
Klinger, A. ed., Human Machine Interactive Systems, NY: Plenum Press, 1991. (Particularly, Klinger, A., "Mnemonic Assistance," ibid., pp. 89-102.)


Baraghimian, G.A., and Klinger, A., "Preference Voting For Sensor Fusion," Proc. of SPIE - The Int. Soc. Optical Engineering, Aerospace Sensing, 1990, SPIE. 1306, Sensor Fusion III, 46 - 57.


Klinger, A., "Vector-Valued Performance Criteria," IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, AC-3: 1, 117-118, 1964.

Klinger, A., "Improper Solutions of the Vector Maximum Problem," Operations Research, 15: 5-6, 570-572, 1967.