1. This item is your reaction to a web-posted set of design-project and comprehension-oriented text. Please begin by going only once through, carefully reading the file:
http://www.cs.ucla.edu/csd-lanai/fweb/cs190/mad.html. (1)
You will hand in your (self-scored) answers to questions in:
http://www.cs.ucla.edu/csd-lanai/fweb/cs190/understandq.html (2)
Your answers are on the honor-system, using the thirteen-alternatives. Use the hand-in form:
http://www.cs.ucla.edu/csd-lanai/fweb/cs190/quizresp.html (3)
Please do not modify your answers. Score yourself by referring to files:
http://www.cs.ucla.edu/csd-lanai/fweb/cs190/understanda.html (4)
http://www.cs.ucla.edu/csd-lanai/fweb/cs190/fig.html (5)
2. What is the single issue you and your partners have yet to resolve about the project? Write out individual statements on this question, exchange them with a partner, then schedule time alone or as a team (whichever seems to best suit your needs) yourself to attend an office hour or to make an appointment with the instructor.
3.Comment on the following material (i.e., write a paragraph stating your reactions to it).
Most classes in the School of Engineering concern existing technology. It seems unrealistic to expect undergraduates to begin thinking about making an advance on the computer hardware, software or systems of the day. Instead of requesting that they seek out ways to improve on products in the marketplace, it would be better to have them design to imitate things already done.
4. Prepare is central to the way the class is organized. This week the Los Angeles Times published:
... Penn State football coach Joe Paterno's reply when asked why his teams have the will to win:
"Everyone has the will to win. Winners have the will to prepare."
List the things you did in the immediate seven-days previously to prepare for success in this project.
5. Write a technical paragraph summarizing the things you learned in your fundamental reading.
6. Create a list of things to do for the following seven days.