The principal mark of genius is not perfection but originality, the opening of new frontiers. - Arthur Koestler

Men of lofty genius when they are doing the least work are most active. - Leonardo da Vinci

Persistent people begin their success where others end in failures. - Edward Eggleston

An expert is a person who avoids small error as he sweeps on to the grand fallacy. - Benjamin Stolberg

Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress. - Thomas A. Edison

Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. - Thomas A. Edison

I never did a day's work in my life; it was all fun. - Thomas A. Edison

The more original a discovery, the more obvious it seems afterward. - Arther Koestler

Man's mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original dimensions. - Oliver Wendell Holmes

If I have ever made any valuable discoveries, it has been owing more to patient observation than to any other reason. - Isaac Newton

If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it? - Albert Einstein

The best way to have a good idea is to have lots of ideas. - Linus Pauling

Every now and then go away, have a little relaxation, for when you come back to your work your judgment will be surer. Go some distance away because then the work appears smaller and more of it can be taken in at a glance and a lack of harmony and proportion is more readily seen. - Leonardo Da Vinci

The community as a whole doesn't listen patiently to critics who adopt alternative viewpoints. Although the great lesson of history is that knowledge develops through the conflict of viewpoints. - Walter Gilbert

When a true genius appears in the world you may know him by this sign: that all the dunces are in confederacy against him. - Jonathan Swift

The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it. - Alan Saporta

When Alexander the Great visited Diogenes and asked whether he could do anything for the famed teacher, Diogenes replied: 'Only stand out of my light.' Perhaps some day we shall know how to heighten creativity. Until then, one of the best things we can do for creative men and women is to stand out of their light. - John W. Gardner

As regards intellectual work, it remains a fact, indeed, that great decisions in the realms of thought and momentous discoveries and solutions of problems are only possible to an individual working in solitude. - Sigmund Freud

The world in general doesn't know what to make of originality; it is startled out of its comfortable habits of thought, and its first reaction is one of anger. - W. Somerset Maugham

Every advancement in science has issued from a new audacity of imagination. - John Dewey
12-3-13 Version Genius