

There are two major research communities concerned with Pattern Analysis: Pattern Recognition (PR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, both Databases and Theory, and many other domains such as Networks, Architecture, Vision, and Speech/Natural-Language are established fields that involve patterns. There are terms in computing like data mining (looking for patterns). Mathematics contains books and papers that equate the entire discipline with the science of patterns. Other tendencies there overlaps mathematical research and exposition with image and graphic communication (visual patterns).

For many reasons the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) publications offer a valuable introduction to Pattern Analysis research, one especially rich in applications. The organization publishes several journals that serve research subfields. A few of them are listed below: One aspect of the IEEE is that they have the largest membership of any professional society. Another is their rapid adoption of new technology. Yet a third is the general access provided through low-cost student membership to a wealth of information. To see some of this go to IEEE Xplore, a dynamic online delivery system for IEEE technical and scientific information.

Art, architecture, language (linguistics, semiotics), religion, and many other human activities also are intertwined with patterns. These publications are non-IEEE sources that use the word in their title:

  1. Alexander C., Ishikawa S., and Silverstein, M., et. al., A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction, NY: Oxford University Press, 1977.
  2. Klinger, A., and Salingaros, N., "A Pattern Measure," Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 2000, 27-4, pp. 537-547, July 2000.

9/26/02 Version Professional
©2002 Allen Klinger