1. A new, titled, descriptive paragraph stating your idea of this
quarter's project.
2. A group submission of a jointly-agreed title and descriptive
paragraph of this quarter's project. This item is due at the sixth
class meeting. A group having difficulty in coming to an agreement is to
seek assistance from other course members.
3. A record of dates spoken (formal presentation to the class). The
record should list which dates were reading, visual, or project design
in their main contribution.
4. Prepare a bibliography to hand in the last meeting of the ninth week.
Visit Read and Write , Articles and items you find from those locations,
regularly (at least weekly). Write a reaction paragraph or
summary of each item you read. Present some information you found by
reading. The presentation can be on anything you found new. Present things
found by reading to your project team.
5. Ballots on (1) amount learned from fellow class participants, and (2)
value of project and finals-week presentations.
See suggestions about Organizing.