
Whether by use of the world wide web, email, listservers, or through digital images, the 190 and 199 courses reflect technology that didn't exist even a few years ago. Was the material helpful? Did students benefit from exposure to timely newspaper articles? To comment please click here Send Email.

In progress items were used to convey the excitement and opportunity offered by participating in the work of the University. Vigorous questioning occurred at the classroom visit of Velo Sork, patent attorney employed by UCLA Sponsored Research. It exceeded dialogue at the many excellent st udent presentations, and the interest stimulated making available Excerpts Re Patents.

Another item made available grew out of a professional discussion at a National Academy of Science meeting. For more detail see Information Technology Literacy.

A position paper suggests building on two U.S. strengths. The first is Americans' willingness to accept technology. The second is the multi-ethnic nature of U.S. society. For detail about world change and information technology see Fostering Widespread Computer-Related Innovation.

Search engines and listservers led to: a) newspaper and other articles ; and other material to support gaining skill at Regular Documentation . Were these items useful?