Internet Exposition, Visualization, and Assessment
Allen Klinger, © 1/30/2002

Abstract: for 10-13 July 2002, Vienna International Symposium on Integrating Technology into Mathematics Education -

Organized by Austrian Center for Didactics of Computer Algebra in cooperation with the Institute of Mathematics at the University of Vienna.

Computer algebra systems relate to applied science in diverse ways. Yet mathematical structures reveal underlying truths, not the physical systems they model. Historic choices of notation constrain large populations to relative ignorance. This paper presents ways to overcome mathematical anxiety, indeed, instead stimulate active learning. The method is technology-based, depending on software (markup languages) and hardware (computer networks). The paper presents a many year set of experiences in preparing material and applying them in classes, individual directed studies, and for interaction with professionals (presentations, informal discussions). The conclusion concerns both quantitative and anecdotal evaluation of learning accomplished. The paper makes a case for the applicability of novel assessment strategies in technology-based delivery of mathematical knowledge (e.g., via distance learning forms of programmed instruction).