Sample Bibliography
(10/27/98 Version)
Perry, T. S., "In Search of the Future of Air Traffic Control," IEEE Spectrum, 34, 8, Aug. '97, 19-35.
Hendricks, P., "Specifying Communication DACs," IEEE Spectrum, 34, 7, Jul. '97, 58-69.
Byrne, K., "Evaluating Jukebox Performance," IEEE Spectrum, 34, 7, Jul. '97, 70-73.
Icove, D., "Collaring the Cybercrook," IEEE Spectrum, 34, 6, Jun. '97, 31-36.
Comerford, R., "The Battle for the Desktop," IEEE Spectrum, 34, 5, May'97, 20-28.
Holliday, C., "The Residential Gateway," IEEE Spectrum, 34, 5, May '97, 29-31.
Wickelgren, I., "The Facts about FireWire," IEEE Spectrum, 34, 4, Apr. '97, 19-25.
Braham, R., Comerford, R., "Sharing Virtual Worlds," IEEE Spectrum, 34, 3, Mar. '97, 18-19.
Waters, R., Barrus, J., "The Rise of Shared Virtual Environments," IEEE Spectrum, 34, 3, Mar. '97, 20-25.
Rockwell, R., "An Infrastructure for Social Software," IEEE Spectrum, 34, 3, Mar. '97, 26-31.
Roehle, B., "Channeling the Data Flood," IEEE Spectrum, 34, 3, Mar. '97, 32-38.
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Summary and Reaction Assignment
Include at least one summary by each person contributing to the interim project report.
Produce a reaction paragraph every week that doesn't result in a new article summary.
Recommend at least one article from the above list.