10/11/99 Version | Nonprofit Organizations | www.cs.ucla.edu/~klinger/goodwill.html |
Net Aid. Read the L.A.Times 10/9/1999 article.
The Technical Horizon The Institute for the Future, Foresight Institute, and Rand [e.g., via reports on Delphi in the SEL library Rand repository], all combine experts' opinions. Investigate group support web-based software, the impact of computer networking on the evolution of information, or another topic using these as starting points.
Partially-Sighted Aiding involves using technology to improve functions for people with disabilities. For example, world-wide web browsers present problems for users who work with Braille, but sound output could be very useful to them. People with partial sight could benefit from a system that involves a web site with audio links. Contact Kate Rosloff Center for the Partially Sighted 310 458-3501.
Astronomy Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory or simply JPL is a source of visual images about stars and planets. Projects on speeding data processing, creating educational projects using their sources are either needed or have been done recently and could be augmented as the start of a new effort.
Venice Family Clinic This organization provides medical
services for a large community. To find out about the projects they need
help with contact Jennifer Palembas