Newly Found **************************** T - Top 10
Kagan, Neil and Hyslop, Stephen, The Secret History of World War
Carter, Angela, Nights at the Circus
Fagone, Jason, The Woman Who Smashed Codes: A True Story of Love,
Spies, and the Unlikely Heroine Who Outwitted America's
Beatty, Paul, The Sellout
McDonnell, Michael A., Masters of Empire
Tsukiyama, Gail,
The Samurai's Garden: A Novel
McKissack, Patricia, Sojourner Truth: Ain't I a Woman?
Coates, Ta-Nehisi, Between the World and Me
Coates, Ta-Nehisi, The Beautiful Struggle
Modiano, Patrick, Missing Person, Dora Bruder
Keyi, Sheng, Death Fugue
Padura, Leonardo transl. by Kushner, Anna The Man Who Loved
McKenzie, Elizabeth, The Portable Veblen
Kahneman, Daniel, Thinking, Fast and Slow
Danler, Stephanie, Sweetbitter
Goldberg, Paul, The Yid
Lish, Atticus, Preparation for the Next Life
Shacochis, Bob, The Woman Who Lost Her Soul
Sahota, Sunjeev, The Year of the Runaways
Gellhorn, Martha, Travels With Myself and Another: A Memoir
Brandt, Harry; Price, Richard, The Whites
French, Tana, Faithful Place, The Secret Place
Bloom, Harold, Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human
Hynes, Samuel, The Unsubstantial Air: American Flyers in the First
World War
Luiselli, Valeria, Faces in the Crowd
Hamid, Mohsin, Moth Smoke, How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising
Osnos, Evan, Age of Ambition: Chasing Fortune, Truth, and Faith
in the New China
Chung, Donald, The Three Day Promise
Tartt, Donna, The Goldfinch
Moya, Horacio Castellanos, The Dream of My Return, Tyrant Memory
Godden, Rumer, Gulbadan
Kenneally, Christine, The Invisible History of the Human Race
Shteyngart, Gary, Super Sad True Love Story, Little Failure
Hayes, Terry, I Am Pilgrim
Lewis, Michael, The Undoing Project, A Friendship That Changed
Our Minds
Kushner, Rachel Flamethrowers, Telex from Cuba
Leonard, Elmore, Pronto; Riding the Rap
Slahi, Mohamedou Ould, Guantanamo Diary
Rovelli, Carlo, Seven Brief Lessons on Physics
Hundley, Norris, The Great Thirst: Californians and Water,
Bulawayo, No Violet, We Need New Names
Godwin, Peter, The Fear
Packer, George, The Unwinding
Eng, Tan Twan, The Gift of Rain
Rosenthal, Norman E., The Gift of Adversity
Isaacson, Walter, The Innovators
Dirks, Nicholas B., Castes of Mind
Beatty, Paul, Hokum, The Sellout
Nesbo, Jo, The Snowman
Seierstad, Asne, One of Us
Sheers, Owen, I Saw a Mam
Hannah, Kristin, The Nightingale, Firefly Lane,
Night Road, Home Front
Kalanithi, Paul, When Breath Becomes Air
Ellenberg, Jordan How Not to Be Wrong
Wheelan, Charles, Naked Statistics
Clarke, Arthur C. and Pohl, Frederik
The Last Theorem
Munroe, Randall, Thing Explainer
A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.
Mlodinow, Leonard, The Drunkard's Walk - How Randomness Rules Our
Lives; Euclid's Window; Feynman's Rainbow: A Search for Beauty in
Physics and Life
Tammet, Daniel, On Life, Love, Meaning, and Math
Arnold, V., M. Atiyah, P. Lax, and B. Mazur, eds.,
Mathematics: Frontiers and Perspectives, American Mathematical Society, 1999.
Casti, John, Five Golden Rules: Great Theories of 20th Century
Mathematics-and Why They Matter, John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
Devlin, Keith, Mathematics: The New Golden Age, Columbia
University Press, 1999.
Devlin, Keith, The Language of Mathematics: Making the Invisible
Visible, W. H. Freeman, 1998.
Yuki, Hiroshi and Gonzalez, Tony, Math Girls
Diaconis, Persi and Graham, Ron, Magical Mathematics: The
Mathematical Ideas that Animate Great Magic TricksT
Graham, R., Rothschild, B., Spencer, J.H., Ramsey Theory, John Wiley
and Sons, NY, 1980.
Posamentier, Alfred S., Lehman, Ingmar, Pi: A Biography of the
World's Most Mysterious Number, Prometheus Books, Amherst NY, 2004.
Bellman, Richard, Eye of the Hurricane
Other's On Mathematics
Tarjan, Robert Endre, Data Structures and Network Algorithms
Conway, J.H., Sloane, N.J.A. Sphere Packings, Lattices and
Groups (Third Edition), 1998.
Sloane, N.J.A.,
"The Sphere Packing Problem,"
Scientific American,
250, pp. 116-125, Jan. 1984.
Davis, Philip J., The Mathematical Experience
Kaplan, Michael and Ellen, Chances Are ... Adventures in Probability
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas, Fooled by Randomness
Mazur, Barry, Imagining Numbers - Particularly the Square Root of
Minus Fifteen, Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
Kaplan, Robert and Ellen, The Art of the Infinite - The Pleasures
of Mathematics, Oxford University Press.
Berlinski, David, The Advent of the Algorithm: The Idea that Rules the
Randall, Lisa, Warped Passages, Unraveling the Mysteries of the
Universe's Hidden Dimensions
DerbyShire, John,
Prime Obsession - Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in
du Sautoy, Marcus, The Music of the Primes: Searching to Solve the Greatest
Mystery in Mathematics
Aczel, Amir D., Fermat's Last Theorem - Unlocking the Secret of
an Ancient Mathematical Problem
Loeb, Arthur L., Concepts & Images - Visual Mathematics
Wilson, Robin, Four Colors Suffice - How the Map Problem Was
Klir, Yuan, Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic (Recommended by D.F.Wallace)
Efron, Brad, The Jackknife, the Bootstrap, and Other Resampling
Plans also see An Introduction to the Bootstrap (coauthored with
R. Tibshirani), as well as "Bring on the Girls" E&S Caltech
Sabbagh, Karl, The Riemann Hypothesis, The Greatest Unsolved
Problem in Mathematics
Scientific & Technical
Clarke, Richard A. and Knake, Robert K., Cyber War - The Next
Threat to National Security and What to Do About It
Goldacre, Ben, Bad Science - Quacks, Hacks, and Big Pharma Flacks
Miscellaneous Sources:
Grossman, Vasily No Beautiful Nights
Catmull, Ed, Creativity Inc.
Spence, Jonathan, The Search for Modern China
Nadeau, Jean-Benoit, Barlow, JulieThe Story of Spanish
Lines, Malcolm E., Think of a NumberT
Dubner, Stephen J, Turbulent Souls: A Catholic Son`s Return to His Jewish Family
Overholt, William, Asia, America and the Transformation of Geopolitics
Hitchens, Christopher, Hitch-22
Atkinson, Rick, The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe 1944-45
Atkinson, Rick, An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa 1942-43
Atkinson, Rick, The Day of Battle: the War inSicily and Italy 1943-44
Axelrad, Josh, Repeat Until Rich, A Professional Card Counter's
Chronicle of the Blackjack Wars
Baker, Nicholson Human Smoke: The Beginnings of
World War II, the End of Civilization
Weiner, Tim, Legacy of Ashes, The History of the CIA
Haass, Richard, Foreign Policy Begins at Home: the Case for
Putting America's House in Order
Hoffman, David E., The Dead Hand, The Untold Story of the Cold
War Arms Race and its Dangerous Legacy
Lowenstein, Roger The End of Wall Street
Bouton, Jim Ball Four
Tatsumi, Yoshihiro A Drifting Life, translated by Taro
Shook, John, Managing to Learn - Using the A3 Management
Process to Solve Problems, Gain Agreement, Mentor, and Lead 138
Miyamoto, Musashi The Book of Five Rings
Flam, Faye, The Score: How the Quest for Sex Has Shaped the
Modern Man
Keen, Andrew, The Cult of the Amateur, How Today's Internet Is
Killing Our Culture
Turner, Fred, FROM Counterculture to Cyberculture
Greene, Brian, Fabric of the Cosmos
Dawkins, Richard The Selfish Gene
Weeks, Jeffrey R., The Shape of Space, 2nd Edition
Sebeok,Thomas, A Sign Is Just a Sign
Tufte, Edward, The Visual Display of Quantitative
Information; also see Envisioning Information, Visual
Paul, Doris A., The Navajo Code Talkers, Pittsburgh PA:
Dorrance, 1973
Winchester, The Meaning of Everything
Torgovnik, Jonathan, Bollywood Dreams
Hendrickson, Paul, Sons of Mississippi
Ferguson, Kitty, Tycho & Kepler
Wilson, Colin, The Outsider ('56); Ritual in the Dark ('60)
Sonnenfeldt, R. Witness to Nuremberg
Mayer, Jane,
The Dark Side: The Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned Into a War on American Ideals
Pan, Philip P.,
Out of Mao's Shadow
Langewiesche, William, American Ground
Platt, Anthony, Bloodlines: Recovering Hitler's Nuremberg Laws
Lippman, Laura, And When She Was Good
Glanz, James, Lipton, Eric, City in the Sky - The Rise and Fall of
the World Trade Center
Lawrence, Paul R., Nohria, Nitia, DRIVEN, How Human Nature
Shapes Our Choices.
Carlin, George, Hendra, Tony Last Words - A Memoir
Walker, Gabrielle, An Ocean of Air - Why the Wind Blows and Other
Mysteries of the Atmosphere
McNeil, Legs, McCain, Gillian, Please Kill Me: The Uncensored Oral History of Punk
Mullio, Cara and Jennifer M. Volland,
ISBN: 0940512394
Kurson, Robert, Shadow Divers; Crashing Through - A True
Story of Risk, Adventure and the Man Who Dared to See
Friedel, Robert, A Culture of Improvement: Technology and the Western Millennium, MIT PRESS, historian Univ. of MD.
Lanier, Jaron, Who Owns the Future?
Hosseini, Khalid, A Thousand Splendid Suns,
Aamodt, Sandra, Wang, Sam Welcome to Your Brain - Why You Lose
Your Car Keys But Never Forget How to Drive and Other Puzzles of
Everyday Life
Pollan, Michael Eater's Manifesto
Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer, Heat and Dust
Federman, Mark Russ, Russ & Daughters
Haigh, Jennifer, News From Heaven, The Bakerton Stories
Saunders, George, Tenth of December
Mantel, Hilary Wolf Hall
Hamid, Mohsin, How to Get Filthy Rich in Rising Asia, The Reluctant
Chabon, Michael, Telegraph Avenue
Holzer, Harold, Lincoln at Cooper Union: The Speech That Made
Abraham Lincoln President
Keckley, Elizabeth, Behind the Scenes
Larson, Erik, In the Garden of Beasts: Love, Terror, and an American Family in
Hitler's Berlin
Chiaveri, Jennifer, Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker
Akunin, Boris, The Diamond Chariot, The Winter Queen
Pagels, Elaine, The Gnostic Gospels; Visions Prophecy, and
Politics in the Book of Revelation
Matthiessen, Peter, The Snow Leopard
DeLillo, Don, Underworld
Keilson, Hans (tr. by Searis, Damion) The Death of the Adversary,
Comedy in a Minor Key, Straus & Giroux 2010; Life Goes On
Black, Benjamin, Death in Summer
Rendell, Ruth, Tigerlily's Orchids
Light, Alan, The Holy or the Broken, Leonard Cohen, Jeff Buckley &
the Unlikely Ascent of 'Hallelujah'
Larson, Erik, In the Garden of Beasts
Bezmogis, David, The Free World, Natasha and Other Stories
Brands, H.W., American Colossus - The Triumph of Capitalism,
Twain, Mark, Roughing It
Steinsaltz, Adin, The Thirteen Petalled Rose
Robb, Graham, Parisians - An Adventure History of Paris
Godden, Rumer, Gulbadan: Portrait of a Rose Princess at the Mughal Court
Shafak, Elif, The Forty Rules of Love: A Novel of Rumi
Rattigan, Terence, Collected Plays
Banville, John, The Infinities, Kepler, The Newton Letter, Doctor
Niffenegger, Audrey, The Time Traveler's Wife
Gulick, Amy Salmon in the Trees
Shapiro, Dani, Slow Motion
Moore, Alan, Watchmen (Graphic Novel)
Frankel, Victor Man's Search for Meaning
Molina, Antonio Mun~oz, Sepharad, A Manuscript of Ashes
Alexander, Caroline, The Endurance
Haygood, Wil, Sweet Thunder
Lattimore, Richmond, tr. The Iliad
Barry, Sebastian, The Secret Scripture
Enright, Anne, Yesterday's Weather
Felstiner, John, Can Poetry Save the Earth?: A Field Guide to Nature Poems
Chang, Leslie T., Factory Girls: From Village to City in a
Changing China
Bechdel, Alison Fun Home
Lehane, Dennis, The Given Day
Blanning, Tim, The Pursuit of Glory, Europe 1648-1815
Herring, George C., From Colony to Superpower, U.S. Foreign
Relations Since 1776
Sanchez, Thomas, Rabbit Boss, Mile Zero, King
West, Rebecca, Black Lamb and Grey Falcon, Survivors in
O'Brien, Tim, The Things They Carried
Li, Yiyun, The Vagrants
Henestrosa, Andres Morales, Portrait of My Mother; The Men
Scattered by Dance
Benfey, Christopher, The Great Wave
Golabek Mona, Cohen, Lee,
The Children of Willesden Lane: Beyond the Kindertransport: A Memoir of Music, Love, and Survival
Kershaw, Ian, Hitler, A Biography
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi, The Thing Around Your Neck, Yellow
Campbell, Joseph, The Masks of God
Ferguson, Niall, The Ascent of Money - A Financial History of
the World
The Arabian Nights
Lieven, Dominic, Russia Against Napoleon
Middlebrook, Diane Wood Anne Sexton: A Biography, Suits Me: The
Double Life of Billy Tipton, Her Husband: Hughes and Plath, a Marriage
Kirino, Natsuo Out
Brown, Dan Inferno
Genre - Crime, Children's - & Current Interest:
Ione Skye Lee My Yiddish Vacation
Thomas, Evan, Ike's Bluff
Vogel, Ezra, Japan as Number One, Deng Xiaoping and the
Transformation of China
Morris, Errol, A Wilderness of Error
Kelly, John, The Great Mortality
Rubenfeld, Jed, The Death Instinct
Meyer, Christopher, Kirby, Julia, Standing on the Sun: How the
Explosion of Capitalism Abroad Will Change Business Everywhere
Ciezadlo, Annia, Day of Honey - A Memoir of Food, Love and War
Bowden, Charles, Dreamland
Conrad, Barnaby The Second Life of John Wilkes Booth
Parker, T. Jefferson, Iron River, A Novel
Zinsser, William, On Writing Well
Rathbone, John Paul, The Sugar King of Havana
Navarro, Peter, The Coming China Wars
Estabrook, Barry, Tomatoland
Judt, Tony, Ill Fares the Land
Schulz, Kathryn, Being Wrong
Caro, Robert, The Power Broker, The Path to Power, Means of Ascent
Gjelten, Tom, Bacardi and the Long Fight for Cuba - The
Biography of a Cause
Gellman, Barton, Angler - The Cheney Vice Presidency
Sanger, David E. Inheiritance - The World Obama Confronts and
the Challenges to American Power
MacFarquhar, Neil, The Media Relations Department of Hizbollah
Wishes You a Happy Birthday - Unexpected Encounters in the Changing
Middle East
Brzezinski, Zbigniew and Scowcraft, Brent, America and the World - Conversations on the Future of American Foreign Policy
Weinberg, Steven, The First Three Minutes
Susskind, Ron, The Way of the World - A Story of Truth and Hope
in an Age of Extremism
Watson, Bruce, Freedom Summer - The Savage Season That Made
Mississippi Burn and Made America a Democracy
Tygiel, Jules, Baseball's Great Experiment: Jackie Robinson and
His Legacy Oxford Univ. Press, 1983 [also 2000, 2002 re
The Great Los Angeles Swindle: Oil, Stocks and Scandal in the Roaring Twenties
Oxford (1994), Ronald Reagan
Shaver, Russ and Donohue, George, Terminal Chaos: Why U.S. Air
Travel Is Broken and How to Fix It (2008)
Ware, Willis H., RAND and the Information Evolution, A History
in Essays and Vignettes (2008)
Robotham, Michael, The Night Ferry, Lost
Friedlander, Saul, The Years of Extermination: Nazi Germany and the Jews, 1939-1945
Hilberg, Raul, The Destruction of the European Jews
Howe, Daniel Walker, What Hath God Wrought: The Transformation
of America, 1815-1848
Fossum, Karin Calling Out for You
Smith, Alexander McCall, The Perfect Hamburger, Portugese Irregular Verbs
Batuman, Elif, The Possessed - Adventures With Russian Books and
the People Who Read Them
Hinton, S. L., The Outsiders
Bernstein, William J., A Splendid Exchange - How Trade Shaped
the World
Stewart, Rory, The Places in Between
Wright, Lawrence, The Looming Tower - Al Qaeda and the Road to 9/11
Guidi, Chen and Chuntao, Wu transl. by Hong, Zhu, Will The Boat
Sink the Water - the Life of China's Peasants
Cotterill, Colin, Anarchy and Old Dogs; The Coroner's Lunch;
Thirty-Three Teeth; Disco for the Departed
Halevi, Yossi Klein, Like Dreamers
Dumas, Firoozeh,
Laughing Without an Accent: Adventures of an Iranian American, at Home
and Abroad
Sheeler, Jim, Final Salute
Schama, Simon, The Story of the Jews - Finding the Words 1000
BC - 1492 AD
Atkinson, Kate, When Will There Be Good News?, Case Histories, One Good Turn, Behind the Scenes at the Museum
Graff, Garrett M., The First Campaign: Globalization, the Web
and the Race for the White House
Blyth, R. H., Zen in English Literature and Oriental Classics
Allen, Steve, How to Be Funny
Anderson, Chris, The Long Tail, Why the Future of Business is
Selling Less of More
Wallerstein, Judith, The Good Marriage: How and Why Love Lasts
O'Driscoll, Erin, The Complete Book of Isometrics: The Anywhere,
Anytime Fitness Book and
Exercises For Arthritis: A Safe And Effective Way To
Increase Strength, Improve Flexibility, Gain Energy,
And Reduce Pain
with Field, P., Peck, J., and Hubbell M.D.
Petrone, Elaine,
The Miracle Ball Method: Relieve Your Pain, Reshape Your Body, Reduce
Your Stress, [2 Miracle Balls Included]
Vertrees, J. D., Gregory, Peter, Japanese Maples
Chesshire, Charles, A Practical Guide to Japanese Gardening
Reinfeld, Fred, 1,001 Winning Chess Sacrifices and
Li, Yiyun Kinder Than Solitude
Gladwell, MalcolmOutliers: The Story of Success
Rosengarten, TheodoreAll God's Dangers: The Life of Nate Shaw
Beaty, DanielKnock Knock; Transforming Pain to Power
Jackson, Shirley, The Haunting of Hill House, We Have Always Lived
in the Castle
Smiley, Tavis My Journey With Maya
Jahren, Hope My Lab Girl
Gilbert, Elizabeth, i>
The Boys in the Boat: Nine Americans and Their Epic Quest for Gold at
the 1936 Berlin Olympics by Daniel James Brown: