Course Development in Computer Science Design
This paper concerns new procedures devised for a stimulating creative
accomplishment by undergraduate students. The methods employed involve a wide
range of educational technologies, and include flexibility for participant
choices. The individuals in the eleven offerings to date (as many as
thirty-five in a single term) have mainly been seniors in computer science.
The course has objectives of furthering participant ability to
communicate. Students gain experience with presentations, composing visuals,
dealing with questions, taking part in group discussions, and in developing
technical report writing skills. They also are lead to inquire and reach
out by library, internet, and personal interaction with potential users
of the products they design.
The methods discussed in the talk include ways to further group interaction.
Students are subtly encouraged to regard the class as an entity. This is
done by the instructor adopting a 'guide on the side' stance, no grade
being assigned to oral exposition, and giving only feedback-grades to
written work prior to the submission of the team project.
Electronic mail, complex use of the world wide web, availability in the
university library of volumes compiled from professional and student
work by the instructor, and multiple surveys of class participants
generate a sustainable cooperation-dynamic. Forms and methods will be
presented to illustrate what has been done over the past four years at