Self-Directed Work
9/3/98 Version
In this course you work on a task selected in consultation with an
instructor. However the usual situation is that you do work you choose.
(Working on something that you choose can involve reading up on a subject.)
There are two main things that have to be done. The first is to complete a
form available from the SEAS Office of Undergraduate Advising, 6426 Boelter
Hall, and obtain a faculty member's signature approving a paragraph statement
describing what will be done. I generally request email submission of a
draft of that paragraph, and usually comment or revise it. The second is
to turn in two copies of a final report describing the work done. This
is an essential step since no grade is awarded without an accompanying
The catalog copy describing the course follows.
199. Special Studies (2 to 8 units). Prerequisites: upper division
standing, consent of instructor. Individual investigation of selected
topic to be arranged with a faculty member. Enrollment request forms
available in department office. Occasional field trips may be arranged.
May be repeated for credit.