CS 276A Pattern Analysis and Artificial Intelligence Fall 1998

10/6/98 Version

Instructor’s Interests

  1. Vector Optima: Maximizing a scalar is not the only optimum of practical interest. A monograph in Economics titled Portfolio Selection motivates this project area: see note "Vector-Valued Performance Criteria," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, AC3: 1, 117-118, 1964. Economics and Management applications from facilitating auctions (stock trading) to managing risk (derivatives, currency valuations) to financial planning for retirement.
  2. Best Control: (A regulator is a physical control example.) Real systems that change over time: oil refineries, chemical processes, space systems require best control. References "On Optimum Stochastic Allocation," Management Sciences: Theory 16:208-210, 1969; "Control with Stochastic Stopping Time," Int. J. of Control, 11: 541-549, 1970.
  3. Mathematical Pattern Recognition: Online modules showing shape computations. Klinger, A., "Pattern Width at a Given Angle," Comm. of the ACM, 14: 15-20, 1971.
  4. Mathematical Education for Computer Use:Web tools. Visual proofs. Animation. Class computer-facilitated dialogs about problem-solving concepts using diagrams.
    Partial Credit Assessment: Intro. & Table Frontiers In Education, 11/97 "... Validat ... Learning ..."(postscript) UCLA CS Rept. "Experimental Validation ... Accomplishment"

URLs (student 199 projects)



To animate

Pythagorean theorem converse. Devlin, Keith, Mathematics: The Science of Patterns. (The Search for Order in Life, Mind, and the Universe), NY: Scientific American Library, HPHLP Div., 1994, p. 111.