CS 190 and CS 199 Enrollment and Drop Dates
The deadline to add and drop a course for SEAS students is Friday of 4th week of
the term. For the Fall 98 term the deadline to add or drop a course is
October 30th (via URSA).
Regarding 199s, paperwork must first be approved
by Office of Academic Student Affairs, 6426BH. For detailed information
Ms. Jan LaBuda, , Undergraduate Advising, 310 825-2514; or
Ms. Mi Suk Kwon, , CS Academic and Degree Check Counselor, 310 825-0968.
The office can be reached via the web at:
A 199 petition must be submitted to 6426BH no later than noon on Wednesday of
3rd week (Oct. 21) so that the 199 petition can be signed off in
time for the student to file the petition in person at Murphy Hall for
processing by the Oct. 30th add deadline.
Computer Science and Computer Science and Engineering students can use units in
CS 199 or CS 190 equally as major field electives toward the bachelor's degree.