Self-Directed Work

9/3/98 Version

Working on something that you choose can begin by reading up on a subject. Different standards apply to M.S. and Ph.D. research, but in all cases it is essential to keep the faculty supervisor apprised of what you are doing.

The catalog copy describing the courses follows.

596. Directed Individual or Tutorial Studies (2 to 8 units). Prerequisites: graduate standing in computer science, consent of instructor. Petition forms to request enrollment may be obtained from assistant dean, Graduate Studies. Supervised investigation of advanced technical problems. S/U grading.

597A. Preparation for M.S. Comprehensive Examination (2 to 12 units). Prerequisites: graduate standing in computer science, consent of instructor. Reading and preparation for M.S. comprehensive examination. S/U grading.

597B. Preparation for Ph.D. Preliminary Examinations (2 to 16 units). Prerequisites: graduate standing in computer science, consent of instructor. S/U grading.

597C. Preparation for Ph.D. Oral Qualifying Examination (2 to 16 units). Prerequisites: graduate standing in computer science, consent of instructor. Preparation for oral qualifying examination, including preliminary research on dissertation. S/U grading.

598. Research for and Preparation of M.S. Thesis (2 to 12 units). Prerequisites: graduate standing in computer science, consent of instructor. Supervised independent research for M.S. candidates, including thesis prospectus. S/U grading.

599. Research for and Preparation of Ph.D. Dissertation (2 to 16 units). Prerequisites: graduate standing in computer science, consent of instructor. Petition forms to request enrollment may be obtained from assistant dean, Graduate Studies. S/U grading.