over multiple snapshots of the graph corresponding to different points in time. Since the snapshots of an evolving graph share a great number of vertices and edges, traditional approaches that process these snapshots one at a time without exploiting this overlap contain much wasted effort on both data loading and computation, making them extremely inefficient. In this article, we identify major sources of inefficiencies and present two optimization techniques to address them. First, we propose a technique for amortizing the fetch cost by merging fetching of values for different snapshots of the same vertex. Second, we propose a technique for amortizing the processing cost by feeding values computed by earlier snapshots into later snapshots. We have implemented these optimizations in two distributed graph processing systems, namely, GraphLab and ASPIRE. Our experiments with multiple real evolving graphs and algorithms show that, on average fetch amortization speeds up execution of GraphLab and ASPIRE by 5.2x and 4.1x, respectively. Amortizing the processing cost yields additional average speedups of 2x and 7.9x, respectively. For details, please read our TACO'16 paper.


Another type of changing graphs is streaming graph in which edge updates are constantly applied. Continuous processing of a streaming graph iteratively maintains an approximate result of the computation on a recent version of the graph. Upon a user query, the accurate result on the current graph can be quickly computed by feeding the approximate results to the iterative computation -- a form of incremental computation that corrects the (small amount of) error in the approximate result. Despite the effectiveness of this approach in processing growing graphs, it is not generally applicable when edge deletions are present -- existing approximations can lead to either incorrect results (e.g., for monotonic algorithms the computation terminates at an incorrect minima/maxima) or poor performance (e.g., with approximations, convergence takes longer than performing the computation from scratch). In this paper we present KickStarter, that, for a general class of monotonic graph algorithms, is able to trim the approximations to a subset of vertex values whose use preserves correctness of results and yet allows a majority of existing approximations to be directly used for efficiency. Our experiments with four streaming algorithms on five real-world graphs demonstrate that trimming not only produces correct results but also accelerates these algorithms by 8.5 -- 23.7x. Our ASPLOS'17 paper documents the details of the project.



o   A bloat-aware design for Big Data applications,

Yingyi Bu, Vinayak Borkar, Guoqing (Harry) Xu, and Michael J. Carey.

ISMM'13: ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Memory Management.



o   Facade: A compiler and runtime system for (almost) object-bounded Big Data applications,

Khanh Nguyen, Kai Wang, Yingyi Bu, Lu Fang, Jianfei Hu, and Guoqing (Harry) Xu.

ASPLOS'15: 20th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems,



o   GraphQ: Graph query processing with abstraction refinement --- scalable and programmable analytics over very large graphs on a single PC,

Kai Wang, Guoqing (Harry) Xu, Zhendong Su, and Yu David Liu,

ATC'15: 2015 USENIX Annual Technical Conference,



o   Interruptible tasks: Treating memory pressure as interrupts for highly scalable data-parallel programs,

Lu Fang, Khanh Nguyen, Guoqing (Harry) Xu, Brian Demsky, and Shan Lu,

SOSP'15: 25th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles,



o   Speculative region-based memory management for Big Data systems,

Khanh Nguyen, Lu Fang, Guoqing (Harry) Xu, and Brian Demsky,

PLOS'15: 8th International Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating Systems,



o   Load the edges you need: A generic I/O optimization for disk-based graph processing,

Keval Vora, Guoqing (Harry) Xu, and Rajiv Gupta,

ATC'16: 2016 USENIX Annual Technical Conference,



o   Synergistic Analysis of Evolving Graphs,

Keval Vora, Rajiv Gupta, and Guoqing (Harry) Xu,

TACO'16: ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization, Vol. 13, No. 4, Article 32.


o   Yak: A High-Performance Big-Data-Friendly Garbage Collector,

Khanh Nguyen, Lu Fang, Guoqing (Harry) Xu, Brian Demsky, Shan Lu, and Onur Mutlu,

OSDI'16: 2016 USENIX Symposium on Operating System Design and Implementation,



o   KickStarter: Fast and Accurate Computations on Streaming Graphs via Trimmed Approximations,

Keval Vora, Rajiv Gupta, and Guoqing (Harry) Xu,

ASPLOS'17: 20th International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems,





o   Lu Fang

o   Khanh Nguyen

o   Keval Vora

o   Kai Wang

o   Yingyi Bu

o   Sanaz Alamian

o   Harry Xu

o   Brian Demsky (our EECS collaborator)

o   Shan Lu (our UChicago collaborator)

o   Onur Mutlu (our ETH collaborator)




This research is funded in part by NSF under grants CNS-1321179, CCF-140982, and CNS-1613023, and by ONR under grants N00014-14-1-0549 and N00014-16-1-2913.

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