Fellow, Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers. "For contributions to image analysis by computer." Principal Investigator, grants National Science Foundation, Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Chairman, IEEE conferences and workshops. Member IEEE and Honor Societies Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu. New York State and Caltech graduate-tuition scholar. Fulbright Fellow, Indian Institute of Technology. Member Editorial Board, International Journal Artificial Intelligence Tools. Reviewer, Mathematical Reviews, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Computer Vision and Image Understanding.
Committee chairman and editor of report, "Soviet Image Pattern Recognition Research," Science Applications International Corp. Consultant, image pattern analysis, Space Computer Corp., Los Angeles Unified School District, Gateways Hospital and Community Mental Health Center, and Long Beach Memorial Hospital. Consultant, applied mathematics, System Development Corp. (Unisys), Rand Corp., and World Bank. Consultant, computer systems expert, numerous legal firms. Employment positions: part-time senior radar specialist with Litton Data Systems; full-time researcher Rand Corporation Mathematics Department; full-time senior research engineer Jet Propulsion Laboratory and summer faculty fellow; full-time electronics research engineer and section manager System Development Corporation; electrical engineer full-time Hughes Aircraft Company and Sperry Gyroscope Corporation.
Klinger, A., "Fundamental Information Technology Concepts " Workshop on Information Technology Literacy, Irvine, Californa, January 14-15, 1998, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council.
Klinger, A., Finelli, C., and Budney, D., "Classroom Process" Proceedings Frontiers in Education, 2000, Kansas City, Kansas; accepted for publication.
Klinger, A., "Experimental Validation of Learning Accomplishment " Proceedings Frontiers in Education, 1997, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; presented to the conference.
Klinger, A., "Fostering Widespread Computer Related Innovation," America in the Age of Information, 1995.
Klinger, A., "Data Structures for Gigabyte Systems," Proceedings of SPIE -The International Society of Optical Engineering, Aerospace Sensing, 1995, SPIE. 2410, 66-76.
Klinger, A., "Data Structures", Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Volume 5, 43-56, New York: Academic Press, 1992; revision 2000, to appear.
Klinger, A. ed., Human Machine Interactive Systems, New York: Plenum Press, 1991.
Klinger, A., "Recent Advances in Syntactic Pattern Recognition," Bhatkar, V. and Rege, K. M., eds., Frontiers in Knowledge-based Computing, New Delhi: Vedams Books International,1991.
Klinger, A. and Pizano, A., "Visual Structure and Data Bases," Visual Database Systems, Kunii, T. L., ed., NY: North Holland, 3-25, 1989.
Tanimoto, S., Klinger, A. eds., Structured Computer Vision, New York: Academic Press, 1980.
Klinger, A., "Data Structures and Pattern Recognition," Advances in Information Systems Science, Volume 7, Tou, J., ed., New York: Plenum Press, 1978, 273-310.
Klinger, A., Fu, K., Kunii, T. eds., Data Structures, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition, New York: Academic Press, 1977.
Rhodes, M. L., and Klinger, A., "Conversational Text Input for Modifying Graphics Facial Images," International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 9: 653-667, 1977.
Klinger, A., "Recent Computer Science Research in Language Processing," American Journal of Computational Linguistics, 12, 3: 2-25, 1975.
Valenzuela, W., Klinger, A., McDonald, J., "Pattern Recognition Applied to Monitoring Waveforms," IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, BME-33: 1, 18-24, 1975.
Klinger, A., "Patterns and Search Statistics," Optimizing Methods in Statistics, Rustagi, J., ed., New York: Academic Press, 1972, 303-339.
Klinger, A., Kochman, A., Alexandridis, N., "Computer Analysis of Chromosome Patterns: Feature Encoding for Flexible Decision Making," IEEE Transactions on Computers, C-20: 1014-1022, 1971.
Klinger, A., "Control with Stochastic Stopping Time," International Journal of Control: 541-9, 1970.
Klinger, A., "On Optimum Stochastic Allocation," Management Sciences: Theory 16: 208-210, 1969.
Klinger, A., and Brown, T., "Allocating Unreliable Units to Random Demands," Stochastic Optimization and Control, Karreman, H., ed., New York:Wiley, 1968, 173-209.
Klinger, A., "Improper Solutions of the Vector Maximum Problem," Operations Research, 1967, 572.
Klinger, A., "Vector-Valued Performance Criteria," IEEE Transactions Automatic Control, 1964, 117.