
Contributions in Books

Klinger, A., Fu, K., Kunii, T. eds., Data Structures, Computer Graphics and Pattern Recognition, NY : Academic Press, 1977.
Tanimoto, S., Klinger, A. eds., Structured Computer Vision, NY: Academic Press, 1980.
Klinger, A. ed., Human Machine Interactive Systems, NY: Plenum Press, 1991.

Klinger, A., and Brown, T., "Allocating Unreliable Units to Random Demands," Stochastic Optimization and Control, Karreman, H. ed., NY: J. Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1968, 173-209.
Klinger, A., "Sequential Decisions with Randomly Many Stages," Computing Methods in Optimization Problems, Vol. 2, Zadeh, L., Neustadt, L., and Balikrishnan, A. eds., NY: Academic Press, 1969, 187-197.
Klinger, A., "Patterns and Search Statistics," Optimizing Methods in Statistics, Rustagi, J. ed., NY: Academic Press, 1972, 303-339.
Rhodes, M. Klinger, A., "Modifying Graphics Images," Data Structures, Computer Graphics, and Pattern Recognition, Klinger, A., Fu, K., Kunii, T. eds., NY: Academic Press, 1977, 385-412.
Klinger, A., "Data Structures and Pattern Recognition," Advances in Information Systems Science, Vol. 7, Tou, J. ed., NY: Plenum Press, 1978, 273-310.
Omolayole, J., and Klinger, A., "A Hierarchical Data Structure Scheme for Storing Pictures", Pictorial Information Systems, Chang, S., Fu, K. eds., NY: Springer-Verlag, 1980, 1-39.
Klinger, A., "Searching Images for Structure," Structured Computer Vision, Tanimoto, S., Klinger, A. eds. , NY: Academic Press, 1980, 151-167.
Rhodes, M. L., and Klinger, A., "Conversational Text Input for Modifying Graphics Facial Images," Fuzzy Reasoning and its Applications, Mamdani, E., Gaines, B. eds., Academic Press, 198l , 273-287; International Journal of Man-Machine Studies., 9: 653-667, 1977.
Klinger, A., "Computer System Organization for Pictorial Data," Picture Engineering, Kunii, T., Fu, K. eds., NY: Springer-Verlag, 1982, 24-32.
Klinger, A., "Multi-resolution Processing," Multi-resolution Image Processing and Analysis, Rosenfeld, A. ed., NY: Springer-Verlag, 1984, 77-85.
Klinger, A., "Data Structures", The Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Meyers, R. ed., NY: Academic Press, 1987, 125-135; revision Vol. 5, 43-56, 1992; revision, 3rd Edition, 2000, accepted.
Klinger, A. and Pizano, A., "Visual Structure and Data Bases," Visual Database Systems, ed. by Kunii, T. L., NY: North Holland, 3-25, 1989.
Klinger, A., "Recent Advances in Syntactic Pattern Recognition," Bhatkar, V. and Rege, K. M., eds., Frontiers in Knowledge-based Computing, New Delhi, INDIA: Vedams Books International, 1991.
Pizano, A., Cardenas, A., and Klinger, A., "Communicating with Pictorial Databases," Klinger, A., ed., Human Machine Interactive Systems, NY: Plenum Press, 1991, 61-88. Klinger, A., "Mnemonic Assistance,"Klinger, A., ed., Human Machine Interactive Systems, NY: Plenum Press, 1991, pp.89-102.
Klinger, A., letter, in Burke, J. editor, "I Hear America Reading - Why We Read ... What We Read," Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Heinemann, 1999.

Contributions in Journals and Conference Proceedings

Articles in Journals

Klinger, A., "Approximate Pseudo-inverse Solutions to Ill-Conditioned Linear Systems," J. of Optimization Theory and Applications, 2: 117-124, March 1968.
Klinger, A., and Mangasarian, O., "Logarithmic Convexity and Geometric Programming," J. of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 24: 388-409, November 1968.
Klinger, A., "Stochastic Allocation and System Analysis," Trans. on System Science and Cybernetics, SSC-5: 207-214, July 1969.
Klinger, A., "On Optimum Stochastic Allocation," Management Sciences: Theory 16:208-210, 1969.
Klinger, A., "Control with Stochastic Stopping Time," Int. J. of Control, 11: 541-549, 1970.
Klinger, A., "Pattern Width at a Given Angle," Comm. of the ACM, 14: 15-20, 1971.
Alexandridis, N., Klinger, A. "Walsh Orthogonal Functions in Geometrical Feature Extraction," IEEE Trans. on Electromagnetic Compatibility, EMC-13: 18-25, 1971.
Klinger, A., Kochman, A., Alexandridis, N., "Computer Analysis of Chromosome Patterns: Feature Encoding for Flexible Decision Making," IEEE Trans. on Computers, C-20: 9, 1014-1022, 1971.
Alexandridis, N. A., and Klinger, A., "Real-Time Walsh-Hadamard Transformation," IEEE Trans. on Computers, C-21: 3, 288-292, 1972.
Valenzuela, W., Klinger, A., McDonald, J., "Pattern Recognition Applied to Monitoring Waveforms," IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Engineering, BME-33: 1, 18-24, 1975.
Klinger, A., "Recent Computer Science Research in Language Processing," Amer. J. of Computational Linguistics, 12: 3, 2-25, 1975.
Klinger, A., Dyer, C. , "Experiments on Picture Representation Using Regular Decomposition," Computer Graphics and Image Processing: 5, 68-105, 1976.
Klinger, A., "Artificial Patterns," IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering,. SE-3: 301-306, 1977.
Alexandridis, N., Klinger, A., "Picture Decomposition, Tree Data Structures, and Identifying Directional Symmetries as Node Combinations," Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 8: 1978.
Klinger, A., Rhodes, M., To., V., "Accessing Image Data," Policy Analysis and Information Systems, 1978, 171-189.
Klinger, A., and Rhodes, M., "Organization and Access of Image Data by Areas," IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI-1:50-60, January 1979.
Burger, J. R. and Klinger, A. "The Restoration of Space-Variant System Parameters," Policy Analysis and Information Systems, 3, December 1979, 39-54.
Klinger, A. and Rynell, I. "Pattern Recognition Simulation, and Decision-Making," Comunicacion e Informatica, Vol. 2, No. 9, 5-12, Maya, Coyoacan, Mexico City, Mexico, September 1981.
Chock, M., Cardenas, A. , and Klinger, A., "Manipulating Data Structures in Pictorial Information Systems," Computer, November 1981, 43-52.
Chock, M., Cardenas, A. , and Klinger, A., "Database Structure and Manipulation Capabilities of a Picture Database Management System (PICDMS)," IEEE Trans. on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, PAMI-6, 4, July 1984, 484-492.
Klinger, A., and Fox, W., "Point Data Analysis," Computers and Graphics, 12, 3, 1988, 557-564.
Bourbakis, N., and Klinger, A., "A Hierarchical Picture Coding Scheme," Pattern Recognition, 22, 3, 1989, 317-329.
Bourbakis, N., Alexopoulos, C., and Klinger, A., "A Parallel Implementation of the Scan Language," International J. on Computer Languages, Pergamon Press, 1989, 1-16.
Pizano, A., Klinger, A., and Cardenas, A., "Specification of Spatial Integrity Constraints in Pictorial Databases," IEEE Computer, 22, Dec. 1989: 59 - 71.
Baraghimian, G.A., and Klinger, A., "Preference Voting For Sensor Fusion," Proc. of SPIE - The Int. Soc. Optical Engineering, Aerospace Sensing, 1990, SPIE. 1306, Sensor Fusion III, 46 - 57.
Klinger, A., " Data Structures for Gigabyte Systems," Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society of Optical Engineering, 2410 Aerospace Sensing, 1995, 66-76.
Klinger, A., "Data Structures", The Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology, Meyers, R. ed., NY: Academic Press, 2000; revision, to appear.
Klinger, A. and Pizano, A., "Visual Structure and Data Bases," Visual Database Systems, ed. by Kunii, T. L., NY: North Holland, 3-25, 1989.
Klinger, A., and Salingaros, N., "A Pattern Measure," Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 2000, 27-4, pp. 537-547, July 2000.
Klinger, A., Stempell, C., "Cubes - Visual and Data Structure Methods," submitted, American Mathematical Monthly, July 2000.

Notes and Articles in Proceedings

Klinger, A., "Vector-Valued Performance Criteria," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, AC3: 1, 117-118, 1964.
Klinger, A., "Identification from Aperiodic Discrete-Time Data and Estimation of Exponential Parameters," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, AC11: 10, 763-764, 1966.
Klinger, A., "The Vandermonde Matrix," American Mathematical Monthly, 74:5, 571-574, 1967.
Klinger, A., "Improper Solutions of the Vector Maximum Problem," Operations Research, 15:5-6, 570-572, 1967.
Klinger, A., "Generalized Functions and a Delay-Integrator with Negative Feedback," IEEE Trans. on Education, E-10: 9, 173-175, 1967.
Klinger, A., "Continuous Control with Stochastic Stopping Time," Proc. Joint Automatic Control Conference, 626-633, June 1967.
Klinger, A., and Groner, G., "Comments on 'A Cascade Relation for Orthonormal Functions'," Proc. IEEE, 55:1771-1772, October 1967.
Klinger, A., "Control with Random Stopping," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, AC-12: 12, 779-780, 1967.
Klinger, A., "Prior Information and Bias in Sequential Estimation," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, AC-13:2, 102-103, 1968.
Klinger, A., "Discrete Stochastic Control at Nonhomogeneous Poisson Times," Proc. Second Annual Princeton Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, IEEE-68-CT, 304, March 1968.
Klinger, A., Brown, T., "Problem: Monotonicity of Two Functions," SIAM Review, 10: 452, 1968.
Klinger, A., "Every Norm is Not Logarithmically Convex," IEEE Transactions on System Science and Cybernetics, SSC-5: 7, 250-251, 1969.
Klinger, A., Miller, A., "Noise, Radar Moving-Window Detectors, and False Returns," IEEE Trans. on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, AES-5: 11, 996-998, 1969.
Klinger, A., "Generating Functions, Difference-Differential and Partial Differential Equations," IEEE Trans. on Education, E13: 7, 46-48, 1980.
Klinger, A., and Sugiyama, H., "Some Mathematical Models for the Determination of Optimal Searching Policies in Nuclear Medicine Tumor Detection," Proc. Third Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, January 1970, Honolulu, 517-520.
Klinger, A., and Sugiyama, H., "Computer-Aided Scanning," Pre-Prints of Papers for IFAC Kyoto Symposium on Systems Engineering Approach to Computer Control, August 1970, Kyoto, Japan, 615-618.
Rynell, I., and Klinger, A., Simulation Research on Some Effective Scanning Strategies for Tumor Detections," Proceedings of the Tokyo AICA Symposium on Simulation of Complex Systems, September 1971, H-3/1-H-3/9.
Klinger, A., and Satterfield, J., "Stimulant Drug Treatment of Hyperkinetic Children: Data Analysis," Proceedings of the Fifth Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science: Supplement on Computers in Biomedicine, 166-169, January 1972.
Klinger, A., and Keludjian, G., "A Proposal for On-Line Feature Detection and Extraction," Proceedings of Computer Image Processing and Recognition,University of Missouri, Columbia, 2, 14-3-1 to 14-3-6, August 1972.
Klinger, A., "Heuristic Programming and Artificial Intelligence," The UCLA Computer Science Department Quarterly, 1, 2,:37-42, April 1973.
Klinger, A., and Rynell, I., "An Investigation of Some Principles of Simulation and Their Application to a Biomedical Pattern Recognition Problem in Radio-Isotope Scanning," Proc. 1973 Summer Computer Simulation Conference, 781-787, July 1973.
Klinger, A., "Data Structures and Pattern Recognition," Proc. First International Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, Washington, D. C., IEEE, N. Y., 73CHO821-9C, 497-498, October 1973.
Klinger, A., "Pattern Recognition Programs with Level Adaptation," Proc. 1973 IEEE Conference on Pattern Recognition, 89-91, December 1973.
Klinger, A., "Regular Decomposition and Picture Structure," Proc. International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, IEEE, N. Y., 74CHO908-4 SMC, 207-310, Oct. 1974.
Wall, R., Klinger, A., Castleman, K. R. "Analysis of Image Histograms," Proc. Second Int. Joint Conference on Pattern Recognition, Copenhagen, Denmark, 341-344, August 1974.
Klinger, A., "Sampling Images: Search Statistics and Computer Pattern Recognition," Proc. Computer Science and Statistics: 8th Annual Symposium on the Interface, Health Sciences Computing Facility UCLA., Los Angeles, 439-446, February 1975.
Hooper, R., and Klinger, A., "Artificial Pattern Generation," Proc. Conference on Computer Graphics, Pattern Recognition, and Data Structure, Los Angeles, IEEE, N. Y., 75CHO981-1C, 38-43, May 1975.
Weiner, J., and Klinger, A., "Scheduling Processor Commands for Picture Display on a CRT Graphic Console," Proc. Conference on Computer Graphics, Pattern Recognition, and Data Structure, Los Angeles, IEEE, N.Y., 75CHO981-1C, 228-231, May 1975.
Klinger, A., "Data Structures and Pattern Recognition," Proc. of the American-Hungarian Joint Seminar on Pattern Recognition, Hungarian Academy of Science, 1975, 73-100.
Klinger, A. "Chairman's Preface," Proc. Conference on Computer Graphics, Pattern Recognition, Data Structure, Los Angeles, IEEE, NY 75CHO981-1C, ii, May 1975.
Klinger, A., "Artificial Data Bases," Classification Automatique Et Perception Par Ordinateur, 1976, Diday, E. H. and Lechevellier, Y. eds. 261.
Klinger, A., "Data Structures and Pattern Recognition," Classification Automatique Et Perception Par Ordinateur, 1976, Diday, E. H. and Lechevellier, Y. eds. Rocquencourt, IRIA, September 1975-May 1976, 263.
Klinger, A., Rhodes, M. L., and Omolayole, J. "Image Data Organization," Proc. of the San Diego Biomedical Symp., 15, Martin, J. I. ed., Academic Press, NY, 1976, 175-179.
Wall, R. J., Klinger, A., and Harami, S. " An Algorithm for Computing the Medial Axis Transform and Its Inverse," Proc. 1977 Workshop on Picture Data Description and Management, IEEE Computer Society 77CH1187-4C, Piscataway, N.J., 1977, 121-2.
Klinger, A., "Data Structures & Pattern Recognition," IEEE Trans. Software Engineering, SE-3, No. 2, March 1977.
Klinger, A., Rhodes, M. L., and Glenn, W., "General View Imagery From Orthogonal Planes," Proc. San Diego Biomedical Symposium, 1978,
Klinger, A., "Symmetry in Visual Symbol Sets," Proc. Fourth International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 1978.
Rhodes, M. L., Glenn, W., and Klinger, A. "Interactive Volume and Surface Isolation Using Tomographic Data," Proc. San Diego Biomedical Symposium, 1978,387-391.
Rhodes, M. L., and Glenn, W., and Klinger, A. "Three Dimensional Structure Isolation Using Parallel Image Planes," Proc. Fourth Int. Conference on Pattern Recognition, Kyoto, Japan, 1978.
Klinger, A. "Recognizing CT-Radiologic Patterns - The Man-Machine Interface," Proc. of MECO '78, The Panhellenic Society of Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Athens, Greece, 1978.
Abdoshshah, K., and Klinger, A., "Weighted Line Finding Algorithm," Proc. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers: Image Understanding Systems, 205, 102-107, 1979.
Merjanian, S. V., Klinger, A. and Lyman, J. "An Operator-Aiding Manipulator Control System," Proc. 17th IEEE Conference on Decision Control, 1418-1422, 1979.
Klinger, A., "Computing on Image Data," Proc. 15th IBM Computer Science Symposium, Tokyo, Japan, September 1981.
Klinger, A., and Preston, K. "Image Processing Computer Using Three-Dimensional Cellular Architecture," Proc. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Technical Symposium East, 1982.
Klinger, A., and Preston, K. "Target Tracking by Three-Dimensional Cellular Logic," Proc. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, 45-1 - 45-12, 1982.
Klinger, A., Alexandridis, N., and Reynolds, G., "Minimal Quadtrees," Proc. 7th Int. Conf. Pattern Recognition II, IEEE 84CH2046-1, 814-817, Montreal Canada, July 1984.
Klinger, A. "Artificial Intelligence Research: Computer Vision," The AI Magazine, Vol. 6, Fall 1985, 215.
Klinger, A., Bassett, E., and Fox, W., "Models and Primitives from Point Sets" Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision, Vol. 521, Casasent, D. and Hall, E. L. eds., International Society for Optical Engineering - Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers, ISBN 0-89252-556-8, January 1985 176-183.
Klinger, A., "Search Processes for Applications of Artificial Intelligence", Applics. of Gilmore, J. ed., Artificial Intelligence, Soc. Photo-Opt. Instr. Engrs. SPIE 548, ISBN 0-89252-583-5,1985, 166-168.
Paul, J., Kilgore, T.E., and Klinger, A., "New Algorithms for Automated Symmetry Recognition," Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision, Sixth Volume, SPIE Proceedings Volume 848, Bellingham Washington: International Society of Optical Engineering, 1987.
Bourbakis, N.G., Klinger, A., and Lewis, C., "An Efficient Implementation Scheme for the Scan Language," IEEE Workshop on Languages for Automation, NY : Computer Society Press, 1987, 103-106.
Baraghimian, G.A., and Klinger, A., "Hexagonal Decomposition: A Data Structure for Planar Image Tesselation," Proc. IEEE Conf. on Systems Man and Cybernetics, NY: IEEE, 1987.
Baraghimian, G.A., and Klinger, A., "Space and Time Requirements for Two Image Data Structures," Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 1002, Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision, 1988, 514-523.
Klinger, A., "Data Structures for Gigabyte Systems," presented July 1994, Proceedings Workshop on Gigabyte Image Processing and Visualization - Challenges and Opportunities, Argonne National Laboratory, 1994.
Klinger, A., "Fundamental Information Technology Concepts " Workshop on Information Technology Literacy, Irvine, Californa, January 14-15, 1998, Computer Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council.
Klinger,A., "Experimental Validation of Learning Accomplishment," Proceedings Frontiers in Education, 1997, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Postscript, presented to the conference.
Klinger, A., "Fostering Widespread Computer Related Innovation," America in the Age of Information, 1995.
Klinger, A., "Data Structures for Gigabyte Systems," Proceedings of SPIE -The International Society of Optical Engineering, Aerospace Sensing, 1995, SPIE. 2410, 66-76.
Klinger, A., "Course Development in Computer Science Design," Proceedings of Frontiers in Education 1999, San Juan, November 1999; presented to the conference.
Klinger, A., Finelli, C., "Classroom Procedures," to appear Proceedings of Frontiers in Education 2000, Kansas City, October 2000.

Technical Reports

Klinger, A. "Coupling Matrices and Vectors in Programming Problems", Electronics Research Lab., Berkeley, Report 63-17, Aug. 1963.
Klinger, A. "Initial Values for Sequential Estimation", JPL Space Programs Summary, Vol. III, #37-30, 23, 1965.
Klinger, A. "Sequential Estimation of Doppler Data." JPL Space Programs Summary, Vol. III, #37-30, 23, 1965.
Brown, T.A., Klinger, A. "Calculating the Value of Bomber Defense Missles," Rand Corp., RM-5302-PR, May 1965 (Secret).
Klinger, A. "Control with Stochastic Stopping Time," Rand Corp., RM-5342, Sept. 1967.
Klinger, A., Brown, T.A. "Allocating Unreliable Units to Random Demands, Rand Corp., RM-5302-PR, abridged, Nov. 1967.
Klinger, A., "Graphs Comparing Allocations of Unreliable Units," Rand Corp., RM-5484, Dec. 1967.
Klinger, A. "Natural Language, Linguistic Processing, Speech Understanding: Recent Research and Future Goals," Rand Corp., R-1377-ARPA, Dec. 1973.
Klinger, A. "Readings in Structural Pattern Recognition", ASUCLA Student Store, 1978.
Klinger, A, Atlas, A., Bond, J.W., White, B.B. "Computer and Satellite Autonomy," Aerospace Corp., TOR-0082 (1909-62)-2, Oct. 1981.
Klinger, A., Preston, K. "Cellular Processing," Aerospace Corp., TOR-0082 (2902-64)-1, Dec. 1982.
Klinger, A., "Interactive Videodisk Technology - A Survey", Report to JPL, August 1985.
Klinger, A., editor, Klinger, A., et. al., "Soviet Image Pattern Recognition Research," Jan. 1990, Foreign Applied Sciences Assessment Center, Science Applications International Corp., 10260 Campus Point Drive, San Diego, CA 92121, and 1710 Goodridge Drive, McLean VA 22102.
Klinger, A., editor, Computers in Engineering Education and Society, Engineering 98A Course Reader, Academic Publishing Service Associated Students UCLA, 1993.
Cole, R., Fortes, J. and Klinger, A., "International Collaboration in Computer Science and Engineering," 1998, National Science Foundation Report, available at .
Klinger, A., Pattern Analysis, 9-89179-228-7, September 1999, Academic Publishing Service, 2414 Ackerman Union, 310 825-2831, -2276, .
Klinger, A., Computer Science Design Project, 00-3028, March 2000, Course Reader Material, 1141 Westwood Blvd, 310 443-3303.
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