This page contains (at the end) web-based material concerning
mathematics and computer education. It begins with information about
a video resource that I would like to utilize to expand the existing
items (see Math Education Pointers, Odd ... Solids, Odd ... Numbers
Hypermedia Laboratory: Personnel, Location
The Hypermedia Laboratory is an on campus resource. It is under the
direction of Prof. Fabian Wagmister, UCLA School of Theater Film and Television.
Joel 825-8698
Jeff Burke 45358
Melnitz (not East Melnitz) 1469A;
Mezzanine Level, North East corner of Melnitz, Laboratory TV Studio below it.
Descriptive Email Message
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 ... From: "Joel Schonbrunn" ... Subject: Project possibilities ...
Some of the projects are posted for viewing on the
Hypermedia Studio Intranet. Please take a look and let us
know what you think. I have also created a listserv at the
hypermedia studio to simplify the communications between our two
groups. The Listserv address is
and the URL for the webpage is:
Our intranet is a fairly organic beast, and changes structure
as our project matures, so I might change the URL to better
locate the material.
Please post any questions about the projects to the listserv,
so that everyone can share in your discussions.
I look forward to working with all of you!
-Joel (Joel Schonbrunn, 310-825-8698, Technical Director:, Hypermedia Studio at UCLA,;
Text page:;
Reply to:
Recommended Source
A book I asked the Hypermedia personnel to evaluate for its potential for
development visually for tv is:
Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure
(Translated by Michael Henry Heim, Illustrated by Rotraut Susanne Berner)
NY: Metropolitan Books, Henry Holt and Company, 1998.
Potential Funding UC-Program to Foster Industry-University Cooperation
Subject: UC DIGITAL MEDIA INNOVATION GRANT PROGRAM $ ... Date: 16 Sep 1998 ... (DiMI)
Attention: Faculty conducting research in Digital Media (e.g. Technologies,
Applications, Knowledge Based Systems, Database and Media Content Development).
President Atkinson's Industry-University Cooperative Research Program
is accepting proposals for the Digital Media Innovation Program (DiMI). DiMI
is a University/Industry matching grant program that, in partnership with
California industry, supports early stage, pre-production research, ranging from
basic to proof-
of-concept in digital media. DiMI fosters both advances in the underlying techn
ologies of digital multimedia and in those scientific, technical, and content-r elated fields that will drive new digital media applications. All proposals must be accompanied by a binding letter of intent from a private sponsor. Private Sponsors pay half the project costs, but may be trea ted as if they have paid the full cost of the project when it comes time to neg otiate for intelle ctual property rights. Full Proposals with binding letters of intent from Industry partners ...
DiMI, part of President Atkinson's Initiative for Industry-University
Cooperative Research, has $1.5 million in UC funds available in fiscal year 19
98-99 to fund approximately 15 to 25 proposals. Awards are expected to range f
rom $50,000 to $250,000 (in DiMI funds) for one- to two-year periods. In the first round,
approved proposals ranged from $35,387 to 37,639 in DiMI funding, and $2,895,9
86 in total funding (including private sponsors contributions) for one or two y
ear periods. Awards must be matched at least $1:$1 by private sponsors.
Any University of California researcher with principal investigator s
tatus may submit a proposal. An Executive Committee composed of representative
s from each UC campus will make final funding decisions based on evaluations of
peer reviewers.
Math Education Pointers
Dorene Lau
Also see:
Debbie Ka puzzle material formerly at:
can be added to this web site. (Student assistance is needed.)
Items Available From This Site
Birds on a Wire
Baseball Arithmetic
Strange Cancellation
Half of Eleven
Nine Dots Four Lines
Nine Apples Four Baskets
Circular Pizza Pie Eight Equal Pieces
Two Siblings
Sequence Completion
Here the last refers to the sequence involving 16 to different number bases,
the references:
This material could be the basis of work to assist a teacher doing a K-12 unit
on computer-math. A related problem statement is:
What's next in this sequence?
10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20, 22, 24, __?
(Merwyn Sommer contributed the problem. Hint: it pertains to math in the
computer world.)
and you can find that with the url:
The following I've at least one URL that shows my basic style for a test
question: one right answer, one wrong answer, one wrong but possibly
right (if you don't really know the subject).
Half of eleven. (pointer to Pizza
problem) copy the text (Gavin Wu transcribed what I told him in order to
make up this jpg :
Nine Apples Four Baskets.
Odd Viewed from Solids
In the first century A.D. the question How can the cubes be represented
in terms
of the natural numbers? was answered by the statement: Cubical numbers
always equal to the sum of successive odd numbers and can be represented
way. For example,
1^3 = 1 = 1
2^3 = 8 = 3 + 5
3^3 = 7 + 9 + 11
4^3 = 13 + 15 + 17 + 19
Determine why this is so. Find the odd decomposition of 7^3.
Odd as a Numeric Quality
How can you place nine apples in four baskets so there is an odd number of
apples in each?