OGI CSLU TOOLKIT Center for Spoken Language Understanding, Oregon Graduate Institute, Tools for Building Spoken Language Systems

VoiceXML FORUM* First Annual Users Group Meeting

"Voice Browser"* Expand Web Access

Tellme* World's Largest Voice Application Network

IBM Voice ViaVoice Speech Recognition Technology

MICROSOFT Voice Game Voice

DRAGON Dictate NaturallySpeaking Version 5.0

KURZWEIL Reading Information About Speech and Language Products

*VoiceXML is receiving wide adoption as an HTML-like language for creating telephone-based speech recognition dialogs.
* The W3C Voice Browser group is 1) working to further VoiceXML; and, 2) investigating natural language extensions.
*Tellme presents a development studio, tools, and hosting (all free; a toll-free number is included). Students can develop and post an Internet voice-interactive application. Calls can try it. If it gets great reviews Tellme will even put it on their voice portal at 800-555-TELL.