Some Computer Science research fields are variations on the themes of Pattern
Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) or its major subarea, Pattern
Recognition (PR): Neural Networks [NN; Artificial NN (ANN)], Data Mining [DM],
Clustering, Search. Practical problems and real-life needs lead to the
interest and activity.
Research in Speech and Language Communications (SLC) is described in CS 276C.
Other Computer Science (CS) and Electrical Engineering (EE) courses are
available to enable specialization or creation of coherent majors in
either speech or language issues. The Department of Linguistics offers
additional resources. Investigating
language offers a radical, non-engineering/non-linguistics,
approach to this domain that is so central to mathematics and computer science.
Images appear everywhere from medicine to physics to social science. The
course CS 276B Structured Computer Vision (SCV) presents material about
computer applications in the pictorial realm.