Hi, I am Honghua Zhang (张宏华). I am a fifth-year Ph.D. student in the Computer Science department of University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). I'm fortunate to be part of the Statistical and Relational Artificial Intelligence (StarAI) lab and to be advised by Professor Guy Van den Broeck.
My research focuses on the theory, algorithms and applications of tractable probabilistic models (TPMs), which are compact representations of probability distributions that support efficient computation of (general) marginals. The goal of my research is to (1) understand the expressive power of TPMs from a theoretical perspective, (2) design efficient inference algorithms for computing marginal probabilities (e.g., over logical constraints) with TPMs, and (3) use TPMs to achieve basic logical control of language models (e.g. generate a sentence using less than 12 words).
I also finished my undergraduate studies at UCLA with a double major in Computer Science and Mathematics.
Email: hzhang19 [at] cs [dot] ucla [dot] edu
Links: [Google Scholar] [GitHub] [Twitter]
Renato Lui Geh, Honghua Zhang, Kareem Ahmed, Benjie Wang, Guy Van den Broeck
arXiv 2024.Honghua Zhang*, Po-Nien Kung*, Masahiro Yoshida, Guy Van den Broeck, Nanyun Peng
arXiv 2024.Oliver Broadrick, Honghua Zhang, Guy Van den Broeck
UAI 2024. Oral Presentation.Honghua Zhang*, Meihua Dang*, Nanyun Peng, Guy Van den Broeck
ICML 2023. Oral Presentation. Honghua Zhang, Liunian Harold Li, Tao Meng, Kai-Wei Chang, Guy Van den Broeck.
IJCAI 2023.
Nikil Roashan Selvam, Honghua Zhang, Guy Van den Broeck
AISTATS 2023.Anji Liu*, Honghua Zhang*, Guy Van den Broeck
ICLR 2023. Oral Presentation. Honghua Zhang, Brendan Juba, Guy Van den Broeck.
ICML 2021.
Oral Presentation.
UAI 2021 Workshop on TPM.
Best Paper Award.
Honghua Zhang, Steven Holtzen, Guy Van den Broeck.
UAI 2020.