CS 239: Tools and Environments for Developing Big Data Analytics, Winter 2018 

Instructor: Dr. Miryung Kim (BH 4532H)
    Lectures: Mondays and Wednesdays 12PM to 1:50 PM, ENG 6, Room 472 
    Office Hours: By appointment only

General Description

An abundance of data in science, engineering, national security, and health care has led to the emerging field of big data analytics. To process massive quantities of data, developers lever- age data-intensive scalable computing (DISC) systems in the cloud, such as Google’s MapReduce, Apache Hadoop, and Apache Spark. While DISC systems help to address the scalability challenges of big data analytics, they also introduce new challenges in developing, debugging, and testing applications. Because of ultra-large scale data, it is clearly infeasible for developers to read through the production data apriori and design test inputs for their application. This problem is exacerbated by the fact that data is originating from diverse sources and is often unstructured, ill-formatted, and schema less. When errors (e.g., program crash, outlier results, etc.) arise, developers cannot easily find a subset of the input data that is able to reproduce the problem. Furthermore, while running big data analytics, it is challenging for users to understand performance implications. 

In this class, we discuss recent advances in tools and environments for developing big data analytics with focus on software tooling, environment, and system stacks. The topics include:
  • data science and engineering practices: studies of professional data scientists, quality issues in big data systems, example big data system stacks at large software companies
  • data intensive scalable computing with focus on Apache Spark 
  • methods for interactive and automated debugging of big data analytics
  • methods for testing big data analytics
  • provenance techniques for explaining the outputs of big data analytics
  • techniques for performance understanding and debugging
  • environments for resource management and scheduling for cluster computing and cluster virtualization 
  • stream processing
  • heterogenous programming models and languages for data center applications
  • interactive data wrangling techniques

Audience and Prerequisites

This is a seminar class geared towards PhD students. If you are a master student, this class is not suitable for you. The only exception will be those who will be doing a master's thesis or capstone project in the research area of software engineering. This class is intended for PhD students to research recent advances in tools and environments for developing big data analytics. For example, if you are not comfortable with reading academic research papers (2-4 papers per week and each of them is 12+ pages), this class will be challenging for you to keep up. A significant portion of your grade will be based on your ability to articulate your own in-depth analysis of research papers.

If you are unsure of your qualifications, please contact the instructor, who will determine whether this course is right for you. Regardless of your current registration status, I suggest you should try to get an "okay" from me---this is to ensure that you can keep up with this class and to provide you early information on whether I believe you have adequate knowledge. Please email me your CV, unofficial transcripts, your status in a graduate program, and the description of your current research project with your advisor. I will get back to you soon. If you can make your email title to be [CS239 Winter 2018: Qualification Inquiry], I can easily notice the email and will get back to you soon.

If you would like to learn about basic statistics, machine learning, and data mining, this may not be the class you want, because this class is not about teaching data science and it is about tools, system stacks, programming models, and environments relevant to big data systems and cloud computing.

Important Notes Before Registering for This Course

Class Schedule and Reading List

This google spreadsheet is read only and will be updated as we progress in the class.


Project and Assignments: 50%
In Depth Analysis of Papers and In-Class Discussion: 50% 

Tool Demonstrations and Co-Teaching

Part A. Tool Demonstration: This class will emphasize the use of tools for big software data analytics. Each team will create a set of toy examples, on-line tutorials, and live in-class demonstration to teach tools and environments used for developing big data analytics. A tool demonstration should consists of 15 minute overview based on the corresponding paper followed by 25 minute demonstration. The presentation will be done individually.

Part B. Paper Presentation: Each person will discuss the assigned paper to discuss recent advances related to the lecture's topic. Each presentation should be about 30 minutes long. The presentation will be done individually. After the presentation, you should lead an in-class discussion with your fellow classmates.

Project Assignment

The course project will involve hands-on-experience of developing big data software analytics in Apache Spark. The assignments will be done in a sequence of 4 assignments.  More details to follow through CCLE.

Reading Questions

Please download the above paper from CCLE. Please consider the following points as you read the papers.
  •     Cool or significant ideas. What is new here? What are the main contributions of the paper? What did you find most interesting? Is this whole paper just a one-off clever trick or are there fundamental ideas here which could be reused in other contexts?
  •     Fallacies and blind spots. Did the authors make any assumptions or disregard any issues that make their approach less appealing? Are there any theoretical problems, practical difficulties, implementation complexities, overlooked influences of evolving technology, and so on? Do you expect the technique to be more or less useful in the future? What kind of code or situation would defeat this approach, and are those programs or scenarios important in practice? Note: we are not interested in flaws in presentation, such as trivial examples, confusing notation, or spelling errors. However, if you have a great idea on how some concept could be presented or formalized better, mention it.
  •     New ideas and connections to other work. How could the paper be extended? How could some of the flaws of the paper be corrected or avoided? Also, how does this paper relate to others we have read, or even any other research you are familiar with? Are there similarities between this approach and other work, or differences that highlight important facets of both?

Class Discussion: Think-Pair-Share

How Does It Work?
1) Think. The teacher provokes students' thinking with a question or prompt or observation. The students should take a few moments (probably not minutes) just to THINK about the question.

2) Pair. Using designated partners (such as with Clock Buddies), nearby neighbors, or a deskmate, students PAIR up to talk about the answer each came up with. They compare their mental or written notes and identify the answers they think are best, most convincing, or most unique.

3) Share. After students talk in pairs for a few moments (again, usually not minutes), the teacher calls for pairs to SHARE their thinking with the rest of the class. She can do this by going around in round-robin fashion, calling on each pair; or she can take answers as they are called out (or as hands are raised). Often, the teacher or a designated helper will record these responses on the board or on the overheads

Presentation grading scheme

Class Policy

  • If you are interested in taking the class, please come to the class continuously and participate in all required activities. I can provide PTE. 
  • If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to catch up the class through your classmates. Please do not expect the instructor to respond individual inquiries on how to catch up. 
  • Since many students sign up for classes with the intent to drop later, in the first month, I will be collecting information about your qualification and your intent to stay in the class through attendance/ presentation sign-up/ quiz/ in-class Q&A information.  In other words, please do not assume that you are enrolled for the class, just based on the class registration status.
  • Sometimes, a class schedule may be shifted inevitably. Your sign-up is based on the paper not by the date, so please be prepared to discuss the paper +/- a few days from your original presentation date.
  • This document is created for keeping track of student enrollment status.