CS 190 Fall 1997 Computer Science Design Project
A. Klinger 3531-H Boelter Office (3532-J Mail Slot) Tues/Thurs 4-6 PM Boelter 4283
Objectives: Learning to work in a group and set one's own goals. Developing 1) skill at transmitting ideas, and 2) fundamental ethical standards. Acting to innovate and to accomplish things in computer hardware, software, or analytic-models. Enabling students to share their knowledge.
Talks and Reports: Each person gives three or more individual talks to the class. While the basic two are on the project, many different starting points for informal talks are below. A first project presentation can be a project idea to recruit partners. A book (see list), math/computer-educational, or web site can be the basis of a talk: computer search results, graphics, word processor spell-checking, etc., improves any of these. At least one talk must show some things done by the speaker. All talks must
help creating the key graded items, a preliminary and a final project report.
Activities and Grades: Developing a personalized ten-week plan of objectives. Selecting reading material. Choosing a project. Creating a common, jointly-prepared/approved work effort culminating in preliminary and final reports and a briefing. Attendance and active participation at course meetings. Contributing to other projects. by comments at talks, and reviews of progress reports and paper drafts. Course grades reflect team results, initiative and work quality; and individual participation.
Initiating a Project: The first three weeks begin with team formation and project selection. Project teams of three or four members begin to address combining different visions of what will be done. Teams can work on coordinated projects, or do the same project independently. Student-originated projects must have instructor-approved of their written description, deliverables, and specifications.
Continuous Requirements: 1. Work with partners to create two high-quality written project reports.
2. Read, write, and compute. Distill that work into presentation material.
3. As an individual prepare and give presentations to the class.
4. Write an individual weekly progress report.
5. At course conclusion submit a letter describing the group experience.
Presentations: The course work involves discussions and talks. Students ask questions about, and comment on, each other's work. Numerous course handouts, reports, figures, suggestions on giving talks, and material on computer innovation appear in the course web site. Everyone must give a talk. from new visuals composed for that purpose. [Students can use computer visual preparation software.]
CS 190 Fall 1997 Computer Science Design Project
A. Klinger 3531-H Boelter Office (3532-J Mail Slot) Tues/Thurs 4-6 PM Boelter 4283
World Wide Web sites enable information-discovery and paper-display.
http:// www.sjmercury.com/ San Jose Mercury News
http://wsj.com/ Wall Street Journal
http://nytimesfax.com/ N Y Times
http://www.usatoday.com/ U S A Today
http://www.washingtonpost.com/ Washington Post
http://www.latimes.com/ L A Times
http://www.msnbc.com/ M S N B C
http://www.pathfinder.com/ Time People etc.
http://www.NetPlay.com Net Play
http://www.nist.gov National Institute Standards and Technology
http://www.amsci.org/amsci American Scientist
http://www.cs.ucla.edu/csd-lanai/fweb/cs190 CS 190 Course
http://www.yahoo.com/ Yahoo!
http://altavista.digital.com AltaVista BigYellow
http://www.technolinkassoc.org Technolink Association
http:www.medicinenet.com MedicineNet
http://www.insure.com Insurance News
http://www.reel.com/cinemau Cinema U
Allen Klinger "Experimental Validation of Learning Accomplished"
CS 190 Computer Science Design Project
A. Klinger Fall 1997 Boelter 4283
There are different ways to start a project. This section is an overview of approaches you can take.
1. Innovation or Assignment. Innovation represents a project based on ideas that you and your fellow students suggest.
1) Write out your idea, the first sketch (email is ok).
2) At least one person gives a short talk in class describing the task.
3) Each person creates their own draft project description (short title, sentence or two, specific thing he/she will do).
4) All work to combine the drafts of the prospective participants.
5) At least two people present the combined project description draft to instructor.
2.a Work to Satisfy a Client A project based on a real customer's needs is the theme here. Although you compose a work statement based on the steps in 1. the process is easier because you are also working for someone who has a task or problem. Potential client-based projects involve non-class discussions with the instructor. Available times: Mon/Wed 3-6 Fri 2-5, by appointment. Detail about a.-d. is below.
2.b Extend a Project A project can reformulate ideas below. Revise the statements using steps in 1.
3. Partially Sighted Kate Rosloff 720 Wilshire, Santa Monica 310 458-3501 x135
4. Jet Propulsion Lab Steve Pravdo <shp@temblor.jpl.nasa.gov> 818 354-3131
5. Widney High Dorothy Klinger 2302 S. Gramercy Place, LA 213 731-8633
6. Math Proposal Mo Chatterji <mounitra@elrond.sp.trw.com> 310 813-0453
Ernesto Carlos <Ernesto_Carlos@es.xerox.com> 310 333-3633
To create a project description details and specific deliverables must be added to something like the following project examples. They give broad overviews of what is to be done. Any project you plan to work on should be described in writing in a similar manner immediately by all the prospective team members. A meeting with the instructor by two or more of the team members is the next step. When the project description draft is approved, the people involved are able to proceed with their chosen topic.
CS 190 Fall 1997 Computer Science Design Project
A. Klinger 3531-H Boelter Office (3532-J Mail Slot) Tues/Thurs 4-6 PM Boelter 4283
3. Partially-Sighted Web-Site Aiding involves creating improved computer software for people with disabilities. Audio-Extended Web Browser. World-wide web browsers, present problems for users who work with Braille and sound output. Many people have partial sight. They could benefit from a system that involves a web site with audio links. Contact Kate Rosloff at the Center for the Partially Sighted.
4. Near Earth Asteroid-Tracking (NEAT). Caltech's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) needs computer support since data is coming in faster than current software can process it. An upgrade caused it to now take all the time between the end of one night and the beginning of the next to locate the moving (in a straight line) entities in the time-adjacent images. Point data is either a star, i.e., a fixed object, or a planetary body, an asteroid, comet or planet. The goal is to detect Near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) and comets more than 1 km in size for scientific study and for hazard-to-the-Earth evaluation. Since Dec. 1995, 6-12 nights each month, data has been obtained but a recent upgrade resulted in a factor of 2.5 increase in sky coverage to 300 square degrees per night: a typical night yields 10 GB of image data - which usually yields 100 asteroids.detected, one a possible NEA. Contact Steve Pravdo at JPL and see:
5. Web/Internet Virtual Reality Services. Build a new service that finds a niche market and enables its community to gain access to otherwise unavailable information. One such service (see Widney High, Dorothy Klinger; 2302 S. Gramercy Place, LA; 213 731-8633) is VR Shopping. Create software to imitate a user's shopping based on a profile of interests. Present choices of motion, viewing, and goods-selection in department- and (large, grocery) supermarket-stores. Widney High needs software for individuals with disabilities unable to personally visit a store. But others also need Commerce Support: the Library of Congress, information services like the legal LEXIS, and Project Gutenberg, an on-line set of famous texts in ASCII. Contact Dorothy Klinger at Widney High. See:
6. Computer-Math Education Proposal Interactive Learning is the theme here. Computer- math ability helps in gaining deeper understanding. Filling gaps in the traditional calculus-emphasizing education leads to many possibilities in algebra, number theory, combinatorics, cryptography, etc. Contact Allen Klinger, Mounitra Chatterji or Ernesto Carlos, Jr. See:
.../questions.html .../dorene/title.htm .../navid/index.html
[Files in Spanish are translations by Juan Carlos Sanchez Agrelo <jagrelo@CS.UCLA.EDU>]
CS 190 Fall 1997 Computer Science Design Project
A. Klinger 3531-H Boelter Office (3532-J Mail Slot) Tues/Thurs 4-6 PM Boelter 4283
7. People-Finder Create a new special-purpose computer service or tool. Individuals who have lost relatives have exact data: birthdate, name, knowledge of parents, social security number; that could be used to locate a person or determine if he/she is still alive.
8. Research Administration The R-NET UCLA-IBM partnership. Prototype research administration software. Contact Bob Nidever <BNIDEVER@ocga.ucla.edu> 310 825-7212. See scenarios: http://www.research.ucla.edu/Rnet/
9. Grants Application Grants Partner software to assist faculty/staff in preparing federal grant applications: prints pre-award forms from database; reduces data input; beta Mac version downloadable. Port to PCs. Contact: Dan Hutchinson <DHUTCHIN@ocga.ucla.edu> 310 206-5151. See :
http://www.research.ucla.edu/era/gpbeta.htm .
10. Database Access Software needed to support remote access via the web to a number of small databases using Microsoft Access on a server consisting of a Pentium Pro with 64 megs of ram. Second, improve ability of UCLA web users to locate information residing on department servers ("who's doing what" in research) using existing browser-accessible query forms. Improve the harvest series of (not user- friendly) programs. See:
11. Smart Cards. This technology is in the news now: it involves an integrated circuit embedded in a plastic card. Propose a design to interface this new form of money to existing financial institutions and services. A Re-Chargeable Debit Card would provide government-services (e.g., food stamps) on a secure basis to only the designated individual. Construct software for recharging the card. Do something similar for Creditable Freeway-Access Card, a card for freeway entry along the lines of parking structure access. Card balances can reflect off-peak-use credits (and increased rush-hour-use debits). New balances could be earned by public service:, park/school aid, recycling, planting trees, etc.
12. City Geographic Information. Use Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) in urban planning. Traffic-Flow: software to display information to an urban planner. Support:s setting traffic signals, widening roads, building parks, new bikeways, landscaping. Jitney System: software to evaluate route costs, to plan mini-van versus auto transport. Assume short wait times at boarding points. Place economic value on wait-time, distance to routes, and long-range mobility (combining with rail/light-rail). Find costs and feasibility from three hub destinations, LAX, Westwood, Downtown. Generate figures from a computer model you build/run.
CS 190 Fall 1997 Computer Science Design Project
A. Klinger 3531-H Boelter Office (3532-J Mail Slot) Tues/Thurs 4-6 PM Boelter 4283
Planning and Internet
Lumsdaine(s) Creative Problem Solving, McGraw-Hill, 1995.
Ulrich/Eppinger Product Design and Development, McGraw-Hill, 1995.
DeForest,T., Inventor's Guide to Successful Patent Applications, McGraw-Hill, 1988.Dern The Internet Guide for New Users, McGraw-Hill, 1995.
Lynch, Daniel C., Rose, Marshall T., Eds., Internet System Handbook, Addison-Wesley, 1993.
Thomas, B., The Internet for Scientists and Engineers, SPIE/IEEE Press, 1996.
Graham The HTML Sourcebook, Wiley, 1997; also see http://www.hprc.utoronto.ca/HTMLdocs/NewHTML/htmlindex.html
Wells, W., Working With Congress - A Practical Guide for Scientists and Engineers, AAAS, 1996.
Brams, S., Taylor, A., Fair Division .. Cake-Cutting to Dispute Resolution, Cambridge Univ. Pr., 1996.
Fisher, R., Ury, W., Getting to YES, Houghton Mifflin, 1981.
Cohen, H., You Can Negotiate Anything, Lyle Stuart, 1980.
Business and Marketing
Merrill, R., Sedgwick, H., The New Venture Handbook: Everything You Need to Know to Start and Run Your Own Business, Revised, AMACOM/American Management Association, 1993.
McKeever, M., How to Write a Business Plan, 4th ed., Nolo Press, 1992.
Moore, G., Crossing the Chasm: Marketing/Selling .. Products to Mainstream .., HarperCollins, 1995.
Starting a Company, Patents
Kushell, J., No Experience Necessary, Random House, Inc., 1997.
Siegel, M., How to make a fortune on the internet, Harper Perennial, 1997.
Gillis, T., Guts & Borrowed Money, Bard Press, 1997.
Dawson, G., Borrowing to build your Business, Upstart Publishing Company, 1997.
Anawalt, H., Enayati, E., IP Strategy - Complete Intellectual Property Planning, Access and Protection, Clark Boardman Callaghan,1996.