CS190 - Computer Science Design Project

_ _Number and Title of Course_

_ _Catalog Description of Course_

_ _Instructor_

_ _Required Textbook_

_ _General Objectives_

_ _Specific Objectives_

_ _Major Topics_

_ _Instructional Methods and Techniques_

_ _Assignments for Course_

_ _Evaluation_



_Number and Title of Course:

CS190 - Computer Science Design Project


_Catalog Description of Course:

Basic concepts of design of projects in computer science, including interpretation of specifications, subtasking, design of experiments, data analysis and performance evaluation, cost engineering, reliability, and societal and safety considerations.


Course Prerequisite

Senior standing with adequate background in hardware, software, and computer applications.



Allen Klinger

Office: 3531-H Boelter Hall Office phone: (310) 825-7695

Office Hours: M 2-3, W 3-4, Th 4-5, and by appointment

Department phone: (310) 825-1322

e-mail address: klinger@cs.ucla.edu



_Required Textbook(s)

__ a. A book selected by the students to meet their needs.

_ b. Supplementary material and lecture notes.


_General Objectives

__ 1) Develop student exposition and oral presentation capability;

_ 2) Introduce team work and deadlines in a realistic way;

_ 3) Foster independent creative work with computers;

_ 4) Lead students into self-analysis of their own project contributions.


_Specific Objectives

__ 1) Develop a project description.

_ 2) Create a technical goal and meet it in a limited time by creating subtasks.

_ 3) Use weekly project reports, oral presentations to accelerate creative work.

_ 4) Participate in a dialog with other projects.

_ 5) Develop business and management skill.


_Major Topics

__ 1) Choosing an analysis, hardware design, programming or other approach.

_ 2) Forming a project team: recruiting partners.

_ 3) Creating a realistic schedule and working to finish defined subtasks.

_ 4) Integrating sections into an overall report.

_ 5) Developing verbal and visual skills.


_Instructional Methods and Techniques

__ 1) The class meets twice a week for ten weeks: each meeting day involves two one-hour periods with a ten minute break.

_ 2) Student presentations take place throughout the ten weeks.

_ 3) Ten to thirty minutes are reserved each day there is a class meeting for discussions between group partners.

_ 4) The last session during finals week facilities for demonstrating software are brought to the room by campus service groups so that presentations can be more vivid.


_Assignments for Course

__ 1) Readings from a student-selected project-related book or world wide web materials.

_ 2) Reading from newspapers, information technology periodicals, and Internet sources.

_ 3) Readings from a student-selected non-project-related book or world wide web source to foster inquiry and growth.

_ 4) Presentation of material from 3) to class using visuals composed for the talk.

_ 5) Presentation of two individual project-related talks to the class.



__ 1) Midterm and Final Project reports - submitted by the project teams.

_ 2) Class participation.

_ 3) Communications from project team partners.

_ 4) Assessment by peers about the project's merit.



Class attendance is and essential part of the course: it is used in determining grades.

Office hour visits at least once each term.

Participation in the finals week project demonstrations.


Exams and Assignments:

The project and documenting what was done toward its completion is the only formal assignment; there are usually no exams.


Course Evaluation:

Grades depend on midterm and final project reports (team contributions), attendance and participation, and oral presentation of a non-project visually-oriented topic.


Honor Policy

: A project offers the opportunity to work together, to talk with peers about the effort you and your partners have undertaken, and to benefit on a long-term basis from the formal course assignment and requirements. Students learn by reading each other's work. Everyone is required to submit a sealed letter expressing anything meaningful about the team contribution by all the partners of that individual.


Makeup, Deadline Revision:

This will take place only if there is an emergency. Any variation from the established schedule can cause an incomplete grade to be given.


_COURSE OUTLINE (tentative)


Week Number ... Activity

1. Introduction to Project Work

Sample Project Descriptions

Forming Project Teams

Course Completion Specifications

Project Recruiting Presentations

2. The Statement of Work

Sample Work Statements

Individual Reading and Reporting to Teammates

User Need Determination

Inquiry and Project Presentations

3. Project Management Tools

Weekly Progress Reports

Creating a Project Title

Presentation Basics

Inquiry and Project Presentations

4. Creating a Project Title

Work Ownership Rights

Creating a Visual

Written Reporting

Inquiry and Project Presentations

5. Analysis as Evidence

Proof, Program, Hardware, and Data

Writing Specifications

From Individual Contributions to Group Report

Inquiry and Project Presentations

6. The Draft Project Report

Design as Creative Decision-Making

Marketing Tools


Inquiry and Project Presentations

7. The Proposal

Technical Quality

Budgeting Procedures

Creating a Concise Communication Tool

Inquiry and Project Presentations

8. Attribution and Ethics


Patents and Copyrights

Timeliness and Relevance

Inquiry and Project Presentations

9. Personal Rapport in Technical Communication

Demonstrations and Sales Pitches

Assessing Quality

Assuming a Role within a Group

Inquiry and Project Presentations

10. Successful Completion

Perseverance and Learning

Critical Processes to Support Improvement

Choosing a Group Marketing Style

Inquiry and Project Presentations

11. Project Demonstrations


Sample instructional materials may be viewed at:



Grant ID 169

general_description.html GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE

klinger@cs.ucla.edu CURRENT EMAIL ADDRESS


HTTP://www.cs.ucla.edu/csd-lanai/fweb/cs190 MOST CURRENT URL FOR COURSE